Rob! (CBS) - Series Premiere: Synopsis and Review

On January 12 the new comedy series ‘Rob!’ premiered on CBS. The show is created and written by Rob Schneider, who also plays the lead role. Rob is a life-long bachelor who ran into a woman at the mall. Six weeks later, they return home married from a trip to Las Vegas. His wife, Maggie, comes from a tight-knit Mexican family, and that is not quite what Rob is used to. Maggies family isn’t a big fan of Rob, and of course every time Rob tries to do something nice it blows up in his face.
After seeing the preview it seemed that ‘Rob!’ was going to be the worst show of the entire 2011-2012 TV season, and that is quite an achievement with ‘I Hate My Teenage Daughter’ and ‘How To Be A Gentleman’ competing for that title too. After watching the series premiere, that point of view hasn’t really changed. However, ‘Rob!’ won’t be able to compete with those other two shows, they are in fact quite a lot worse. Apart from a few funny moments the show consisted of one horrible joke after the other. Most so-called funny moments were very predictable and lacked funniness all together. As far as I’m concerned, ‘Rob!’ can be cancelled immediately, and it would surprise me if it’d last long.
What do you think of 'Rob!'?
- Upcoming Comedy TV Series: Midseason 2011-2012
A collection of comedy TV Series that will premiere in the Midseason 2011-2012 TV Season. Shows that are featured are 'Are You There, Chelsea', 'Don't Trust The B--- In Apartment 23', 'Angry Boys', 'Napoleon Dynamite', and many more.