Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 (ABC) - Series Premiere : Synopsis and Review
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Meet June (Dreama Walker, ‘Gossip Girl’). June is a 25, soon to be 26, year old woman who has just moved to New York for her job and who will be marrying her fiancé soon. There is only one problem: she didn’t even get to start her new job because the government froze the company’s assets, and now she is kicked out of her - company owned and now seized by the government - apartment. So, she does the one thing one can do in such a situation: she moves in with the first normal person looking for a roommate. Or so she thinks. It turns out her new roommate Chloe (Krysten Ritter, ‘Breaking Bad’) isn’t actually such a nice, or normal, person. She manages to swindle June for a lot of her money by pretending the rent is higher than it actually is, and has no problems whatsoever with sharing this information with June after she spent the money. Nor does she have a problem with walking around in their apartment naked, with their perverted neighbor staring at her. In fact, Chloe does everything in her power to get June to leave now that she has paid rent. It’s safe to say that the warning June got from the girl in apartment 21, “Don’t trust the b--- in apartment 23”, was appropriate.
But there’s no need to worry, June doesn’t let Chloe get to her that easily. In fact, when Chloe comes home with her BFF James van der Beek (yes, the actual James van der Beek) she finds her furniture is gone. June sold it. As she said: Chloe took June’s money so she figured Chloe owed her. Somehow, this seems to have earned her some respect with Chloe, which is enhanced even more when they go out on a wild goose chase to get Chloe’s ottoman back (which turns out to be filled with pills, but that was to be expected with someone like Chloe). This involved Chloe trying to seduce an old man, quite successfully if I may add, and June threatening Chloe will burn someones house down.
And then, surprise surprise, June’s fiancé Stephen shows up for her birthday. He is currently trying to get his master’s degree in behavioral psychology and therefore he travels with his young test subject Jeremy and Jeremy’s personal nurse Nicole. The next day Chloe comes home and asks Jeremy where everyone is. When he tells her Stephen and Nicole are having a meeting, she suspects something is going on between them, but Jeremy won’t tell her anything. So she does the one thing everyone would do in that situation: she feeds the boy beer until he cracks and tells her about all of Stephens affairs. When Chloe tells June, she obviously doesn’t believe it. So once again, she does the only thing that can be done: she has sex with Stephen on June’s birthday cake so June can catch them and see for herself what kind of person she is engaged to. And as planned, June walks in on them. Chloe explains to her why she did what she did, and all is well between them. They proceed to walk out of a bar without paying for their drinks, Chloe-style.
I liked this show. I really did. It wasn’t great, it wasn’t amazing, it wasn’t always funny and James van der Beek was quite annoying actually (I hope he’s parodying himself because if this is really his personality; I would definitely have to say: ouch). But I still liked this show. It has everything I expected it to have; the good girl and her bitchy roommate. I like how they bonded at the end, I’m a sucker for happy endings between angels and demons. I don’t really understand how James fits into all of this, but I’m sure they’ll find a way to make him a productive character, one way or another. I’m curious to find out how these two will go on together. Will they become friends? Will June find a way to get her life back on track? Will Chloe ever wear a robe? There’s only one way to find out; tune into ABC Wednesdays at 9:30/8:30c!