"IT: Chapter Two" Movie Review
When you have a 3 hour runtime, it's important that everything in the film is worth the wait. While the film did meet some expectations, it wasn't the powerhouse that the first film was. The first relied on real creepiness and things that scared us as kids. It had relatability and things that go bump in the night on its side. This film, however, relied heavily on jumpscares and was a mere copycat of other modern horror films.
It: Chapter Two follows the now adult Loser Club whose members are brought back to Derry, Maine 27 years after they thought they had killed Pennywise. Turns out, he was only injured. Now, Pennywise is back and out for blood as he plans his revenge on Derry and the Loser Club.
It 2 did have a lot of good, despite the negative things I mentioned above. For one, it stuck to the book as closely as possible. A lot of Stephen King films, especially lately, have taken way too many liberties by deviating from the books and adding stuff that shouldn't be added or taking away the things that make these horror tales legitimately scary. It's like ripping someone's soul from them. All that's left is a hollow shell. Thankfully, the two IT films kept the soul of the story. It's a shame that part two chose to rely on cheap scare tactics rather than keep the horror of the book a priority.
I did like the approach that part two made. Whereas part one focused on what scared us as kids, the new film focused on the horror of memories. Sometimes, we try to push trauma from our minds and build our lives around a lie so that we don't have to be haunted any longer. However, when that lie becomes compromised and all those memories come flooding back, the result can be terrifying. I felt that the film did that aspect justice.
The cast was spectacular. James McAvoy, Bill Hader, and Jessica Chastain sold their roles so well that you might think they actually were living their respective parts. James Ransone and Bill Hader were the much-needed comedic relief of the film and I actually hope they team up again in the future. They played so well off each other that it would be a waste of talent to not explore that partnership.
In conclusion, I was both impressed and disappointed. It's hard to express how I feel as a whole, but I think that the film hit more good marks than it did negative. Also, be on the lookout for a fun cameo by none other than Stephen King himself! I give It: Chapter Two a 3 out of 4.
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