Studies for the Acoustic Grid - Oscar Edelstein

Oscar Edelstein and his ensemble, Ensamble Nacional del Sur finished their project of a bi-lingual book and two audio CD’s, "Estudios sobre La Grilla Acústica" (Studies for the Acoustic Grid) in 2014.
In the book, Oscar Edelstein lays out ideas for his ideas of “Acoustic Theatre”, where sound has a spatial theatricality that calls upon both the memory and the imagination. Alongside the book are two CD’s composed by Edelstein and played by his ensemble, Ensamble Nacional del Sur.
Multimedia artist, Deborah Claire Procter worked with the composer, and designer Gisela Formoso, to create a book that captures the essence of the music with texts, drawings and photos that orient the listener into the complex multilayered artistic universe of Edelstein’s music.
Now in its third generation, the group have earned a loyal following and rave reviews for their distinctive concerts that deliberately defy easy definition and stylistic pigeon-holing.
Successfully playing to full houses, the Ensamble Nacional del Sur appear in a wide variety of important centres on the music and culture circuits of Argentina and Brazil, including; Centro Cultural Nestor Kirchner, Auditorio Borges - Biblioteca Nacional, Teatro Caras y Caretas, Goethe Institut, Centro Cultural Rojas, Casa de la Cultura, Café Vinilo, La Trastienda, Teatro Payró, Casa de la Cultura del FNA, Centro Nacional de la Música (Buenos Aires); Teatro Argentina (La Plata); Teatro 3 de Febrero (Parana); Centro Parque España (Rosario) and Sala Martins Penna (Brasilia).
“A journey of sound: Studies for the Acoustic Grid - Book II works like an unpredictable journey around a kind of sonorous poetry that neither pushes aside violence nor the maximum subtlety. From the most tenuous and crystalline, up to the real explosion, it is a fundamental disc, for its importance and originality but, especially, for its power of communication.” Diego Fischerman, PÁGINA 12
“With a long career as a pianist and composer, Edelstein is in our country - counting international recognition enjoyed as much as in Latin America as in Europe - almost a "cult" musician. An author difficult to define, in his works come together a surprising amalgam of elements of contemporary classical music, jazz & avant-garde progressive rock... A remarkable double disc... Jorge Garcia, EL AMANTE
Estudios sobre la Grilla Acústica: Libro I (CD 1)
- Second approximation of the History of the Writing of the World
- Labyrinth of the Crystal of the Cathedral of St Monica of the Venison
- Moon bleeding Jackson Pollock in spiral
- The Acoustic Grid in 12 planes
- Fugue of the Black Christ
- The River of Juan Laurentino
Total Time: [53.46]
"It is music in a physical sense, authentic dithyrambic music, simultaneously realized with milimetric precision by the Ensemble that Edelstein directs like one possessed."
Federico Monjeau, CLARÍN

Estudios sobre la Grilla Acústica: Libro II (CD 2)
- STUDY I: First aproximation of the History of the Writing of the World
- STUDY II: Crystal labyrinths dense kaleidoscopes on diminishing perspectives
- STUDY III: In the world listen to the voice of the knife that hurts the moon
- Rhythms emplacements colors in derivative shades: the shadow in the perspective of Vitruvio the architect (STUDY IV, V, VI) STUDY IV: Cristal Sónico, ap 1
- STUDY V: Cristal Sónico, ap 2
- STUDY VI: Cristal Sónico, ap 3
- STUDY VII: Moon bleeding Jackson Pollock
- STUDY VIII:Moon bleeding Jackson Pollock in circles
- STUDY IX: Reliefs constrasting impure perspectives memory navigating future fugues
- EPILOGUE: Requiem to a man from a butterfly
Total Time: [44.53]
“Never have you heard or will you hear again something similar in the city... like the Aleph it contains in its interior all known music & a glimpse of the future. Classical? Popular? Jazz? Tango? It’s impossible to pigeonhole & classify that which knocks down genres but at the same time contains all within something new. The solos of guitar, saxophone, piano & drums let you realise the solid technique & formation of each one of the musicians who stand out brilliantly.” Carlos Ma

“To remember is to make yourself anew. To know is to become rigid. To create is to remember, without knowledge, something that never happened.” Oscar Edelstein
Composer: Oscar Edelstein
Oscar Edelstein - composer, pianist & conductor (Argentina) - known for his originality and inventiveness, he is frequently considered as leading, from Latin America, avant-garde music.
Born in La Paz, Entre Ríos (Argentina), he was formed in composition by relevant Argentina teachers: José Maranzano, Mariano Etkin and Francisco Kröpfl. Having received numerous national and international prices, in 1992 he was the youngest artist to receive the “Antorchas Award” for “Outstanding Artists of the Intermediate Generation” and his career has continued with many awards and commissions.
The committee of the National Fund for the Arts (Argentina) choose by unanimous decision the Awards for Artistic Achievement to personalities that have contributed their talent to the benefit of the national culture. Edelstein was chosen in 2011. Previous years winners have included Jorge Luis Borges, Emilio Pettoruti, Enrique Cadícamo, María Elena Walsh, Silvina Ocampo, Tita Merello, Marco Denevi, Griselda Gambaro and León Ferrari.
In his compositions Edelstein frequently explores the interplay between music and theatre, where voice and speech interplay with music and technology. He has a close connection to theatre and dance having made music for the theatre of Argentina’s most important directors such as Roberto Villanueva, and is also known for his many operatic works; “La Carta Imaginaria” (2014), “El Caballo Fantasma” (2011), “Eterna Flotación: los monstruito’” (commissioned by CETC Centro de Experimentación del Teatro Colón - 2006), “La Teoría Sagrada del Espacio Acústico – Libro I” (2000–2001), “El Tiempo, La Condena” (1999), “El Hecho” (1998), and “Klange, Klange, Urutau” (1997) amongst others.
Edelstein has lead masterclasses and postgraduate studies based on his own works, theories and composition techniques in many of the most prestigious international music institutions, including; Royal College of Music, Guildhall School of Music (London), University of Central England (Birmingham), Royal Northern College of Music & Drama (Manchester), University of Wales (Aberystwyth), University of Music and Performing Arts (Vienna), and the Manhattan School of Music and Columbia University (NYC).
"[ENS] is cult, absolutely original, ultra-powerful & new." Carlos Marín, EL DIARIO

