Prometheus- A movie review.
I must admit.....
I was disappointed! This was not very good.
Why do I say that ?
Charlize Theron fans will be disappointed, because her character was hard to figure out, and she was misused. Her star power was used to bring in movie goers, and not to improve the story.
Next, the story was flawed and under explained. There was too much sloppiness and inconsistency. This is the first prequel of one of the best horror trilogies ever, and they choose to come up short? There was no excuse for that.
The other alien movies and the Xenomorph as a race, were ignored too much and not really explained.The race on the foreign planet was an odd fit as well. The explaination didn't seem to work at all.
The upsides is that the graphics were great and I loved the exploritory ship. The acting was decent to good.
My suggestion is that you wait until it goes to the cheap theaters. It is too bad, because I looked forward to this for many reasons.
HUBPAGES yanked this and now its back. Oh joy!