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Guy Zhuoqin Yang Is Setting the Record an Award-Winning Indie Filmmaker

Updated on December 25, 2019
Faheem Jee profile image

Guy Zhuoqin Yang has set the record as an award-winning filmmaker.

Guy Zhuoqin Yang Is Setting the Record an Award-Winning Indie Filmmaker

Guy Zhuoqin Yang has set the record as an award-winning filmmaker. His accomplishments for his film The Colorado Street Bridge have won a high level of acclaim in a short amount of time.

The documentary has won a long list of awards and nominations. The film was the award winner of the Moscow Shorts – Documentary Shorts, Bengal International – Health Related Short, Pinnacle Film Awards – Documentary Short, Royal Wolf Film Awards – Best Documentary Short, and Hollywood Sun Awards – Best Documentary Short. The film was the finalist or semi-finalist of Eurasia International Monthly Film Festival – Documentary, Oniros Film Awards – Best Documentary/Documentary Short, to name a few. Besides gaining several awards in 2 years, Yang's documentary film project received the most significant amounts of high scores in over 20 different movie competitive events. The documentary also won the award as a Finalist in 3 competitive events, was a Semi-Finalist in 3 other competitions, and gained Official Selection notoriety in 12 contests worldwide.

Yang told a crowd of documentary enthusiasts a remark that everyone remembers to this very date, "I relish partaking in over-all imaginative independence to tell my story that submerges my thoughts in the genuineness of the documentary I’m making. Each story I film is grounded in actual events, making it a true-life production."

When pursuing a Master’s degree at the New York Film Academy, earlier in his educational career, Yang discovered a love of multiculturalism, the arts, social problems, and current events. Guy, along with his excellent skill in several fields, said his instructors were astonished to see how he seamlessly integrated his areas of focus into new ventures. Yang also talks openly regarding his filmmaking enthusiasm. Although he believes movies can entertain the masses, he finds a more profound significance highlighting human issues that need intervention.

Yang is frank with the problems he had when filming the documentary entitled, The Colorado Street Bridge. "It wasn't really straightforward to create The Colorado Street Bridge Project. My allowance for the entire project was a little less than $2,000.

When asked to tell about his documentary film making journey, he told a reporter, “In my early stage of learning visual storytelling, I put all my concentrations on transforming the mundane reality into cinematic movement. However, I thought the phrase "cinematic movement" was only limited to fancy transitions, and slow-motion like most of the YouTube filmmakers presented. I was absolutely wrong. The essence of visual storytelling is the story itself. The key element that brings visual excitement is through a filmmaker's craft and point of view to reveal the world from a different perspective.”

When asked to explain about some of the issue’s viewers believe about documentaries, Guy explains, "Lots people think documentaries are boring and lack entertainment. It is true if a documentary doesn't tell a story, it is left with a conflict. Lots of narrative films, based on real events, are filled with struggles and watching these stories are entertaining. If the filmmaker crafts a documentary in an appealing way, this decides if the story is enjoyable or not.”

Yang describes he is very candid about his cinematography style as his goal is to serve as a mentor for younger up and coming filmmakers. He uses a wide or ultra-wide lens to portray people and events from a different point of view. He also credits Emmanuel Lubezki, the ASC cinematographer behind works such as Birdman, The Revenant, and Gravity, as a considerable influence.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Faheem


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