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Petheads & Pet-Electronic-Shop-Boys-Music. Quality Alive to Date!!!

Updated on February 4, 2019
Emiliano Tanchi profile image

Hi, I'm Emiliano Tanchi, i've studied Psychology (master's degree) and i'm a speaker, dj, author of radio-podcast programs.

Pet-Project-Shop-Boys - Mix-Special!!!

At present I'm so happy to be in connection with Petheads and sharing Pet Shop Boys music into my mixes and specials. Especially this year, that is to say on 2019 and concerning a new release of Pet Shop Boys' new album! Especially because some years of the past was about my approaching to the world and life!

There is probably an enjoyable 'romantic' factor to find again what characterized my teen years, also to be witness with knowledge of how some high quality music could be alive and represent a stand-alone factor irrespective of periods (take a look down here about the various collaborations with different artists).

Exactly Pet Shop Boys music represents, for example, a confirm of how quality survives through radical changes to date and so freshly and 'modern'. Is an example of how some Pop could become classical, even earlier of how some synth pop represented the colourful side of new experimentation. Really is the same quality and personality into different shapes that represents a special chemical electronic sound incomparable in his cleanness, nourishment and uniqueness.

My focusing on sounds won't be unbalanced to the lyric component. But I'm talking about an extraordinary composer (quite stealthy and iconic) and a melodic singer (with a sweet voice and a strong sensibility) on his last "One Hundred Lyrics and a Poem". Plus the 'third' PSB (Pete Gleadall about the engineering of sound).

Both with a very calibrate, disciplined and recognizable style in terms of sounds, words and design. We know how the English style is unique, representative and powerfully in itself. And probably PSB represent a loyal responsible, accurate and honest translation of their code-culture.

So I'm happy to package my New Project with those all symbolic elements, including a certain irony to expose it in a different and colorful way. It's divided in two parts of 45 min., the first one with a club-power-disco approach and the second part more 'slow' and 'thoughtful'. Part I & II then will be involved into a radio-project were all fans are invited to take part of (check it out related infos on my profile)

Here's my friend Max (a real enthusiastic-orthodox italian Pethead, that I involved into my past specials and in this new one as special voice and contents) on PSB:

"The Pet Shop Boys ,a dream with open eyes!

Two fabulous artists: Neil Francis Tennant and Christopher Sean Lowe... a keyboard and the magic is done.

Since the beginning they showed an incredible talent, the perfect voice of Neil, the sound, the rhythm, the electronic drums by Chris that has made of their name a legend, just think to a career characterized by great concerts, wonderful events and celebrations (Wembley Arena - Live in Rio De J. - Glastonbury - Royal Opera House).

Beyond the human imagination and exclusive collaborations with names like: Tina Turner, David Bowie, Liza Minnelli, Dusty Springfield, Kylie Minogue, Elton John, Madonna, Robbie Williams, the super vocalists Sylvia Mason James and Katie Kissoon until Lady Gaga and Brandon Flowers at Brit Awards.

In their journey through the years they have experimented various types of music: synth pop, dance pop, electro pop, latin, disco, classical music joined to fantastic soundtracks... and like the night is dark at the same way the Pet Shop Boys (PSB) colour is blue.

Their music is not only that, expressed with unique lyrics but for me it's an ideology, a new philosophy.

In a past interview they said a phrase: We don't think so, we are most interested in the creative side and that represents their essence.

Nowadays I really think for sure is that, the PSB have transmitted us, their fans (Petheads) through the songs the sense of purity and eternity.

Hoping: That one day we'll be free... (Discoteca)

(Withoutthisfear)" (by Max, Italy).

The release of the Project will be anticipated and launched next weeks by my new Electric-Tech-Power-Mix:

  1. "Electric-Tech-Power-Mix" (on 2019 | based on the electric style, but not all songs, concerning the 12th album)
  2. " Strong-Tech-Power-Mix " (is the 1st 'Tech-Mix' I realized | based on the strong remix about some of their hits).
  3. A new 'Tech-Mix' is intented to be produced and released in the future (If you have some idea on how realize-produce it... please tell me).

Thanks for the attention to...All the Petheads!


© 2019 Emiliano Tanchi


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