Jazz Radio Stations on FM
Groove In All You Do
The Music That Soothes
Where are those jazz radio stations?
With music to calm the angry nations
Of sounds to ease tensions of rappers
Music for head weavers and hand clappers,
Stations that’ll lets us freely think
On our own for a change
Stations not always on the brink
Of playing something wild and strange,
Jazz is missing in our daily flow
Don’t always, really want to dance
We need to take it easy and slow
Not always hearing about romance,
Want to groove sometimes while driving
And look out for road connivers
Be not out there conniving
Give courtesy to new drivers
Jazz is most peaceful
If we want peace
It’ll calm the nerves
To say the least
Jazz stations are in great need
On the FM dial
It used to be the planted seed
For a long, long while,
Jazz gives us that peace of mine,
Stations have abandoned us
Bring us back to that smooth line
Of music with an A-plus!
Feel What You Want To Feel
The instrumental music of jazz allows you to feel exactly what you want to feel. I does not usually have the singing words expressing an emotion otherwise, it allows you to enjoy the very best that music can offer. In jazz there is usually a particular instrument that is highlighted if not all of them, to take us on a brief musical voyage of listening ecstasy and considered a special treat for the mind, heart and soul.