How to Find New Places to Photograph
Moss covered bricks
Ceiling Of Art Deco Post Office South Beach
So you are in a rut, have run out of things to photograph, have visited the same spots several times over and you are really anxious to keep taking pictures and doing something for which you are passionate.
If this seems like you and you believe that you can't think of what to photograph next , don't worry there is a simple fix for all of this.
If you like discovering new places and don't mind doing some street photography or photography in public then one of the first things that you need to do is to change the way that you do things. You have gone to the same locations on more than one occasions then it is time to get out of the routine.
Even when you drive to and from work, to and from your home to the grocery store you are looking at the same things over and over again.You need to explore and take new routes. If you keep to your routine you are less likely to find new locations or subjects worthy of being photographed.
When you walk your dog or even go for a jog, you probably go the same way to and from your home. Don't follow the same pattern all the time, break it.
This does not mean that you have to take your camera with you at all times, but it does mean that you should pay attention to what new things pop up. Take notes or even use your phone for future references like annotating where and when you saw an interesting detail in a building or at what time some interesting shadows show up on a brick wall.
I always have a small notebook with me and use it to not down these very same details and when I can I re-visit these new locations and know what it is that I want to accomplish.
Technical school-Hialeah Florida
When you can walk instead of driving. Like they say "stop and smell the roses"
Walking and paying attention to textures and details may just reveal some very interesting and photogenic subject matter like the texture on a wall, and old looking lamppost.
The cracks on the sidewalk or even some nice looking bushes or the way a plant has found a way of growing in the most unexpected of places.
It is an exercise to reveal what you may otherwise miss if you drive everywhere. Look at things with a photographic eye and mind set. Change your perspectives and try out new angles to look at even the most simplest of things.
Did this help in giving you ideas?
Ask others about any favorite locations where they may take pictures.
Remember that everyone usually has a favorite place where, even if they are not photographers, would like to go and take pictures of.
If you can ask any photographer that you might know where they like to go and if you have any local photo shops near where you live don't forget to ask around.
They are usually photo buffs like yourself and will more than likely have tons of suggestions for the best places to take yourself and your camera to.
Alhambra Entrance - Coral Gables
"Doll face" San Francisco Bay Area
Give yourself a task. Choose a date and time and create a project in your mind much like giving yourself an assignment of what it is that you want to photograph.
It might be nice looking buildings, interesting wall textures, old architecture, antique looking lamps posts, interesting and old looking doors, walkways, alleys or bridges.
Whatever it is giving yourself a task and sticking to it makes it that much more likely that you will find what you are looking for.
When you have a subject matter in mind no matter where you go you are ken on looking around to find it.
If you just go out looking for all sorts of things to take a picture of you run the risk of missing something interesting simply because you were not looking for it.
This is OK but it is much better to go out with a clear mindset about what you want.
Historic Home on Maynada in Coral Gables
Alhambra Water Tower - Coral Gables
Don't forget abandoned areas or architecture. These abandoned structures can often present you with magnificent photo ops but you need to plan ahead, probably ask permission from someone and use caution.
They are most often abandoned for a reason and safety should be your concern.
Try to ask someone to accompany you, ask and do due diligence in finding out who may have the authority to grant you access since even if abandoned someone somewhere has a claim to them.
I alway ask another photographer to come and try my best to ask around for permission. Abandoned places can not only be structurally unsafe but may become the habitual place to hang out for many others and the home of crawly things.
If you have an accident while inside an abandoned structures you do so at your own risk and it is better to be proactive and at the very least let someone know what you are planning on doing.
© 2015 Luis E Gonzalez