Slender Man killings in Las Vegas
Cop Killer blaming Slender Man
Slender Man
Las Vegas cop killers motivated by Slender Man
Strange what's been happening lately. People are citing Slender Man as the reason for them preforming heinous crimes. Things don't even really make sense at this point. Slender Man as I have spoken about before ( is a fictional character that is an internet meme that's become a character with a fan base. Even though this character is seen as someone who tortures and harasses children he is nonetheless gathering fans quickly. The weird thing is that people must be seeing him as real. This stuff doesn't even make sense. I mean when is the last time people were cult following the Badger from the annoying Badger Badger Badger song on YouTube. I'm stuck here left only with the thought that people want to be like this meme. What I don't understand is that there is nothing really to him for anyone to understand for feel relatable to. Short of being a person who gets a rise out of upsetting children what kind of connection could people make with this character.
I am actually shocked that their have been repeat crimes involved with this character. I browse the internet and had never really even heard of Slender Man until the recent events. The Slender Man is a silent killer who attacks tortures and usually psychologically messes with children. In a sense he is really no different then the boogie man of old. A matter of fact in many descriptions he looks like the boogie man body wise. Why are we so concerned with someone like this. It really makes me feel like the whole character is being used for something else. I mean people are saying that he comes from a different world that he can rule this one, crazy cultish stuff. So where are these people even getting their facts from. This character doesn't have a true back story. I went through this before and now I'm even more confused then I was in the past. I mean if a character can drive people crazy and cause his then the whole world has some problems. If this is making people crazy then what's the reason children aren't trying to be scorpion from Mortal Kombat and commit fatalities. Or why aren't people dressing up like Lex Luthor, making a lot of money and then trying to take over the world for fun. This stuff in my opinion isn't making sense and I think I'm starting to realize what is going on here.
Cops Killed
Slender Man Scapegoat
Are people really just using this as a scapegoat. Maybe, by nature some people are deranged and I'm fine believing that. Yet, I feel like some people are using this whole Slender Man thing as a scapegoat. You may agree with me or think I'm crazy but look at what people have always done in the case of crimes. If someone preforms a crime they use a scapegoat. Anytime someone can say hey I didn't mean to kill them I am crazy they will use it. If someone says that "Slender Man controls there minds and the future world ruled by him is coming" then I think people know the way todays crazies are treated. Today you don't go to an asylum, you go to get therapy, get a lesser sentence and other things of that nature. Now don't get me wrong, I think crazy is a good excuse in many cases but these don't get my stamp of crazy. The twelve year old girls in my opinion crazy. This couple in Las Vegas who follows white pride teachings and they own swastikas, now they just seem like a hate couple. They are going around teaching racism and using the likes of Slender Man as a cover up. Think about it, now they can say it was Slender Man and never get the full extent of punishment. Now of course a judge is not foolish and will probably see through this but in any case I have to say scapegoat.
Do I believe that these people are speaking with Slender Man? No way well maybe the ones that are in fact crazy think they are, but if not slender man then they were speaking with Freddy Krueger. Remember that just because Slender Man is the topic now doesn't mean he always was. Remember when people use to say the devil made me do it, or some other fictional evil made them do what they did. Well then if you thought people were making stuff up then, then what makes you think they aren't now. People will always find an excuse for their actions, and if not an excuse a reason. Think about it, these people are obviously not kind and not the type of people who have hopes to help this country grow and flourish. I'm unsure why everyone feels they are so entitled to say who belongs and who doesn't as these two have. They are white supremacist first and foremost so we already know its not that they are crazy rather they are dumb. So the big connection I assume people are trying to make here is that this man use to dress up as Slender Man for Halloween so he must be someone who followed Slender Mans teachings. In my eyes the only reason why they dressed up as Slender Man is because he's white.
Slender Man
What happens to Slender Man
So what happens to Slender Man because of all this. I mean the fictional character that all these people are supposedly hailing as the future bringer and controller of the world will become a memory. The character will be vilified, they will make campaigns that will say down with slender Man he is causing gruesome murders all over the world and must be stopped. I mean the ridiculous will happen and then people will have to be secretive about the character. Honestly, that's when I see the most damage being done. Once we make the Slender Man into an evil martyr that's when he will gain real respect and recognition among crazy people in cults and other insane things. I will tell you this much, I am disappointed that we can't have characters in our media without someone ruining them.
I don't know much about this character but people have fun making jokes about him and memes and referencing him for fun. Why should we get rid of something that is more of a long running joke then anything else. Slender Man is at best a joke of the internet not even a real horror character. If people had a desire to make Slender Man into a good guy I guarantee it could be done. I'm sure some people have taken his abilities and thought up a great good guy persona for him. What if the greatest horror movie based on this character could come out well those of us who just like entertainment could lose out. I guess what I'm getting at is lets not vilify fiction lets vilify the people who do these heinous crimes and damage our society. Lets blame them 100%. Sometimes in society we make a mistake of blaming things that aren't to blame. It is without doubt something people do. The media will always find a way to blame something else when it is the fault of humans. It seems like almost a cover up by people for people. In a way that comes off as a very caring thing but in reality it can often do more harm then good.