Missing Moment: A Song
Missing Moment a song I just released. This song and music video were born from the idea that we all have a moment in our life that's been lost. Something we wish we could relive if only to do things over and change things for the better. The video is simple, put together from a fireworks display with minor effects (timelapse, put in reverse, etc.) If you wish to buy the song you may on bandcamp at: http://candlehour.bandcamp.com/track/missing-moment
Click the video below to watch and listen to the song.
This song was created one night when I was fixated on a very bad moment, something that I wish I could have gone back and changed. I worked out the melodies on my piano after watching some experimental film one night. The heightened combination of the anxiety I felt over events of the night and the unusual nature of the film left my mind jumbled. Locked up in my office after my family had retired for the night I moved from my piano to my keyboard and computer setup and began entwining the various parts.
As with my last song I decided I would again release this song under my own name and not the artist name of Candle Hour, which I have been using. More music will follow under the Candle Hour name however I like to think of Candle Hour as more of an abrasive aspect of my persona as a music artist. Anything harder, distorted and more hard rock, metal or industrial oriented will be most likely be what come from Candle Hour. Whereas if I am very immersed or connected personally to the song I will release it in my own name.
On the technical side of things I used Mixcraft 5 to piece together my song and give it a little style. It still is a rough version and so it may be a little better sounding once I add a little more character to it but I choose to showcase it now as a snapshot behind the spontaneity of it. Sort of what can happen in a single evening that allows you to create a whole song. Hopefully it can inspire others just as I was inspired to create it.
I also created the video rather quickly but that kind of goes without saying. It was a very simple thing as I simply took video of the night I wrote it and the fireworks event that occured hours before. It was the trigger to my creativity and it was fitting to include it. I only messed with the video a bit, a little time lapse here, a bit of reverse engineering here and it was enough to fit the song. Granted the video isn't the marvelous production of some bubblegum wrapped MTV production but then I'm not sure I would want it to be.
Anyway check out the video near the top and let me know what you think of the song in the comments below.
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