How to Learn a Song on the Piano
Learning a song on the piano can prove difficult. Right now, I am learning how to play Kiss The Rain by Yiruma and it has lead to many frustrations. I'm sure there are people out there like me right now and so I have come today, to bring you a hub about learning to play songs on the piano.
Patience and Piano
First of all, patience is key. If you don't have the patience to learn, you won't. Plain and simple. It is going to take longer than 30 minutes to learn the song. I have learned that recently. After 30 minutes I got super frustrated. But, while listening to a really amazing pianist play, I learned he will sit and practice for up to 4 hours! Yikes! Stick to it and you'll get it eventually!
Learn the Song
Break the song up into sections. Learn one section and when you feel comfortable with it, move onto the second. Be sure to pick a length that works for you. For beginners, a few measures may be perfect. For some, a page. I personally learn a page at a time. The longer the section is, the longer it will take to master. Remember that!
Most of my sheet music has reminders and little notes so I won't forget techniques. If you don't want to write directly on the sheet music, use sticky notes! No one is going to think you suck because you are learning a new song or because you use sticky notes! Also, a good trick is to mark the black keys with sticky notes when you have to use them. When you feel comfortable in remembering when to use the black keys, take them off!
Practice, practice, practice. Practice makes perfect! Keep in mind, everyone learns at their own pace. Some people can learn a song in 1 hour while it takes you a week. It doesn't matter how fast you learn it. Just learn it! You'll get the same result either way. It is not a competition. I've had to remind myself that a lot.
Having Problems?
If you are stuck on a section or it doesn't seem right, listen to the song. Even if you aren't have any trouble, listening to the song can definitely help. The sheet music may not always be right. Don't be afraid to make changes to the notes.
If you get frustrated, it's okay to take a break! It is easier to learn if you aren't steaming mad from frustration! Take a break! Go for a walk, read, whatever to calm down! Come back to the song later. It'll be there waiting.
Youtube is your friend. If you can't figure out if the notes you are playing are right, you can Youtube the song and I'm sure there will be piano tutorials on how to actually play the song. Copy them. Watch multiple videos if you have to! That way, you can see how they move their hands and the melody of the song.