Limitless, review
2011, PG-13, **1/2
Starring: Bradley Cooper, Abby Cornish, Robert DeNiro
If a pill could make everything better, we would all want to try it, right? Well, not me, not after what happened to me this year with being prescribed medications that were never needed, and then having major GI problems for a year long.
Bradley Cooper plays Eddie, a writer, turned stock market guru, who becomes addicted to a powerful little pill that he stumbles across after seeing an old friend. This pill is so addictive like with any addiction, eventually sooner rather than later you need more and more of it to survive and keep at your peak performance.
This film is not only interesting, yet scary at the same time. It basically makes the viewer realize even with all the power or good feelings or productivity a “super pill” might have (and yes there will probably or already something like that being marketed, under cover, or for secret agents) it is a bad thing, and can potentially kill you. There is no super pill, you just need motivation to get your work done, and accomplish your goals. Soon enough Eddie (Cooper, “Wedding Crashers,” “The Hangover” realizes this. This drug not only begins to make him ill, and he starts to seek advice from others that were taking it, and had many health problems from the drug.
I like this film because it’s one of these buyer beware, and ultimately I believe the film is making a statement about Big Pharma, or at least pills before Big Pharma starts their real promotion to every doc in town writing scripts for it.
One-time watcher that will keep you engaged for most of the time; sometimes slow, but worth checking out.