Why are the Kardashians famous ? How did Kim get famous?
Our attraction to stupidity and the reality TV celebrities that surround us
We often find ourselves watching reality TV shows or staring at a magazine cover on the shelf, while we wait for the supermarket teller to drag our frozen goods across the beeper, or while we are parked on that comfy couch we spat out all our savings to obtain. And lately.... I find myself asking the question, WHY? Why am I staring at these people? And what is it that we find so fascinating about any of them.
Maybe it is that they look the way we want to look, or maybe it’s the very opposite. Is it the obnoxious tone of Kim Kardashians voice that makes us feel better about our own, or the dysfunctional relationship shared between her and her family that makes you think, "Hey those guys are ripped, but I have a brain". Yet, how many of us laugh at these individuals, who open up their lives for our amusement. These individuals who push the book so far, that they really are selling their lives. So how many of us just watch and giggle, and then how many of us idolize these morons? Are so many of us getting lost in this twisted reality, that we are beginning to think, that these people are the norm?
One would think, that in an attempt to humanize these 'individuals', the media started to take an interest in making their every move public. Was this to show that they are human? But somewhere along the line they lost the point. As the 'entertainment' became more unreal, and embarrassing to watch, we become more interested in their overly fake lives, which, after all, are simply a desperate cry for attention to make more of the big bucks.
Let us hope that someday, for the sake of our brains, the celebrity will push it too far, for example, marrying for a month and getting divorced, simply for publicity, or adopting or conceiving a child, for the good of their careers. Let us hope when that day comes, the average Jenny Soap, or Joe sofa will take a step back and think, "Wow, this person is just a jackass. However, it is a little too late for that, when the era of this kind of stupidity has already begun.
On the bright side, if you ask any onlooker now, you will notice a steady decline in the amount of envy, and a spike in feelings pity and laughter.
Have a great weekend everyone, and try to look forward when you're in line at the grocery store. Resist the urge.....