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It Was Only a Piss: Part 2 Loathing With Fear

Updated on June 21, 2019
YoloWithYoyo profile image

Yoni is a Creative writer with the ability to switch from Adult stories to childhood bedtime to poems to philosophy. Life turned to laugh

Fear The Loathing

It Was Only A Piss Part 2 Fear The Loathing

As the two decided to scooter back over to their post on the Razor Scooters they stole from some kids, Lem kicks a kid out of his way and started to yell at them all staggered and woozy.

“Kids! Streets are for you! Sidewalks my territory now biotch”

Vanity on her scooter looked at him with sadistic laughing smile and yelled over to Lem

”Yo Dickface! I bet you couldn’t get within 10 feet of those chicks over there!”

Directly in front of them there happened to be bachelorette party making their way out the limo toward the shop.

Lem looked Vanity dead in the eye and uttered the only words that he could get to flow.

“You take that back V! You fk’n take that back!...I could get within 10 feet of whoever I want, beside for the people on school grounds, can’t get within 20 Feet.”

Vanity looked at Lem with a dumbfounded face as they jumped off their scooters and proceeded to run toward the store.

“Excuse Me! Coming through nerds” Vanity blurted out as she started to check out the woman in the group.

A woman in the back of the group Saw vanity and locked eyes. Then proceeded to look at Lem.

As Vanity got up to the door she shouted toward Lem...”Look I’m holding the door asshat. Guess I win the bet”

Doors shut

Vibe change. No longer in La Jolla in a Car Park but now inside ‘Fukstlers’

The shop is illuminated with Blacklight and sexy red strobes, smell of musk and body odor fill the air while the entire schematic looks like the Blockbuster Video from back in the day but with all the other accessories that only Lem seen mom use with the pizza guy and the ups man every day. Nostalgia at its best.

Whips and cuffs immediately on the left with toys of all shapes and sizes. Some interesting people mingling around Checking out the cool swag and dab materials all over the place.

To the right, the cashier, a bombshell blonde who goes by the name Meg, licking a lollipop with zero fucks to give while checking out the customer on line.

“Listen, that’s too small for you, it says 12 inches but we all know you took the soccer team and probably then some, but f’ it, no returns, so good luck... NEXT”

The Next gentleman, a 29 year old classy guy, tall dashing and completely out of her league suddenly grabbed her attention.

”Welcome to Fuckstlers, interested in a Dom or Sub session with checkout today?“

The gentleman looked at her with a smirk and responded “Ma’am, I would pay for that, but If you want to make me a Sub, I’ll take it with extra Virgin olive oil and whatever your having”

Her face went from excited to bored as can be, “You know for a sexy guy like yourself, you’re pretty damn dumb. Do I look like I work at Subway? ...“ she started to get worked up. “You think because I work here and take your money, I am also going to make you a sandwich. That’s so disrespectful! Have some respect toward a woman.“

The gentleman clearly confused as everyone began glancing over toward the register to catch the commotion.

“Listen I’m just going to not order the sub and stick with the Tail Plug I’m buying my boyfriend”

Suddenly Lem tags Vanity starts to make a run toward the back of the shop.

Pulling his Radio while still stoned

“Mag! mig miss Meg! We have a progress in code 1620 over copy Come in!”

Meg comes in

“Screw you dumbass, I’m trying to fill the 12:30 session and find a subject for Grace so she can go full Sub on someone, stop with this Fear and Loathing bullshit and get back to work.”

Just then, Vanity took a leap in front on Lem and jumped over what seemed to be a gentleman with his back toward them.

“Get the f’k down and stay down! You know what we do to shop lifters Biotch!” She exclaimed as she started to go postal and put her hand down the pants of the culprit they just jumped.

Everything went tunnel vision

Lem started to panic since the culprit was down but not moving.

A girl came to ask a question to the two. ”Listen this is unconventional but can we borrow that mannequin over there that your hovering around? The strap on and muscle definition is great. I almost thought it was some random guy playing with the strap ons, would be a perfect prop for the party.”

It was the girl that locked eyes earlier in the bachelorette party. She suddenly appeared in front of them and brought conversation.

Lems face dropped as he looked at her

“ want this ‘mannequin? How about after we book him for stealing this dildo Miss ‘OMG I’m special since I’m in the party”

She bent over and slapped Lem across the face then glanced toward Vanity. Vanity eyes her and licked her lips as the lady decided it was safe to take the mannequin.

As they got up from the ground and started to do their Noon perim run, they were so stoned that they seemed to be making love with each over in the BDSM section during the live taping of the new in store production hit “OH No! Where that Go”

As the Fluffer and and chained lady named Grace were walking over to her post, Lem let out a holler at her.

“Ma’am! Ma’am, I’m sorry but it says clearly on the door, “no shoes, no shirt, no service” I appreciate the strap on and leather whips and clamps that he has on your bits, but your gonna need shoes and shoes to stay”

Grace, a college student who worked at the shop as the BDSM instructor couldn’t help but to pretty much say what everyone else had said to him. “F’k you Lem, better yet… come f’k me so i can HR your ass.”

Just then the intercom began to sound. Meg was on the other end. “ All available associates, I need to take a Piss break. Lem, Vanity go to your post or just leave, Grace make them buy something and cover me.”

The 3 of them grunted and walked away to their posts.

“I’m out, I’m done, If Gordon Ramsay could cook a bomb ass meal, I can too” Lem exclaimed as he walked over to Meg and grabbed his 30 second microwave meal in the min freezer by her feet.

“Why are the doors to the fridge Open Meg!?”

She looked at him and smiled, because I was hot and this felt good Plus whenever I go to the bathroom and come back it seems the lemonade you leave in here leaks.

Lem looked at her dead in the face.”What do you mean ’My lemonade’... and did you say it leaked?“

Meg jumped over the counter and made her way to bathroom as Lem walked with her trying to grasp what she had just disclosed.

“Yeah the damn lemonade, same one you’ve been bringing for months Lem. By the way, when you were on your lunch break, they gave us a heads up for 12:15 drug test , you have fresh piss? I brought mine and ready to let it flow for them”

She walked to the bathroom as Lem seemed dumbfounded with no moment of “Aha”.

“Cool, at least my piss is still in the fridge, sucks that someone’s lemonade spilled all over.”

To be continued...?

That’s a wrap for now


© 2019 YoloWithYoyo


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