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Introducing Jenna Sousa

Updated on February 24, 2016
Copyright oeanictradewinds @ Jenna Sousa With permission
Copyright oeanictradewinds @ Jenna Sousa With permission | Source
Jenna | Source

Introducing Jenna Sousa

Sometimes in life you come across a talent that takes your breath away. And Jenna Sousa is just that, an amazing talent. I first came across Jenna purely by chance when, out of curiosity I clicked on her link, while browsing through YouTube looking for a Katy Perry song. And I was completely blown away.

I couldn’t believe that such a young girl could have such a powerful voice. Instead of turning off, I clicked on a few more of her songs, and soon realised that Jenna had a voice that surpassed the usual Pop song range. In fact her voice is so special it’s a wonder that she hasn't been snapped up by a record company. Mind you, this isn’t surprising as she is only 14 years old.

Jenna Sousa lives on the East Coast of the United States. According to her mom, she started to hum along to the radio before she could talk, and by the time she was five years old she had not only entered, but won the Kent County American Idol Junior Title.

This was just the start of her obsession for singing. Jenna continued to perform at other events and family parties, and at 11 years of age posted her very first YouTube video. Since then her music video views have have gone through the roof. Over 108,492 Channel views, and an amazing 1,764,904 Uploaded views! And if that’s not enough, she also has 15,169 Subscribers, and all this since July 2009!

copyright nell rose

Latest Gossip! Jenna Is Writing Her Own Singles!

Great news! Jenna is writing her own singles! DJBreak is making the track so they should be ready soon. This should seal it for Jenna when these get launched!

Jenna has been really busy, so keep coming back to keep up with the latest news! She couldn't have done it without all you guys, it won't be long now!

We all knew Jenna was heading for stardom, and it seems she has taken that one step closer. She is going to be working with DJ Break who is also a producer and mix tape legend. But most of all he is Brandy's Official DJ! They will be working on some new covers, and Jenna will be adding them to her collection each week, where you can find them on YouTube. Fantastic news for her fans. It seems we won't have long to wait now!

Check out Jenna's latest video below.

Katy Perry Not Like The Movies Live Cover by Jenna Sousa


I Asked Jenna About Her Love Of Music And What Were Her Hopes For The Future.

Q. Jenna, what is it about singing and your Youtube video’s that you love?

A. To know that I can share my love of music with other people all around the world is amazing. I love all of my supporters, and I am so pleased that they want to help me with my dream. Each and every one of them have helped me for so long, and that means so much to me.

Q. Have you ever had any vocal training, as your voice is so powerful?

A. I sing because I love it, and have never taken any lessons. This is what I want to do with my life, just sharing such a wonderful gift that I believe comes from God.

Q. What are your hopes for the future, What do you want to happen?

A. My main ambition is to release an album in the future. When I write my songs, I put my heart and soul down on paper, so when I sing, the real feelings come through. I really want to write these songs to help other people in the future. If only one song can help them get through rough times, then it will mean the world to me. I know that music does this for me, so I hope it will help others too.

Q. What’s your main goal in life?

A. I would like to make an album, and of course, tour. But I really want to be an inspiration to other people. If I can show that you can make your dream come true, then I have succeeded in fulfilling my wish. It doesn't matter where you come from, you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. I love music, its not only my passion, but my whole life. It makes me feel happy, and that is the most important thing of all.

Thanks Jenna.

Interview and copyright by nell rose All Rights Reserved.

Vocal Diversity

The one thing that I found so amazing about Jenna, is her vocal diversity. From singing a pop song by Katy Perry, to taking the lead in the Stage Musical Beauty And The Beast at only 13 years of age. But I particularly like her rendition of Taylor Swifts Sparks Fly.

Someone Like You

Jenna Sousa is a terrific singer, and I have no doubt that we will be seeing a lot more of her on TV one of these days. Her star quality shines out, and I wish her all the best. She deserves it.


On Stage


I would just like to add a thanks to Jenna's mom, Ann Sousa for giving me permission to write this article. I know she is very proud of her daughter, and hopes to see Jenna's dreams come true in the future.

If you would like to listen to Jenna's music on YouTube, please click on the links below.

Jenna Sousa Songlover6

You can also follow Jenna @


Copyright Nell Rose

Photos and Stage Video Copyright Jenna Sousa


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