The ENS were created by Oscar Edelstein - Argentinean composer, pianist & conductor - to work as a group of investigation, creation and independent musical production, made up of musicians, composers, artists and technicians. It forms part of the programme of research "Acoustic Theatre."
Edelstein rehearses with the group as if they are a three dimensional score. Training intensively means that this score uniquely lies in the bodies of the musicians with whom Edelstein works.
The concept of a three dimensional grid is another tool that Edelstein uses in order to realise the sound in space.
One of the most interesting composers of the intermediate generation... His obsession for complex sonorous textures and careful control of form are present.
Martín Liut, LA NACIÓN
Piano, Direction & Composition: Oscar Edelstein
Piano & Keyboards: Axel Lastra | Electric & Prepared Guitar: Leonardo Salzano | Drums: Pablo Torterolo | Keyboards & Processes: Mauro Zannoli
Recording Guests:
- (Libro I & II) - Voice: Deborah Claire Procter | Saxophone: Martin Proscia
- (Libro I) - Piano: Ernesto Jodos | Clarinet: Marcelo Moguilevsky
Additional guest instrumentalists: (Libro I) - Musicians for “La Grilla Acústica” - Piano: Maria Laura Antonelli | Drums: Danilo Abad Celleri | Bassoon: Carlos Adriano Herrera | Harmonica: Federico Linari | Saxophone: Rosa Nolly | Flute : SoKo Rodrigo | (Libro II) - Litophone: Damian Anache | Electric Bass: Nahuel Tavosnanska (Libro II)
Recording Engineer: Ricardo Sanz (Soundrec) (Libro I & II) | Recording Assistant: Francisco Rodríguez Amenabar (Libro I & II) | Technical Assistant: Damián Hiller (Libro II)
“[Edelstein’s] works are characterized by transcending the limits between the popular and the academic.”
[Edelstein] writes in the form of an ideogram on the bodies of the interpreters who through their instruments and the grounding of extensive rehearsals, translate a protocol of signs designed by Edelstein. This language is essentially theatrical. The director uses the hands and the body as if it was connected to the musicians by sensors...the piano of Cecil Taylor now resounds in the ENS ...Past and present are constructed in a place of the future. Abel Gilbert, REVISTA OTRA PARTE
Daniel Hernández: Sound Engineer | Natalia Pastrovicchio: ENS Sound Technician | Mauro Zannoli & Axel Lastra: Chief Technicians | Pablo Vera: Technical Assistant | Luis Nesa Zavala: Assistant Conductor | Designer: Gisela Formoso | Emanuel Bonnier: ENS Psychic Assistant

[Edelstein] possesses a formidable pianistic technique…
ILAMS (Iberia and Latin American Music Society, London)
To develop this new musical battle between creation and technology [Edelstein] can count on an invincible instrumental battalion, the ENS... The choice of instruments can easily be associated to the world of rock, but it is only a sound- colour because the group is impelled by Edelstein to explore zones that go much further, for example than the advanced experience of Robert Fripp, the leader of King Crimson.
Martín Liut, LA NACIÓN

ENS Archive
The ENS have built up an extensive track record, performing in most of the key venues of Buenos Aires, Argentina and Brazil.
Here are some of the key performances up until 2009;
- CINCO ESTUDIOS / FIVE STUDIES (2009): Litophone: Damian Anache, Piano & Keyboards: Axel Lastra, Electric Guitar: Fernando Taborda, Electric Bass: Nahuel Tavosnanska, & Drums: Pablo Torterolo.
- LA TEORÍA SAGRADA DEL ESPACIO ACÚSTICO – LIBRO I / THE SACRED THEORY OF THE ACOUSTIC SPACE - BOOK I (2000): Electric Guitar: Richard Arce, Electric & Acoustic Bass: Gerónimo Carmona, Acoustic Piano: Mario Castelli, Keyboards: Mariano Cura, Percussion: Diego Romero Mascaró, & Electric Guitar: Nicolás Varchausky.
- EL HECHO / THE FACT (1998): Electric Guitar: Richard Arce, Acoustic Piano: Mario Castelli, Keyboards: Mariano Cura, Drums: Matías Gonzalez Goytia, Electric & Acoustic Bass: Gonzalo Serrano, Percussion: Pablo Siroti, & Electric Guitar: Nicolás Varchausky. Actors: Paula Ortega, Rodolfo Demarco & Poli Bontas, Images: Julián Teubal & Scenography: Julio Cardoso.
- KLANGE, KLANGE URUTAU (1997): Acoustic Piano: Mario Castelli, Keyboards: Mariano Cura, Drums: Matías Gonzalez Goytia, Bass & Doublebass: Gonzalo Serrano, Percussion: Pablo Siroti & Electric Guitar: Nicolás Varchausky
New Piano Work by Oscar Edelstein
New Three Episode Video Piece by Oscar Edelstein - La Falla en el Sistema
© 2014 Deborah Claire Procter