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Han Solo And Chewbacca Reunite For A Mission For The Jedi Order....

Updated on May 27, 2015

Han Solo And Chewbacca Reunite For A Mission For The Jedi Order....

It is midnight dark somewhere in the Langa Desert and there are gale-force winds with the attendant monsoon-like sand storms falling. In the storm, barely discernible, is the flickering lights of the Millennium Falcon; somehow, the Millennium Falcon is in a constant circular motion and mimicking the tides of the sandstorm waves. Inside the Millennium Falcon, Chewie is sitting and monitoring the ship's consoles, while Han Solo is testing his new manufactured hand. Chewie looks back at his friend and speak in his unique language... which is made up of a combination of howls and guttural sounds.

Han: I know buddy, I know that you sorry and I 'm going to get back the original... from, from Jabba's boy....

Chewie reacts to the name of 'Jabba's boy....'

Han: I know buddy... it's hard for me to believe too... that someone would have off-springs with Jabba, willingly....

Chewie is in stitches because of what Han said about Jabba and responded with his version of laughter....

Han, still admiring and flexing his new manufactured appendage, laughs and walks over to where Chewie is....

Han: I like that... 'it must be the credits' that Jabba used to lure the ladies. I miss this old buddy - us (Han is rubbing his hands in Chewie's furry head). So, can I take over... Han motions to Chewie that he wants to sit in his old seat - at the Millennium Falcon's consoles.

Chewie reacts negatively, which startles Han....

Han: Ok, ok, Buddy!

Chewie suddenly gets up and he is laughing....

Han: Ok, you playing with me....

Before Han could sit down... he admires his clothing: the Khaki looking slacks, with a white shirt and vest and the pistol in its holster on the side of Han's right leg....

It's been a long time since I wore these - they still fit....

Chewie growls in mocking laughter and disagreement....

Han: Ok, so they're little tight... I'm not the only one who put on weight....

Again, Chewie growls in playful disagreement....

Han (Looking over the Falcon, as if it were a beautiful lady and then Chewie): wow, could you believe it Chewie... we're fathers... of Children....

Chewie howls in joyful agreement.... they are interrupted by the chilling sound of Darth Vader's voice... coming from the back of the Millennium Falcon. Han/Chewie rushed back to where the voice is coming from... they see Han, Jr. curled up in bed, deep in sleep, and Vader's/now mixed with the Emperor's voice coming from the boy - incidentally, Han Jr. is a boy of eleven and a spitting image of his father. Chewie is looking at Han with God-father-like concerns, while Han is kneading his son's hair and looking at Chewie with the same filial concerns.

Han Jr. is speaking again: The Force - The Dark-Side - is strong with this Young Han-Skywalker....

There is an alarm from the Falcon's console, causing Chewie to hurry back.... leaving Han with his son, Jr.

Chewie is manipulating some of the buttons on the Falcon, which then produces an image of Master Luke Skywalker. Chewie growls and is happy to see the image of Luke....

Luke: Chewie, where is Han?

Before Chewie can grown an answer... Han is at the Falcon's console....

Han: I'm, I'm here Luke.... Do we have final orders?

Luke: Is my nephew with you....?

Han is defensive and somewhat anxious: Why you ask...?

Luke is taken aback....

Luke: Perhaps, I am becoming the doting Uncle....

Han: O, Oh... he's sleeping....

Luke: The surviving members of the Jedi Council, and, moreover, Master Yoda/Obi Wan confirmed that The Dark-Side of the Force is an imminent threat... and that the Boba-Phat-Consortium and its scientists have found away to clone Midichlorians... whereby anyone can pay to have some abilities of the Force - yet, they are seeking you and Leia's children because they, like the Jedi Council, sensed that the Force is strong or I should say stronger with my Niece and Nephew, than anything they can concoct in their labs.... They want their capture... so as to study them... to get a purer form of Midichlorians... If they could, they would capture or kill and then dissect all Jedis....

Han: So why have us take my son on the mission to seek out this...?

Luke: Nkomo - his name is Nkomo....

Han: Does he know we're coming... and if he is so important to you guys... isn't he important to Vader's peop... - I mean the Dark-Side....

Luke: No - he does know that you're coming - you must convince him to come with you... and you are going to need my Nephew....

