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Movie Review: The Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Updated on October 6, 2020
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Natalie is a writer who works at her local library. She enjoys writing reviews, watching anime and TV shows, and playing video games.

Avengers: Endgame Blu-ray cover.
Avengers: Endgame Blu-ray cover. | Source

Quick Info

Director: Anthony Russo and Joe Russo
Distributor: Marvel Entertainment
Runtime: 181 minutes
Released: August 13th, 2019
Availability: Available on DVD, blu-ray and digital, streaming on Disney+

Story Summary

The Avengers are broken people after Thanos snapped his fingers and changed reality, wiping out 50% of Earth’s population. Five years later, the team is depressed and desperate to bring back everyone that vanished. They come up with a plan to save everyone, time travel back and keep all the infinity stones away from Thanos. Will their plan succeed?

The Story is Good, but not that Amazing

I enjoyed the story, but it wasn’t the greatest. Time travel stories are always hard to tell because of the time travel paradoxes. The time travel tropes are very obvious and if you’ve read a lot of time travel stories you’ll see the tropes that are used in this film are the typical tropes you see in time travel stories.

For all the talk in-story concerning time travel tropes, they certainly aren’t genre savvy in.-story because they send a member to the past where their past self is, and they’re evil in the past! It’s stupid writing decisions that make the story rather generic. They also had the story drag on for the first hour, but I’ll talk about that later in this review.

It’s a good story, but not the best story or even my favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe story. It’s just an okay story that was overhyped by great visual effects and excitement for what was going to happen.

I liked the story but it did not blow me away. It was decent and it had a good ending, but the pacing isn’t that good, it dragged out too long.

Marvel Studios' Avengers - Official Trailer

The Visual Effects are Amazing!

The visual effects for Avengers: Endgame (2019) is what really stands out to me. Everything looks amazing, the fights are cool and the final showdown is the highlight of the film. Everything from beginning to end is a visual marvel, pun not intended.

There are visually stunning fight scenes and it’s what people remember about the film the spoilers at the end of the film. The visuals are amazing and very well done.

The visual effects look amazing and are the highlight of the film. It’s worth seeing the film for the visuals and the fights, but the story is what holds this film back the most.

Tony Start talking to his "Iron Man" helmet.
Tony Start talking to his "Iron Man" helmet. | Source

The Acting is Great!

Robert Downey Jr. is a great actor and he did an amazing job in his role as Tony Stark/Iron Man. He played this role so long and it’s a role that made him a household name and it literally changed his life. He did a great job in his final appearance as Tony Stark. This is his most memorable performance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Scarlett Johansen did a great job as Black Widow/Natasha Romanov. I really liked her work in this film and her character had a great arc, but I wish she had more screentime than what they gave her.

Chris Evans did a great job as Steve Rogers/Captain America. I liked his performance and he did a good job. He’s always done a good job in these movies and I like his acting.

The rest of the cast did a good job too. The acting is good in the movie. The film had a great cast.

Avengers Endgame Full Soundtrack (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

The Soundtrack is Okay

The film’s soundtrack is just okay. It doesn’t really stand out to me, but it’s not bad. It’s just there. It’s just background noise to me. Alan Silvestri’s soundtrack is just decent. It’s too bad because none of it was memorable to me.

The soundtracks for the Marvel movies have always been good but never amazing when it comes to a film score.

The First Hour kills the Film’s Momentum

The slow pacing of this film killed all the anticipation built up from Avengers: Infinity War. It was so annoying that they took an entire hour to show the main Avengers not just angsting, but in the case of Iron Man, wangsting over their loss to Thanos. It was outright annoying, because the writers and the director let the characters stew too long before they come up with their generic time travel plan.

It dragged down the pacing to a crawl and it felt way longer than it should be. I know it’s a three hour movie but even The Lord of the Rings trilogy has faster pacing in the first hour of each of their films than this film.

And no, I do not like Thor when he is a fat, drunk jerk, and yes he did get better, but I did notice that he’s wangsting over the death of his Mother from Thor: The Dark World while during all the other Marvel films it didn’t seem to bother him at all, and I feel it was just another reason to give a character angst even though it doesn’t make sense for him to angst over that.

The slow pacing kills the excitement for this movie. Some people feel that the fantastic final fight makes up for the slow pacing of the first hour of the film, but it just felt way too long to me.

The battle for the universe.
The battle for the universe. | Source

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It’s a Fun Movie, but It’s Overhyped

I did enjoy Avengers: Endgame (2019) but it wasn’t the most amazing film I’ve ever seen. It spends too much time stuck in depressing angst to make the comeback feel genuine.

It also suffers from too many time travelling story chiches. And while the ending is great and I liked it, the buildup didn’t feel like it earned the ending it got.

It’s a good movie, but it’s not a great one. It is still fun and enjoyable, but the pacing hurt the storytelling. If the pacing didn’t feel ridiculously slow it would have been a more enjoyable movie.

My Grade: B-

Avengers: Endgame (2019) is an enjoyable movie that wraps up the big crisis crossover of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is a very well done movie but the buildup dampened the payoff because it took too long to get there and it felt like it could have had a better execution for what the plot was.

It has great visual effects and pulse-pounding fight scenes, but it took way too long to get there because the wirers felt that the cast had to wallow in angst for too long and it dragged down the story’s pacing.

It is a movie that is worth watching at least once if you enjoy the Marvel movies, but I’m not buying this one for my personal collection. It didn’t live up to the hype for me, but I’m happy I borrowed it from my local library for free. It is a good movie, but not the best Marvel movie ever.

I do recommend it and if you liked it you should buy it. I think it’s okay, but the worst, not the best, but it was decent, but I didn’t feel it was the amazing ending to this big story arc that the other critics hyped it up to be.

It’s worth your time but not necessarily your money. I enjoyed it, and I’ll probably borrow it from the library again if I want to see it, but I didn’t like it as much as the other critics do, but I don’t hate it either, it’s fun, but not the best thing I’ve ever seen.

This film is very overhyped by people so I would keep decent expectations if you’re going into this film expecting the best superhero movie ever, it was fun, but I’m not gushing over it like everyone else is. I just think it’s an okay movie that has too much hype and expectations behind it.

My Rating

4 stars for Movie Review; Avengers: Endgame (2019)

© 2019 ReViewMeMedia


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