How Do You Know - Movie Review and rating, Reese Witherspoon, Owen Wilson
Happy New Year everyone!
Today my daughter and I went to see the movie "How Do You Know" starring Reese Witherspoon, Owen Wilson, Paul Rudd, and Jack Nicholson.
This movie is about Lisa (Reese Witherspoon), a woman whose athletic ability is the defining passion of her life, having been her focus since early childhood. So you can just imagine how lost she must have felt when she was cut from her USA softball team. How would you feel if everything you have ever known is suddenly taken away from you? Not knowing what to do, she stumbles toward regular life.
And stumbled she did. She begins a fling with Matty (Owen Wilson), a major league baseball pitcher, a self-centered ladies man - a narcissist really, but with a code of honour. But before Lisa's relationship with Matty takes root, she meets a straight-arrow businessman (Paul Rudd) whose uncomfortable relationship with his father (Jack Nicholson), takes a spin when he is accused of a financial crime, which could possibly land him in jail.
Lisa and George meet for a first date on the worst evening of each of their lives--she has just been cut, and he has just been served. A triangle of sort occurs, everyone finds love but, as in real life, not everyone gets to live happily ever after.
Movie rating:
10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
9 - Excellent movie, a must see
8 - Great movie, go see it
7 - Good movie, worth seeing
6 - Not bad, could be much better
5 - So so, worth if you don't pay
4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
3 - Poor movie, not recommended
2 - Very bad, forget about it
1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs
My 21 year-old daughter and I (older than 21, much much older) both thoroughly enjoyed this movie. So imagine my surprise, when I read several reviews, giving this movie 1 out of 10.
Did we see the same movie?
It is without a doubt a chick flick. But although I cannot give it a 10, it is definitely not a 1. Good all around acting from the cast. I think Reese Witherspoon did a fine job, Owen Wilson was the perfect actor to play the narcissistic but nevertheless lovable sports guy, Paul Rudd was adorable as usual and, Jack Nicholson was just being himself--awesome. Most notable performance came from Kathryn Hahn, who played Annie, George's loyal secretary. The notion of someone so focused in her career as an athlete that she had never experienced love before and wouldn't know it if it hits her on the head, is quite possible. Although the plot could be said predictable, as romantic comedies usually are, it has a feel-good ending. This movie has its moments of being funny and of being romantic. And isn't that what a romantic comedy is all about?
I give this movie a 7/10. A good movie and it is worth seeing.
Did you know? by Rosie2010
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