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"The Incredible Hulk" Movie Review

Updated on December 17, 2021
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Nathan is an aspiring author with a true passion for film and mental health who hopes their writings will help launch their career.

Bruce Banner has a secret, and it's huge. When he becomes angry, he turns into The Hulk, a green rage monster than seemingly can't be controlled. He's been on the run from General Ross, who has been itching to capture Banner ever since the failed experiment gave Banner the curse of becoming Hulk. Bruce has been hiding in South America, but an acident at a bottling plant causes unexpected consequences, which puts Ross back on Banner's trail.

In this film, Edward Norton tries his hand at becoming Hulk and, for the most part, he pulls it off. His acting is superb as always and has natural chemistry with his counterpart Liv Tyler, who played his love interest Betty Ross. Betty just happens to be the daughter of General Ross, played by William Hurt. William did well, but he didn't bring Ross's fury to the screen. He did, however, bring his obsession so the performance evened out well. Tim Roth also joins the cast as the villain Abomination. Tim performed best of all, starting as a soldier following orders and turning into a creature even worse than Hulk. Hulk was able to be calmed down when Betty was around, but Abomination couldn't be stopped by any such emotion. That's what made Tim's performance important, and he didn't disappoint.

What disappointed me was the visuals and the pacing of the film. Most of the movie was Ross chasing Banner and Betty, so there wasn't as much Hulk as I would have liked. When Hulk was seen, he looked more like an angry Jolly Green Giant than the Hulk. Abomination looked like a Stegosaurus. As far as the pacing goes, the director seemed to be unable to decide if he was making a drama, and action, or a comedy film. The film shifted directions so much, it was hard to tell.

In conclusion, the film was decent. I loved the performances and the story. I just with the visuals had been edited better. There hasn't been a new stand-alone Hulk film since The Incredible Hulk, but I'm still hoping it'll happen. There was a storyline left open with Tim Blake Nelson's character that really should be resolved soon.

© 2016 Nathan Jasper


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