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Impellitteri "Screaming Symphony" Album Review

Updated on June 18, 2024
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Ara is a journalism graduate from California State University, Northridge, who is always looking to explore his writing opportunities.

Impellitteri band logo


Why is Impellitteri a significant part of the music scene?

Impellitteri is an American heavy metal band specializing in neoclassical hard rock and heavy metal with lots of shredding and speed. Their 1996 album Screaming Symphony is a fine example of extremely fast, technical guitar solos, songs with positive encouraging messages, and most of all, powerful vocals by Rob Rock.

The album "Screaming Symphony" pays tribute and respect to Jesus (Historians say he was born around 4 B.C.)

The first song called Father Forgive Them is about achieving salvation through Jesus Christ because it was Jesus himself that was nailed to the cross. HE died for our sins so that we would not have to suffer. There is a reason why Jesus is as special as a historical figure. He was one of the kindest and caring men that ever lived. Live for the moment and appreciate the fact that there was such a man as Jesus Christ that came to Earth to establish a relationship with us rather than to preach about religion. He was nailed to the cross but HE died for our sins as the Bible says. Religion aside, the song is a very good start to a memorable album that even all these years later is a joy to listen to.

I'll Be With You is a Great Love Rock Song

I’ll Be with You is a song about someone that will always be with the love of his life and hear her sweet voice. The love he has for her is undeniable. More relationships should be this much fun and lasting but sadly, many of them break apart. Love that remains for another human being is a love that will last the test of time.

Analyzing the Songs Walk Away, Kingdom of Light, and Countdown to the Revolution

Walk Away is a song about someone that is being encouraged to follow in the steps of the LORD so that he could be led to the right path. He is consumed by fear and he is living a life of lies. I think that more people in the United States could consider attending church because church attendance is now at historic lows. Human beings don’t always have the answers to everything. That’s why they need guidance from GOD. Countdown to the Revolution is a song about doing what it takes to end the corruption and the vices that are a part of human life on Earth. GOD is the only one that knows what the best way is for us but the problem is that too many people think that they can figure things out on their own. Kingdom of Light is a song about someone that has finally found their path to salvation. Not everyone is a Christian but real Christians have good values such as forgiveness, peace, kindness, and love for others. Impellitteri are an example of something that is good about the United States. They write great neoclassical hard rock and their songs have the proper messages that will get you out of funk in no time!

I'll Be With You

How is the rest of the album "Screaming Symphony?"

17th Century Chicken Pickin’ is a short and fast kind of song that Jason Becker and Marty Friedman would have used in their solo albums in the 1980’s and 1990’s. There are keyboards, tapping, and just pure speed in this song. For Your Love is a song about someone seeking the power of love because he wants to turn his life around. He has made countless mistakes, been lost and confused. Love can turn so many things around in the good direction. Overall, Screaming Symphony is an outstanding album and even in 2023, gives us a reminder that there are still good American metal and rock bands out there rather than only just the bands that most people are familiar with. The strong songs in this album are well, pretty much all of them. Impellitteri is a band that through their music, you will not just be entertained but you will also be able to be stronger and get through life no matter what life throws at you.

"For Your Love"

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This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.

© 2017 Ara Vahanian


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