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The 10 cheesiest songs I sing when on the phone with friends!

Updated on April 10, 2015

Not everyone should sing...

but everyone can!
but everyone can! | Source

I love to sing, but not many like to hear it!

Do you love to sing? I do and I know that it is good for us too! It loosens mucus and clears the throat. Plus it is fun and boosts my mood and spirits! I hope you try this and my top ten if you don't sing a lot already. It is alright, you have my permission to start belting out the hits right now.

I must admit that I sing more and worse when its late at night! I also have made a lot of parodies for these, but that is another blog for another day!

A great classic!

Here are my funny 12!

12. More than this/Roxy Music- Oh yes, I love to hit the high notes in this one. I make the words up because, let's face it. no one can remember these. Brian Ferry is a weirdo, but an immortal one!

11. Spirit in the Sky/ Norman Greenbaum- I sing this and do the guitar! Beh, Beh, Beh, Beh Wha, Wha, Gadunka Dunka Bwawha, Beh Beh. I know , this is silly, but you should see how I get after 10:00 pm.

10. More than words/ Extreme- I do the faster parts a lot louder and faster than they do. Oh sure, it is a train wreck and a half, but this one is so much fun to do Mike style!

9. Fire/ Elmer Fudd- Actually, it is a Bruce Springsteen and a Pointer Sister's hit that the late, great, Robin Williams brought to a newer level as the Fudd Man. This is hysterical and I must say that I have perfected it!

8. Sheena is a punk rocker/ The Ramones- Oh I love this song and live to sing it! I especially love when Joey sings "nowhoowowwow. He was awesome as a front man and rock and roll is not the same with out him!

7. Rock and Roll Radio/ The Ramones- I taught my Niece and Nephew to sing this when they were in diapers, and yes, they still sing it. The Ramones were awesome and their songs are so easy to sing!

6. Ben/ Michael Jackson- This was the theme for the movie, you know about the big rat. It starts out slow and then, I belt out Ben's name nice and loud. You have to hear it to believe it-" A friend like... Ben!"

Don't step in a pile of

My favorite 5!

5. The Mighty Led Zeppelin's Classic... I want a Whole Lot of Love. I love to do the screaming parts, like "Woman, way down inside" and of course, "Love!". and then I imitate the drum solos. Who doesn't love Led Zeppelin and singing their monster hits?

4. Tell me Ma \ The Dubliners- This is a classic Irish folk song that is also fun to dance to! The words and beat a catchy and easy to hit, right on target every time.

3. Superstar / The Carpenters- Karen had such a great voice that she is far to hard to imitate. So, I don't try. This is performed ( loosely I say that) in my own way, in my own key and trust me, you would never know that it once came from a great act like The Carpenters!

2. Sweet Jane/ Velvet Underground, Lou Reed, and The Cowboy Junkies- I do the guitar on this one one too! I loved Lou Reed's music and this one is a gas to sing. "Standing on a corner. Suitcase in my hand". Sweet Jane makes you feel great at the end of a long day, and it really makes no sense at all.

Here it is.The mega hit to end all classics! A great novelty song that will never go away. No matter how hard you try, it really won't go away and neither does my voice.

1. Shaving Cream Benny Bell- " An old lady just died in the bathtub, she suffered a terrible fit!" . I love songs that would be vulgar if they rhymed, but then they stop just short of that. This is such a riot and I hope you enjoy them all. Don't be afraid, sing away!

Please tell me below what your favorites are, and thanks for reading!

Sir Robin morphs into ...


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