Han: I don't feel comfortable taking Jr. on this mission without Leia's knowing...

Luke: Leia knows the danger we're facing... and I have seen the outcome....

Han: Look Luke, I don't pretend to still know about my wife's family religion - but let's just say that at this stage of my life... where I used to be an Atheist... now, I'm agnostic....

Luke: Well... that's an improvement... and Han, somehow, I know that you know that The Force is no longer superstition... Chewie, sorry for my bad manners....

Chewie acknowledges Master Luke Skywalker with a reverent roar....

Luke: The Council will be in debt to you... because bringing Nkomo to the Dagobah System is a top priority....

Han: You know what he looks - Nkomo looks like?

Luke: Think of Master Yoda - but tall and he has a....

Han: He has what...?

Luke: Well, let that be a pleasant surprise... I hope....

Han: Give me the coordinates....

Luke: I have already remotely programmed the Falcon's computers.... you know... to make you a believer in the many gifts of The Force... moving you farther I hope away from your agnostic posture.... (Luke smiling) May The Force be with you all....

The image of Luke disappears, as a smiling Chewie gives Han the familiar seat to once again man the Millennium Falcon.... There is a sheepish, satisfied smile on Han's face as he sits down at the Millennium Falcon's console.... The Millennium Falcon is powered up... as it maneuvers through the Langa Desert's sand storms and warps skywards....

The Millennium Falcon has set down on Loon-Prime, a sparsely populated, lush wet planet, akin to Seattle, only more massive....

Chewie has taken point and has a blaster on the ready... in case of trouble.... Han and Jr. is bringing up the rear....

Han, Jr: Dad, why are we hear on Loon-Prime...?

Han is caught off guard - but catches himself before being too obvious to the query of his son... Chewie, too, looks back when he heard Jr. mentioned of Loon-Prime.

Han: Jr. how did you know the name of this planet...?

Han, Jr: I, I saw it....

Han: What do you mean, you saw it... we didn't discuss it...?

Han, Jr: I saw it in your mind, dad.... and uncle Luke was talking to you....

Han (interrupting): But you were sleeping... is it how you explain why you do so well in school... are you reading my mind now?

Jr: Yes, dad... that is how I do well in school, and no, I am not reading your mind - now....

Han: Does your mother know all this...?

Jr: What do you mean... dad?

Han turns away and looks at Chewie... who somehow senses that Han wanted his attention and looks back at his friend....

Han mumbling and looking at Chewie: My son is channeling Vader and the Emperor.... (Han, looking down at his son) Jr., have you been looking at those recordings of your uncle Luke fighting with your grandpa...?

Jr (more animated): You mean Lord Vader...!?

Han: You mean your mom's father, Anakin....

Jr: Dad, Anakin is when he was boring and... dying - I preferred him as Lord Vader - he is frigid... exciting....

Han: And the Emperor...?

Jr: He's frigid too....

There is that awkward silence, at least between the grown-ups... as they walk toward the supposed home of Nkomo... Jr. is taking in the lush, green surroundings (Fauna and Flora) of Loon-Prime. Later, Chewie beckons Han, as some portable gizmo he was carrying sounded its alarm like a GPS, which then had Chewie visually canvassing the surroundings and pointing to an isolated cottage ahead....

Han (leaving his son... catches up to Chewie and looks at the coordinates on the gizmo): Yes, I see it. (Han looking around) There's nothing here that's suspicious, which is what worries me. I know I have been out of the game - but my senses are still sharp to the smell when something is not right... you sense any life (Nkomo) coming from the home?

Chewie nods to Han, signaling yes... as Jr. runs up to his father and grabs his dad's right hand, tight. Han then protectively places Jr. behind him then takes his weapon from its holster, as Chewie readies his own too....

Suddenly, there is thick smoke, akin to what one would see in a Landing Zone... found in the war theatres/battlefields. Han, Chewie, and Jr. take cover... with Han's body covering that of his son, as they take refuge behind some tall, thick trees. The smoke clears and in the pathway between Han, Chewie, and Jr. and the lone cottage is a retinue of Storm Troopers, recognized by their infamous white and black uniform.

Han: I hate these guys!

Chewie grunts in agreement... his blaster ready to rock-and-roll....

