50 Pictures of Leaves Up Close
Have you ever looked at leaves closely? I know I did during biology classes in school but that was such a long time ago. Today, armed with my camera, I began my leafy adventure in the gardens around me. My, oh my, and what a fascinating time I had!
This photo gallery of leaves is intended to capture them up close. Guess what happened? The leaves magically became alive to me! I took one shot and I just couldn’t stop.
Also, I give you the permission to download all these wonderful leaves for FREE! Yes, you can use them if you want to. May I just ask you to please keep my name on the photograph? Indeed, nature is a wonderful gift indeed and it is a blessing to be able to share it to the world.
Photos of Leaves
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeSTUDY OF PLANTS & MORE
The study of plants, a branch of Biology, is called botany, plant science or plant biology. Botany is a field of Life Sciences which focuses on the classification and physical characteristic of plants.
If you want to study plants someday, you will be called a botanist.
If you want to grow plants, you will be called a horticulturist.
And if you want to study the interaction of plants and animals in an environment, you will be called and ecologist or environmentalist.
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More Images of Leaves
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Green plants play a very important role. Without it there would be no life on planet earth. Animals have the ability to move around so they can search for the food that their bodies require. But plants are different! They cannot move. They just stay in one place. Therefore, one of their unique characteristics is they make their own food!
Using the leaves of course! Leaves are the major site of food production for plants. They undergo a process called photosynthesis which means “to put together with light.” The leaves use sunlight and the chemical chlorophyll (found in leaves) to turn water and carbon dioxide gas into sugar and oxygen gas. The sugar is then used to give plant energy so it can grow. What an amazing process!
Therefore, sunlight is so important to plants. If you look closely, the leaves grow in many patterns so they catch as much light as they can.
More Pictures of Leaves
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A brown color leaf means the leaf is already dead or well, still dying.
Yellow and orange leaves are made possible because of the chemicals called carotenoids found in leaves. They are actually present in small amounts but when the green color starts to fade, they become more visible.
Red and purple leaves are made by chemicals called anthocyanins. This usually occurs when the weather changes in the fall season. Another reason for a leaf to look red is due to leftover food or glucose.
More Pictures of Leaves
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeIN APPRECIATION FOR LEAVES AND PLANTS
Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.-Martin Luther
I hope you enjoyed these 50 pictures and images of leaves as much as I have enjoyed capturing them on camera.
I breathe in oxygen and thank God that there are plants around us. Imagine what would happen if plants could not turn the sun’s energy into food, we would have no food. We would have no oxygen.
In remembering this process, I am once again a witness to the marvelous creation of nature. Truly it is a magnificent thing to behold.
And I am deeply grateful.