Parkland- Reviewing a Movie about a Tragic Event in America’s History
Parkland Memorial Hospital
If you are looking for a different account of what happened that terrible day in November of 1963 when our president was killed in front of our eyes you may want to check out Parkland. It is a movie with its soul storyline centered on the people who tried to bring him back to life. The doctors, the nurses and the staff at Parkland Memorial Hospital tell their story about the John F. Kennedy assassination.
You won’t find any attempts to hide the gruesome details of this event. This is an educated account put in movie form, not to entertain, but to inform you of what really took place on that sad day America mourns the loss of their leader.
Many films have been made about John F. Kennedy. He was a man like no other America has seen and his accomplishments while serving such a short time in office is commendable. You won’t see any of this glamorized in this picture. You only see what happened to him that day in Dallas, Texas as his motorcade greets the spectators and what happened to the gunman responsible for his death. You see what shocked American citizens into tears as the chaos unfolds. But you witness a part of this heart shattering event through the eyes of the people desperately trying to save the life of our young president.
No Sugar Coated Cover Ups
This movie is rated PG-13. Don’t expect excitement or suspense. No thrills, no mysteries, no sugar coated cover ups, but just the cold hard facts are what Parkland delivers. So sit back and absorb a bit of history that most of us never knew about. Facts that left a wound America will never recover from.
Parkland gives an open minded account of what everyone involved went through as the accused assailant was shot down by assassin Jack Ruby, without ever being tried for the crime. Lee Harvey Oswald’s family, were victims, too, as well as Ruby’s. This film does not put blame on anyone and it only delivers accounts based on what happened. Parkland became the focus point with its staff and security quick to react.
A talented cast like, Zac Efron (Dr. Charles Carrico), Marcia Gay Harden (Nurse Doris Nelson), Billy Bob Thornton (Forrest Sorrels), Jackie Weaver (Marguerite Oswald), Paul Giamatti (Abraham Zapruder) James Badge Dale (Robert Oswald), Ron Livingston (James Hosty) and Gary Clarke (Admiral George Burkley) along with many others bring this sad story into perspective viewing. Parkland is produced by Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman. It is written and directed by Peter Landesman.
Parkland Trailer
My Final Thoughts
If not for the storyline outlining a national historical tragedy and knowing one of my favorite actors since my childhood, Gary Clarke was in this film I may not have given Parkland a second look. I’m glad I did. Gary brought home the performance I knew he would as Admiral George Burkley.
Then I notice one of the producers is Tom Hanks another favorite of mine and I think his love for history is sure to make Parkland a hit. This talented actor is taking on special duty as he co-owns the production company, Playtone with Gary Goetzman. Parkland is a true winner and I am convinced Tom Hank’s career switch will be a successful venture.
Billy Bob Thornton is in one of his more serious roles. I recognize the rest of the cast, but until I watch this film I am not acquainted with much of their work. They did a fine job with their presentation. I’m sure any American history buff will be glad they watch this movie.