Man up! (ABC) - Series Premiere: Review and Synopsis
Update: 'Man Up!' was cancelled by ABC on December 8th, only 8 episodes out of the 13 in total aired. The remaining five episodes are available online, for those interested. The timeslot occupied by 'Man Up!' will be filled with 'Work It', starring Amaury Nolasco and Ben Koldyke.
On October 18th the new comedy series ‘Man Up!’ premiered on ABC. The show is about three guys who want to make their lives more manly. Craig Griffith (Christopher Moynihan), Kenny Hayden (Dan Fogler) and Will Keen (Mather Zickel) are three friends who work together and often play war games together, but in real life these guys aren’t that tough. They decide to ‘man up’ and stop behaving like 16 years old. ‘Man Up!’ airs after the new series ‘Last Man Standing’ on Tuesday nights in the 8:30/7:30c timeslot.
Will (Zickel) has a wife, Theresa Hayden Keen (Teri Polo), and two kids, but he’s not exactly the man of the house. Both his friends, Kenny and Craig, are still hung up about their ex-girlfriends. While the boys are still not over their break-ups, the exes have moved on and have even found new men in their lives. This leads to hilarious moments where Craig preforms a serenade to his ex-girlfriend on her wedding with another man. Meanwhile, Bridgette (Amanda Detmer), who is best friends with Theresa (Polo), tries to drive her ex-husband mad. This ex-husband is Kenny, one of the three guys and also Theresa’s brother.
Initially, this seems to be one of those shows that are supposed to be very funny but fail miserably. However, the show is actually quite funny; it is a bit over the top, but that is what makes you laugh. The actors have great chemistry which is very important for a show like this and could take this show to the next level. The first episode was watched by 7.8 million viewers, which is a fairly good start. We’ll have to wait and see what will become of this brand new comedy series.
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