Linda Bilyeu: Random Fun Facts
Who is Sunshine?
Since I write celebrity tributes and I might reveal skeletons from their closets or air their dirty laundry, I thought it would only be fair to reveal some of my personal random facts.
It's a good thing that I have no secrets, that I could remember. It's also a bonus that I have thick skin and could laugh at myself, which I do multiple times in a day...or else I might not have been able to pull this off.
I'm not a celebrity. OK, maybe I am to someone, somewhere, somehow and for some insane reason. Regardless, I placed this hub in the "Up and Coming Celebrities" category because one never knows what might happen.
Seriously, if Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton could be celebrities for doing nothing we all have a shot!
Granted their parents are millionaires which is a BIG plus for them. OK, Kim made a sex tape...not gonna happen for me.
Paris is a blond bimbo...not gonna happen for me. I prefer the title brunette bimbo. I display that title with honor.
I tend to ramble so excuse my rambling beforehand. We will now proceed to random facts.
Once I publish this I might decide to hide under a rock or stand atop one and ROAR! Not sure which one yet...
Keith Urban and Sunshine!
You Can't Take the Long Islander out of Sunshine
- Born in Uniondale, NY on June 25th, 19*3
- Is number 4 of 6 siblings. Is a middle child, otherwise known as the forgotten child. Not at a rest stop, but it was close a couple of times. Being 5'1 doesn't help her being overlooked at times.
- Sunshine used to be very shy. Yes, that's a fact. She has learned how to use her voice to be heard. She now uses her voice too much and has been told to simmer down which makes her boil over.
- Is directionally dysfunctional. North, South, East, West ... forget about it! Has no idea how to use a compass. Will get lost walking around the block unless she leaves bread crumbs. She is screwed if the neighborhood family of ducks or cranes are walking behind her.
- Is annoying. Yes, a pest. There have been many times when she literally wanted to slap herself upside the head.
- Presently lives in Orlando, FL...since 1986. She's lived in the same zip code, but two different houses since then.
- Her family doesn't let her out much since she has a tendency to find trouble without looking. It just happens. She has learned how to use a hairpin to pop the lock on her cage to get some fresh air.
- Shares her birthday with George Michael who was also born on June 25th, 1963.
- Began writing letters when she was seven years old. Her first letter was to her mother, asking for dinner. Mother remembered to set a place for her at the dinner table that evening. The letters became a daily ritual or else she starved.
- Sunshine married her boss twice. Two different bosses. Two different weddings. She became the boss. They didn't get a raise and worked plenty of overtime!
- She's still not sure what she wants to be when she grows up. She asks her adult children for guidance. They offer assistance. Sunshine doesn't listen. Ignoring children might be genetic. Maybe they should write her a letter?
- Pet Peeve: Walking with confidence and then falling flat on the floor. Yep, she's been there and done that! Hurt the ego more than her chin. OUCH!
- Was not a fan of school. Is more of a hands on learner. She could take on a gangsta, but not sure how many U.S. states there are. 50 or 52? Hmmm.
- Still has her first husband's last name, Bilyeu, because she's too lazy to change all her last name to her second husband's. Also a few friends told her that Linda Ligler sounds like a name for a stripper. Like Sunshine doesn't?
- Is a fan of sunshine and warmth. Does not like when temperatures in Florida go lower than 85*. She often says that cold weather is for penguins, not for humans.
Little Miss Sunshine and her Chickies
Middle Child Syndrome
- When she was 12 years old she stumbled upon her birth certificate. She noticed the date on it was June 25th. She was confused as to why she had been celebrating on June 29th. She asked her dad who was nearby, "WTF?" (not exactly in those words) and he looked at her stunned and said "Ask your mother." She did and her mother said "Ask your father." Instead she wrote a letter to her other siblings and suggested they check their birth certificates. They were all fine. Middle child syndrome?
- When she was 13 she rode on a mule while visiting her grandparents in the Middle East. It wasn't until later on that she learned her relatives who were standing nearby chatting were referring to the mule as a jackass and not her. Talk about giving a kid a complex!
- Has learned that it's best to not talk with food in your mouth after she bit into a cherry tomato and a seed flew into her BFF's eye!
- Has also learned that when someone tells you to "go play in traffic" they really don't actually mean it. She learned this after she almost got hit by a few cars. Sunshine gave her mom a quizzical look and her mom said "You choose now to do as I say?" Sunshine then proceeded to write a letter to her friends warning them that it's a parental trick and don't fall for it!
- Sunshine is claustrophobic and hyperactive. When she leaves this beautiful world for "a better place" she intends to be cremated. The thought of her being cooped up in a box and buried underground not only scares her to death, but she would be bored to death!
- Two words she dislikes are hate and stupid. She truly hates when someone calls another person stupid.
- Her writing inspiration is Jackie Collins. She began reading her books at age 14. Do not judge her. (RIP, beautiful lady)
- Sunshine isn't a fan of the Christmas season, yet she's a fan of the reason. She shares her 1/2 birthday with Jesus.
- Sunshine got her nickname from husband #2. He said she brought sunshine into his life. He was correct. She did and still does. She also could bring one heck of a hurricane if she's in bitch mode.
- She voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and voted for him again in 2012. Enough said.
- Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett died on Sunshine's birthday in 2009. Talk about a bummer of a birthday. Instead of mourning their death she danced to Heaven Can Wait (MJ song) and Burned her Bed (FF movie)!
- Sunshine found out on her 49th birthday that she's going to be blessed with another grandchild. How's that for a birthday gift? Another girl too! Sunshine thinks that chicks rock!
Sunshine Tends To Ramble
- Sunshine has been blessed with the "gift of gab." A gift from her mother. Her mother could talk to anyone, at anytime and become instant friends. She could also sense when she'd rather not be friends and concoct a strategy to end the torture. She might make weird sounds or begin to ramble incoherently and eventually the person will vanish. Never to be seen again.
- Sunshine scored a HubPages "Five-peat!" As of 2015 she is the only hubber who holds the title of winning five consecutive hubbies. She's never been good at sports, so she appreciates the title! In 2011, she won a Hubpages Hubbie Award for "Most Likely To Go Viral" and she was thrilled! She was also excited it was viral via the Internet and not transmitted personally! She also won a Hubbie Award in 2012 for "Most Helpful" and she's thankful to everyone who voted for her. She also was runner up for "Best Hubber of 2012," but Cogerson beat her by 11 votes. Another reason why your vote counts. In 2013, 2014 and 2015 she won for "Most Cheerful" which comes natural with her nickname Sunshine. She truly appreciates being part of the best writing community on the net!
- OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony are both guilty of their crimes. The karma bus has their names imprinted on the license plates. One on each side.
- Birthdays are her favorite holiday. It doesn't matter whose birthday it is. She'll celebrate in some way, shape or form. Halloween is her second favorite.
- Started writing on HubPages after her doctor recommended she begin medications for stress-related reasons. She opted out of the meds and chose to write instead. She has considered taking up drinking since so many amazing authors were drunks! Her doctor advised against that. Go's OK to take meds, but not drink alcohol.
- Full name: Linda Sue Kaywood Bilyeu Ligler or in shortened form .... Sunshine! Not to be confused with the stripper Sunshine.
- Music is also her therapy. She is a fan of country music and Top 40. She frequently sings. Off-key. She gets annoyed when the musical talent she's listening to messes up the lyrics!
- Sunshine seldom has a gray area. It's either black or white. She lacks patience. She prefers to think out of the box (especially when she's locked up in it!)
- Had a google rivalry with Martha Stewart during the Thanksgiving holiday in 2011. She has an article "80 Reasons to be Thankful" and Martha also has an article "100 Reasons to be Thankful" Two days before thanksgiving a friend informed her that they googled her hub and said it was #1 on google results! "No way," she thought! She searched and there it was right above Martha. Martha and Sunshine were neck and neck until Black Friday. It was very entertaining and exciting. Sunshine's is still on top. Martha's is lost in the shuffle. The same for 2012 and 2013 is looking very promising. Way to go Sunshine!
- Strongly believes that chocolate should have it's own individual food group. Also that it should be calorie free. Eaten as often as desired. Basically chocolate should be our freebie in life. I sense a letter to Willy Wonka coming up soon.
- Sunshine likes to travel. In her pajamas. Sipping hot cocoa. Via Google Earth, since her broom is out of commission due to being warped from extensive use.
- She could truly laugh at just about anything. She looks for humor in all situations. If you look hard enough you could also discover the magical power of laughter.
- In July of 2014, she was contacted via email by a producer of The Steve Harvey Show for an article she wrote, "25 Ways to Annoy Your Neighbors." They were looking for annoying neighbors for their "Ask Steve" segment. Unfortunately none of her neighbors find her annoying (seriously?), I had to pass. It was exciting to have my article recognized by Suzie.
- Sunshine is annoying. I know, this might be difficult to believe, but she does have a tendency to be a bit annoying. Even to herself.
- On a sad note, her husband, Dave, passed away on July 6, 2015 after a 7.5 year cancer battle. She was blessed to have him in her life for 18 years. To have been his wife for 12 years and also his caregiver during his battle. Team Cap made one heck of a team and they also made quite an impact on many lives and they will continue to do so, in their own way. Rest in peace, Cap.
- On another sad note, her ex-husband went missing on January 5th, 2016 when he pushed off on a raft on the Rio Grande in New Mexico in search of Forrest Fenn's "hidden treasure." His remains were found six months later on July 13th. Sad ending to a tragic story. Rest in peace, Randy.
- On a final note: Both of her marriages lasted 12 years. One ended in divorce, the other in death. Hmmm. The number 13 is considered to be unlucky, but maybe 12 is mine since I never play by the rules anyway.
- In 2016 Sunshine went against her doctor's advice and began to drink. Shortly afterwards she became a regular at local pubs. She has learned so much along the way. She met so many new friends. She also discovered she really enjoys Jameson on the rocks.
- In June of 2017 Sunshine was blessed with her first grandson, James Ellis Stoker.
Linda Kaywood Bilyeu Published Her First Books in 2015
Sunshine Scissorhands
This completes my random, fun facts about Sunshine! If you feel I shared a fact that's not accurate please feel free to send me a letter.
Brad Paisley - Celebrity
Linda Bilyeu: Orlando Sentinel
Dec 4, 1999 First Jobs: Labor of Love
Nov 24, 2011 Thanksgiving Letters
Keith Urban - Little Bit Of Everything
© 2012 Linda Bilyeu