Is Top Gun Really a Gay Movie?
Top Gun is one of my favorite movies of all time. In fact, I even mention Top Gun in my other hub on Movies for Cool People. Top Gun had great influence over my life - I joined the military a long time ago because of Top Gun! My life wouldn't be the same without the movie.
As a cool person, I find it unlikely that I may have missed the fact that Top Gun is really a gay movie; however, new evidence has been brought to my attention. And, upon reflection, I now wonder if Top Gun really is a gay movie.
Just so you know, I have no issue with gay movies or homosexuality. I just don't like that after all these years of thinking Top Gun was a macho straight movie, it was actually a cleverly crafted gay film designed to, perhaps, help gay men come out of the closet. This makes me feel a little someone pulled one over on me and I wasn't clever enough to catch it!
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Is Top Gun Really a Gay Movie?
Clues that Top Gun is a Gay Movie
- The locker room scene with everyone hanging out in towels...what value did this really add to the movie?
- The volleyball scene with everyone sweaty and hugging on each other. Again, what value did this add to the movie?
- Kelly McGillis - sure, I used to have a crush on her and think she was hot, but the reality is that she never really was that hot. Why didn't they find a hotter girl to play that role?
Slider: Goose, whose butt did you kiss to get in here anyway?
Goose: The list is long, but distinguished.
Slider: Yeah, well so is my Johnson.
- The Kenny Loggins song "Playing with the Boys"....
- The scene where Maverick is hanging out shaving in his underwear after Goose died. He could have had at least pants on, right?
- The's commonly known that the Navy has the most gay men of any service.
- The constant innuendos about "butts" and "johnsons"