Rodney Atkins Concert at Carl Black of Orlando
Meet and Greet with Rodney Atkins at Carl Black
Before I share my meet and greet with Rodney Atkins experience with y'all, I am going to share leading up to the moment first...
Folks in east Orlando are lucky enough to have a car dealership that hosts free country music concerts. Carl Black of Orlando and Orlando's number one country music radio station K92.3 really knows how to throw an awesome concert. They know how to make their guests happy.
The reason why they host the free concerts is not important, what is important is that they give back to their community and do so with a vengeance. I am sure they hope they sell a car or two in the process, heck, that sounds like a good plan to me!
Rain or shine when the good folks at Carl Black say they are hosting a concert, they host it...unless of course the entertainer is a no-show, then obviously there won't be a concert. I think I recall that happening one time in many years, due to an illness.
A free outdoor concert is a great way to appreciate the music, the moment and the memories.
Sunshine and her Grandchickies met Rodney Atkins!
Rodney Atkin's #1 Hits
- If You're Going Through Hell
- Watching You
- These Are My People
- Cleaning This Gun
- It's America
- Take A Back Road
Who is Rodney Atkins?
On April 11th, 2015 Carl Black hosted a concert and the entertainer was country music sensation, Rodney Atkins. If you never heard of him will now, so y'all be sure and keep reading.
Rodney Atkins has been a part of the country music scene for many years. He released his first single with Curb Records in 1997. He then took a back road for one reason or another which is irrelevant.
Rodney returned to country music in 2002 and he released his first album in 2003. Three years later he scored his first #1 hit. Since then Rodney has scored six #1 songs and released four albums. Rodney Atkin's songs are the kind that once you hear them, you never forget them...they get stuck in your head and you don't mind it! Well, I don't mind, but my family probably does.
Rodney was named Top Male Vocalist in 2006 and trust me when I say...he still has those vocals that make you want to keep on listening.
Rodney was born on March 28, 1969 in Knoxville, TN. His mother was young and not prepared to raise a child. Rodney was put up for adoption and after two placements and three requests, he finally found a home with the Atkins family. Bless that young boys heart to have such a rough start and continue on to make a success out of his life.
He continues to donate and help raise funds for the Holston United Methodist Home For Children, the home he spent a portion of his childhood in before he was securely placed with a family. He continues to pay it forward...
The concert was awesome! Over 300 people were in attendance. Rodney performed for about 35 minutes and the crowd sang along. It was 90* and sunny, but the heat didn't stop the parking lot party from happening. We had a great time.
After the concert was the meet and greet...did I mention that I got to meet Rodney? Keep on reading...
Rodney Atkins: Cleaning This Gun (live snippet)
Meet and Greet with Rodney Atkins
My family and I were standing in the Carl Black showroom enjoying some cool air while trying to figure out why people were standing in a long line outside.
It was at this time that my phone rang. I'm thinking who the heck is this, I had most of my posse with me?? I almost had the call go to voicemail but I am so glad I didn't.
On the other end of the phone was a nice lady from Kenisaw, GA who was calling to inform me that I had won the Facebook contest to be the FIRST person in line to meet & greet with Rodney after the concert! FOR REAL? Yes ma'am, she replied. After some hooting and hollering, Gabby proceeded to give me further instructions...
She told me Mackenzie is in the parking lot and will be calling me soon to give me my meet and greet pass! OMG! Being the curious person I am, I then asked the people on the line what they were waiting for...they said meet & greet passes. Oh my! Good luck with that folks, I just scored my pass via my smartphone!
Being the impatient person that I am and instead of waiting for Mackenzie to call me, I went to hunt her down. My first stop was the booth for our local radio station, K92.3, to ask for Mackenzie's whereabouts. The friendly folks directed me to the Carl Black booth where I found my prey.
Mackenzie was about excited as I was! She said I was just about to call you! She then gave me my passes...number one and my guest number two. Woohoo!! I was only allowed 1 guest but could take all 5 members of my posse with me if they stood in line for the meet & greet daughter and hubby opted out.
So I picked my granddaughters as my number two. Lily would be on my hip so we would both count as one person. Score!
One of the reasons I selected my granddaughters is because Lily and Rodney made contact with each other during the concert. I had Lily on my hip, she seems to like that resting spot, and we were shaking our moneymakers...they waved hello to each other twice! The other reason is that I wanted this concert to be a memory that I made with my granddaughters. So, hopefully when they become country music stars they could Grandma Sunshine inspired me with her love of country music! Hey, it could happen! Dream Big or Go Home!
The meet and greet went great! Rodney was very nice, seemed a bit shy, but who could blame him. I mentioned that Little Lily was going to be a country singer, he smiled and wished her good luck. Faith, Lily and I each received a signed promotional picture of Rodney. We then had our photo taken and most of all...we were Number 1 and Number 2. It was a pleasure meeting Rodney and making memories with my family. If it wasn't for Carl Black of Orlando, this opportunity couldn't have happened. So if y'all are in need of some new wheels...check out Carl Black, tell them Sunshine from Orlando sent you.
Rodney Atkins - If You're Going Through Hell
How To Host A Successful Free Outdoor Concert...
In order to host a successful concert I would suggest doing it the Carl Black of Orlando way. First of all make it FREE. Who doesn't like freebies? I know I do!
Start by sharing the event via social media sites. Request that your followers share the posts also.
Make your post appealing with photos of the artists and be sure and list accurate times. Also add links to register for Meet and Greets and to possibly win a signed guitar.
Have accessible parking that is easy to manage and free!
Offer free food and drinks! Not just any food, but edible and easy to eat finger food, such as chicken fingers. Fill the back of a pick up truck with lots of ice, water bottles and soda.
Have a game or two to keep the fans occupied while they wait for the artists arrival.
Clean and easily accessible restrooms are a must!
Friendly and courteous staff is a bonus!
Place the stage where no matter how many fans there are, they could see the artist from any angle.
Effortlessly plan the meet and greet so that the process is efficient and timely so that as many fans can enjoy a meet and greet before the awesome artist who performed the concert has to leave for his next gig.
Have a local radio station on the premises to help guide the fans and to offer entertainment as well.
When fans leave have those same awesome staff members smoothly guide them off the premises.
See how simple that is?
Rodney Atkins - Take A Back Road
Proper Etiquette at a Free Outdoor Concert
Keep in mind that the event you are attending is free.
There is no charge for you or your family or friends. You were cordially invited to attend, so be cordial.
Show your appreciation by being on your best behavior.
- Do not park where you aren't supposed to.
- Do not be loud or boisterous.
- Do not swear.
- Do not smoke around other people who aren't smoking. Step aside.
- Do not take advantage of the free food and eat more than you need to.
- Be courteous to other fans. Do not stand in the way of other fans trying to enjoy the show by shaking your moneymaker. (My apologies to those fans!)
- Do not leave your trash on the ground, find the appropriate receptacles and dispose of your garbage.
- Thank the entertainer by hooting and hollering your heart away!
- Thank the host by showing respect while on their property, giving them a shout out on social media, or in this case by purchasing or leasing a car.
Luckily I did not witness any of these events at the concert. The fans were very polite and well mannered. But, I have been to free concerts where the fans were not up to par.
My posse and I had a great time making memories. Hopefully my daughter and granddaughters will now start appreciating country music as much as I do! Yeehaw!
Are you a fan of Rodney Atkins?
Rodney Atkins - These Are My People
© 2015 Linda Bilyeu