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Review of the Album Called "Dieversity" by Finnish Gothic Rock Band Entwine

Updated on December 13, 2024
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Ara is a journalism graduate from California State University, Northridge, who is always looking to explore his writing opportunities.

A Bit About the Album DiEversity & the Band Entwine

Well, here we go again with discussing another Finnish Gothic Rock band and this time it is about the band called Entwine. Their 4th studio album released in 2004 called DiEversity is one of those hard rock albums that may be a mixed feeling for some fans. After a four second tidbit which shouldn’t even be considered a song, we are treated to the super catchy song called Bitter Sweet.


This Album by by the Band Entwine With a Strange Spelling Is Impressive But Far From Perfect

It has been a long while since I’ve even listened to this album in full and so far it is VERY impressive! Is it a perfect album? Not even close but it is a decent Gothic rock kind of album that touches upon the concept of love and relationships and SO many heavy metal albums have addressed these themes that the have been overdone.

"Bitter Sweet"

The Lyrical Themes In the Album DiEversity Can Get Old Fast

If there are any real cons to this album it is that all the songs pretty much lyrically are the same, dealing with relationship breakups and loss. For some listeners such as myself, this approach gets old and stale at some points.

DiEversity Album Review and Analysis

In some relationships, our lover or partner can be both a blessing and a curse. However, when we ask the one we love to love us and make us whole, we are looking outside of ourselves to be complete and that is a problem. Someone to Blame continues the topic of dysfunctional relationships. If they say that life isn’t fair, such a saying may be true in some respects but also relationships are about work and sacrifice. If there is only one song that should be a listen for all fans of the Gothic Rock genre in this album it is the song called "Bitter Sweet." Bleeding for the Cure is a song that tries to get across the message that it is important for us to forgive ourselves for our transgressions and mistakes. I thought and wondered whether I could handle this song when writing about it especially. It is sometimes tough to sit through and listen through entire heavy metal albums in one setting. Frozen by the Sun is a powerful song about the fact that the man feels lonely and he knows that he cannot revive his relationship with the one that he loves because he lied to her. That is a very painful feeling that some people may never recover from. Never lose the faith though because you will eventually get over your loss. Everything for You is a song about a man that cannot live without the love of his life. There are many people that feel this way and it can get stressful at times. I have faith in the Universe, that it always has our back and our best interest in mind.The strong songs in DiEversity are several even if the lyrical themes focus too much on love, heartbreak and loss.

"Everything For You"

This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.

© 2019 Ara Vahanian


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