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Star Science Standouts in a Mediocre TV Firmament

Updated on January 1, 2012

Cox, OBE, Roberts and Packham

Exciting New Science Programs for 2012

There are so many revolting personages on Television these days, it’s hard to know where to start to lambaste them.

It’s all subjective, of course: one man’s meat is another’s poison, and all that, but, for this writer some are so awful, I would really wish them harm…at least to never being seen on my screen again.

Some that come to mind are Simon Cowell, “Mr Botox,” the producer of “X-Factor,” etc. He just oozes with slimy conceited insincerity and he makes far too much money from these mindless shows, (they all do).

Another who irritates me in Jonathan Ross. He seems like something the BBC has scraped up from the gutter and his sardonic gape and constant harping on about sex with any and all of his guests is nothing but boring.

My third choice out of many for the recycle bin is Jeremy Clarkson, whose show I once liked until it became low-budget, insincere and puerile. Clarkson - as well as Ross - seem to take a delight in shocking people with their xenophobic remarks. I find this kind of thing to common in Britain today, especially since we are approaching the bottom of the barrel in most respects. I mean, I’m no stranger to pointing out the foibles of a race, but I only do so where specifics are concerned.

But like bright new stars shining through the noxious gasses of the above three and the rest, are three BBC science presenters who stand as tall as the twin towers once stood with their attractive, low key personalities and sound scientific backing.

Number one in my estimation is Professor Brian Cox who is a physicist and holds many degrees in this and associated sciences.

Cox is presenting a show at the moment along the lines of Sagan’s groundbreaking “Cosmos,” called the “Wonders of the Universe,” and “Stargazing.” They will be continued in 2012 under similar names and are mandatory viewing by any yardstick.

Chris Packham is the modest presenter, along with Kate Humble, herself an experienced nature broadcaster, of the “Spring watch,” and “Autumn watch” programs. It was no surprise to see Chris winning the “Mastermind” competition recently with an almost perfect score. He has an absolutely engaging personality which brings out the best in young visitors to the show. He has BSC in zoology.

Last I nominate Alice Roberts for the Diogenes approval award. (with that and a dime…). To begin with, she is very attractive! Flaming red hair and a flaming beautiful rear end, as she sashays seductively among old ruins (and in front of a few like me). Alice is a fully fledged medical doctor with several specialties, but she presents shows as diverse as those concerned with paleontology or the geology through the ages of Britain’s coast. (with another excellent presenter in Neil Oliver).

These young - all early forties - and dynamic science celebrities are taking over from the fading stars, such as Bill Oddie (birds), David Attenborough, (goats…old ones!) and the rest of BBC’s thoroughbred stable of ageing presenters.

All three are attractive, well educated and are blissfully free from one of my pet peeves, strong regional accents. All three teach me a lot when I sit there absorbed by their shows and the great photography and computer wizardry available today.

They are all accomplished journalists by now and keep themselves from the limelight as far as possible…well, Alice Roberts does have my attention wandering a bit as she walks away from the camera. Ah, me, she is spoken for as are all three: girls, sorry.

In case you wonder why you are reading hubs of mine again, they will only be shorter ones that “write themselves.” In other words, ones over which my hands have been dragged to the keyboard and there’s no escape. I’m sure you know what I mean…

I don’t suppose North American readers will get a chance to see these presenters, although Clarkson has wormed his way over there. Perhaps BBC will sell the shows on and you will get them - the Cox presentations at least.


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