English accents from around the world - Very Funny
Tsugunaga Momoko speaking English
English language speaker's geographical breakdown
English is the only language that is spoken or understood in the entire world. That is why English is known as the world language. But surprisingly there are only 375 million people in the world whose first language is English.
However, English is the third largest language by number of first language speakers; Mandarin Chinese is the first language and Spanish second by the number of native speakers.
When you combine native and non-native speakers of English, it is the most spoken language in the world. There are approximately one billion people whose second language is English.
Native English speakers in the following countries.
United States(215 million), United Kingdom (61 million), Canada (18.2 million), Australia (15.5 million), Nigeria (4 million), Ireland(3.8 million), South Africa (3.7 million), and New Zealand (3.6 million) Philippines, Jamaica and Nigeria have millions of native speakers of standard version of English.
English accents from around the world:
You can find an English speaker anywhere in the world. Therefore there are different English accents too because every language from the world has it's own accents. Speakers of other language speak English with their own accent and I believe there is nothing wrong with it because native English speakers also have several accents.
This Hub is just for fun and to discover how other language speaker's speak English in their own accent. I hope you will enjoy the Hub.
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