Unfamiliar Voice: No need for the weapons... Han and Chewie respective weapons are ripped from their hands and are then floating toward the direction of the unfamiliar Voice. Chewie and Han exchanged quizzical looks, watching helplessly as their weapons abandoned them. Han is now even more protective of his son....

Unfamiliar Commanding Voice: Give me the boy...!

Han, leaving Jr. behind the trees, comes out from hiding, with his hands in surrender mode...

Unfamiliar Voice: There were two weapons and three heartbeats.... (this prompts Chewie to come forward... his fury hands raised in surrender too).

Unfamiliar Voice: I need the boy....

Han: Who is asking...?

Unfamiliar Voice: You mistaken, Mr. Solo.... I am not asking... I am demanding!

The figure behind the Unfamiliar Voice appears... so that Han and Chewie can see him, it.... the figure is unusually lanky and attired in a full-body, bright, red-wine-colored hooded Trent-Coat and matching colored boots.

Han: You're not getting my son...!

Unfamiliar Voice: Do you know who I am... (rhetorically) he focuses on Han and Chewie whose respective hands are still raised in surrender. Han and Chewie are now in obvious pain, as they both doubled over... with banshee-like screaming and falling to the damp ground....

Jr. comes from behind the relative refuge of the trees... and he is not afraid.... Han, attempting to get up, is screaming even more so in pain and unable to come to the aid of his seemingly helpless son....

Jr. I know who you are - you're one of the Priests for the Sith Lords....

Sith Priest: Right, you are, Anakin....

Han (still in pain... manages to say): His name is Han.... (Han looks up at his son in surprise... pondering the fact that Jr. is privy to such lore).

The Sith Priest simply looks at Han and Chewie... and increases their pain, whereby both cannot even scream out aloud....

Jr: Stop....

Sith Priest: Come then... Young Anakin Skywalker... your place is among the Dark Side of The Force...!

Jr. is concentrating... when the weapons of Han and Chewie that floated to the Sith Priest, and were now harmlessly on the ground, came alive and opened fire... the bullets finding their mark on the Priest's hooded head, which then exploded... resulting in a gelatin-like substance being sprayed on the uniforms of the surrounding Storm Troopers. Before the Sith Priest's lanky body could hit the ground and before the Storm Troopers could open fire on Jr., Han, and Chewie, Jr. is thrown on his stomach like his father and Chewie... and with all three now prostrated, their bodies were speedily dragged backwards - like human carpets - toward the cover of the trees... where they had initially taken refuge when Han sensed danger.... While being dragged backward, Jr. also heard the fading voice of the Sith Priest... thanking him for proving that he is Dark-Side-Worthy, and also gloating that he was happy to be fodder for the cause... to die at the hands of the young master....

Han, now under the cover of the trees, is looking around and Chewie does the same... and both is relieve to see Jr.

Han (in a whisper in the direction of his son): Did you do this.... I mean I saw what you did with the Priest - but...?

Jr: No dad... I swear... yes, that was me with the guns... and I have never done anything like that before... but not....

Voice interrupting: It was I... who secured you all behind the tree line....

The Voice is coming from someone who is about six feet and wearing something akin to a green colored Burqa... with the rest of its green clothing... covering all the way down to its bare feet - feet that are greenish/yellowish in color. There are blasts of gun fire coming from the Storm Troopers, who have regained their composure, in light of the death of the Sith Priest. Han and Chewie try to move - but the same 'force' that dragged them to cover... is apparently keeping them down. With the incoming weapon fire from the Storm Troopers, the Burqa falls from the Voice's face... revealing a humanoid... who truly resembles the countenance of Master Yoda - but he is indeed taller... with an elephant trunk for a nose... a trunk that unfurls and is wielding a rain-bow colored Light-Saber, which, in a twinkle-of-an-eye speed, was blocking the incoming rounds and deliberately having said rounds ricocheting toward the Storm Troopers and killing them. After the noise/commotion subsided, evidencing the apparent death of the Storm Troopers, Han and Chewie stood up to survey... whereby, they saw the rainbow Light-Saber being retracted, and also saw the Voice's trunk, as if it were a scroll, neatly being rolled up to resemble a humanoid nose... and then having the Burqa resuming its covering....

Voice: I am Nkomo... and tell your sapling (Nkomo looking at Han) to stay out of my mind... it is bad manners!


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