Getting My Video Feet Wet ~
Updated on October 5, 2012
I present this, my first video hub, with an apology . . . no one I reference in this video sent me any notes, all of them are as unaware of my work in this hub as any of you viewing it, it was all a minor bit of frivolity - my only interest was to experiment with publishing a video hub, I just had to keep myself entertained going about the chore of putting it all together. I hope all, especially those I included in my silliness here, recognize that I'm only kidding and goofing off a bit.
Now, in an effort to make brutally blunt the designed relevance and usefulness of this seemingly too personal and unacceptable hub, please bare with me as I elaborate. There are all manner of writing styles, or voices, just as there all all manner of speaking styles or voices. Writing has the advantage of carefully deliberated over and meticulously chosen words to express an idea but lacks gesture, tone, mannerism, etc, to carry useful information - while spontaneous speaking lacks an opportunity for well deliberated over and too meticulously chosen words but benefits from gesture, tone, mannerism, etc, to carry useful information . . . you can use written sentences to establish and describe tone and attitude for your audience, or they can simply hear and observe tone and attitude.
My plan, in this video, was that it would become clear that as I moved back and forth between serious answers and lighthearted annoyance and jibs at a pretended infatuation with me, that my manner and tone would convey that my annoyance and jibs were indeed as pretended as the infatuation. Dry humor can be tricky to pull-off without offense when writing, and I've had to come clean and explain myself more than a few times - but this experiment was to discover how much less a percentage of folks might assume the worst and how much larger a percentage of folks were 'get' the designed intention, having both the words and the tone as well as their received information.
Of course, laying that all out kind of invalidates the experiment. But, having the hub unpublished by HubPages due to too personal and not sufficient original material kind of dismantles the experiment before it starts. So, if you're reading this, the hub is now not counted as 'too personal' and does have 'sufficient original material' . . . and hopefully, it offers some 'useful' points to consider regarding the distinction of providing tone and attitude between the spoken and the written word. Plus, if you're speaking, you don't have to worry about spelllinj.