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How To Create A Speaking Avatar For Your Website And Increase Profits

Updated on July 10, 2011

A Speaking Avatar Customized With My Voice For My Language WebSite

View this AVATAR on my blog
View this AVATAR on my blog

Why You Should Use An Avatar On Your Website or Profile

An avatar represents the person or the company in any website or blog. Psychology of those surfing online is such that a picture paints a thousand words,a character engages a viewer for a longer time and a speaking avatar implores you to take action. A talking character engages the page viewer as they tend to listen to audio and connect with a human voice while online. People are online to find information that they seek and when a human voice advises or gives them the required information, they tend to go to the next step more easily - that of taking action within the website. Action could mean signing up for a newsletter, taking a poll, leaving a comment, downloading an ebook, buying a product or service online or simply subscribing via email or rss feeds.

Generating leads through your speaking characters means more traffic and more page views. Generally speaking, such pages on the web are known to generate more revenue with greater conversion, and subsequently higher profits.

How Can I Create My Avatar?

A website or blog can be enhanced by the clever use of a speaking avatar and get your subscribers to take necessary action. But how do we create one to embed into our webpage? Is it necessary for me to have a knowledge of animation? Do I have to now learn that?

Well, the answer is simple. Earlier, you would have to do all that is said in the above paragraph. Today,we have websites that allow you to custom create an avatar according to the needs of your website. A salesperson,a consultant,an educator or simply a classic figure can be made to sell your products and services through your website. You can create an avatar in your own likeness as well using your photographs.

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VOKI Avatar

3 Super Websites I Recommend To Create An Avatar

Believe me,it is great fun to see an animated character come to life mouthing what you want it to say to the visitors on your site. And creating one is even more fun. Depending on the theme of your website or blog and what you want your visirtors to do (not just hear!),you can custom create a character to resemble a salesperson or a tutor or one in your own likeness. Boosting conversions and sales is now easier.

Educators find these characters particularly useful in teaching languages and for creating engaging tutorials. HR trainers also find it an integral part of their inhouse training.

Here are the top 3 websites I personally have used and find very easy to navigate, create and embed into your blog or website.


Several businesses are seeing an increase in their online revenue after installing a speaking character from sitepal. Very easy to create one in a hurry. A free trial allows you to test before you buy. Creating a receptionist or a virtual assistant was never so easy. You can even upload your picture to customize your avatar to look like you.You can add your own voice or choose from the ones available.


This free site lets you create a Voki (avatar) to embed in your blog, website or profile to add the human touch in connecting with your customers. Students love to create vokis and lend their voice so as to be able to learn languages. Lets you record your own audio or you can choose the script for it to speak in a native tongue. An example of a customized VOKI can be seen on my blog that teaches KANNADA CONVERSATION.


A software that can be downloaded and used to create characters. Lip syncing is perfect. One character is allowed for the free download.

On the whole, you can have some very good engaging fun, alone or with your children.

If you have the inclination and the time to learn fromfree online tutorialsyou can create a more customized character you dreamed of.


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