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"Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" - Nathan's Movie Review

Updated on December 25, 2021
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Nathan is an aspiring author with a true passion for film and mental health who hopes their writings will help launch their career.

I've loved the past two films in the new Star Wars trilogy. Despite what haters skulking around on social media might have you believe, the films have been full of heart and humor and brought out the best of what we loved about the original trilogy. I'd very much been looking forward to the final chapter and my hopes were not wasted.

The new film, The Rise of Skywalker, follows several different story lines before finally merging into one. First, Kylo Ren has become Supreme Leader and is searching for a Sith Wayfinder in order to track down the still-living Emperor Palpatine. Palpatine makes a few incredible revelations and Kylo's sent on his way to track down Rey. That brings us to our second plot point. Rey, who has been training hard since the events of The Last Jedi, makes a discovery of her own and decides to also go in search for the second Sith Wayfinder in the hopes of finding and stopping Palpatine. Poe and Finn elect to go with her. Our third plot point merges the two stories together and brings us one spectacular final battle between the Resistance and the First Order.

Okay, so, obviously the film has a lot of story and a lot to get through in just a couple hours. The film requires your attention and certainly deserves it. JJ Abrams somehow managed to pull together all the loose ends and deliver not only a great story but also a great finale. There's two face-offs between Rey and Kylo and one final showdown between Rey and the Emperor. We pretty much all knew it was coming down to this, but the way the story unfolds doesn't feel predictable at all, especially with that outstanding opening scene. Don't worry, there are answers given to all the questions that have been raised over the past two films.

One concern I had going into the film was just how Leia's story would be handled since Carrie Fisher tragically passed away. JJ brilliantly pulled off the archival footage, making it look as if she was still with us.

I felt that the film was perfectly paced and, considering how much ground was needed to be covered, nothing felt rushed. I never once wondered what time it was or how much longer was left in the film. From the opening titles to the end credits, I was hooked.

Side note: listen carefully during the final showdown. There are a ton of cameos of past Jedi Masters speaking to Rey. I could hear Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, Yoda, and Qui-Gon for sure. There supposedly were a few more but I'd have to revisit the scene to catch the others. Let me know if you heard any others once you see the film!

In conclusion, I have zero complaints. I loved the film and I felt that it was a fantastic conclusion to a spectacular saga. I'm looking forward to what the future holds, from The Mandalorian to the announced Kenobi series and, who knows, there may be more films in the future! We'll just have to wait and see. I give The Rise of Skywalker a perfect 4 out of 4.

© 2019 Nathan Jasper


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