Hair Hare Here!
As a topic goes, this is a faily broad topic. Firstly one must ask what is hair?
According to Wikepaedia it is defined as follows:
Hair is a keratinised protein filament that grows through the epidermis from follicles deep within the dermis. Found exclusively in mammals, it is one of the of the defining characteristic of the mammalian class.[1] Though it grows . Although many other organisms, especially insects, show filamentous outgrowths, these are not considered "hair" in the scientific sense. So-called "hairs" (trichomes) are also found on plants. The projections on arthropods such as insects and spiders are actually insect bristles, composed of a polysaccharide called chitin. The hair of non-human mammal species is commonly referred to as fur. There are varieties of cats, dogs, and mice bred to have little or no visible fur. In some species, hair is absent at certain stages of life. The main component of hair fiber is keratin. Keratins are proteins: long chains (polymers) of amino acids
So now we know what hair is (or do we?).
This can describe someone or something which is hairy. An example being, a hairy man,or a hairy thing, such as the Yeti, the Abominable Snowman, or the Sasquatch (Bigfoot).
Posibly BT's fur covered trout fall into this category too.
IT can also mean hair-raising. That is, the hairs on the nape of your neck or arms stand up when you are frightened.
This is an eponym for hair and is a large rabbit-like creature. It is also one of the contributing parents, together with a small antelope, whose goings on created the advent of the Jackelope.
Hair (Again)
This was a covering which I once had atop my my head. At the time of the events related below, I had long luxuriant flower child, type hair with a really bushy mustache which was complemented by brick coloured, Polyester suits (worn with pink or purple shirts and a polka dot tie)!
Hair -The Musical
Hair is also a famous musical of the 70's expressing the flower power, free love era.
I recall being in New York in about 1978 and staying at the Edison hotel, just off Broadway. Attached to this hotel was the Edison theatre. Hair was the production at that time and was into the umpteenth year of its run.
I was at that time was in my early thirties, the product of apartheid South Africa. We had an extremely anal, whites only, society. Magazines such as Playboy or Penthouse were banned. Even Cosmo was a banned publication. Hair, the music, the play and the movie were all victims of the Publications Control Board. and could not be seen or heard in South Africa.
To give you an idea of our extreme control the children's book black Beauty by Anna Sewell, a book about a horse, was banned simply because of the title. A red-faced officials later retracted he ban. Pink Floyd's "Another brick In The Wall" was banned as it was considered a revolutionary song. No women could be shown topless, even in Woman's magazines that wee taling about breast cancer and self diagnosis of it. These pictures had to have stars strategically placed over the nipples. No pink allowed to show!
At any rate, my business associate and I decided to book tickets for this show, not quite knowing what to expect. We bought the playbill, to get and idea of what it was about and were surprised at it's contents.
We had an early dinner, and, fortified by a few glasses of beer, went into the auditorium.
We watched the musical in amazement and awe and could not believe what we heard , music wise. The songs and the lyrics were great. Remember we had never heard them before. As for completely naked bodies, male and female full frontal. Well , we were absolutely gobsmacked!
We thoroughly enjoyed the show. We probably missed half the story line about the draft and the death of one of the leading protaganists.
Earlier this year Hair was playing at one of our local theatres. I booked tickets and took my dearly beloved to see the show. She was amazed that such a show could have existed in the seventies. The production was faithful to the original nude scenes , music, and all. At least this time I had a better grasp of the story line and the nudity was incidental to the overall story. I could appreciate it for the good musical theatre that it is, rather than for the shock value of the time against my background.
Incidentally on our return to South Africa we could not even bring in the Playbill as a souvenir , as it too was considered as objectionable material!
Well that is my take on Hair
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