Three easy and value adding ways to utilize your time as housewife
A housewife life is always busy with routine work at home still she has so much of time which can be utilized for her own. That free time can either be spend on internet ,watching TV and many more such things but one can get bored of them soon then why not to utilize your free time in a way so you can get appreciation and can earn some money also. Here are some very simple and easy ways to add value to your free time.
1. Experimentation with cooking
Every housewife’s daily routine includes a primary task of cooking which becomes very boring at some point of time. You can make it interesting by trying some new recipe or do some new experiment with your recipe, for example, adding new flavoring ingredient or improving the presentation and look of the dish.
This way not only you can make your family happy but also can start a business if you master some recipes. Many such tutorials are available on internet and YouTube related to innovative salad decoration, different ways of cooking with same ingredients. Learn and experiment and let others know by publishing your own online cooking tutorial videos or blogs.
2. DIY(Do It Yourself) Crafts
Making craft is not only fun but can let you earn a good amount of money. It is the simplest way as you don’t need to invest too much into it. Even with some colored papers and scissors you can create numerous beautiful crafts like roses, decor garland. You just need to be creative and give some time into it.
Reuse snacks packets, blank papers, newspapers to create beautiful craft work and decorate your house.
The best gift for your loved ones is to prepare something yourself like handmade cards, flowers etc. because these things reflect your effort and time. After learning you yourself can teach others through blogs, videos and can earn from these as well.
3. Gardening
It always gives pleasure to see a plant grow, to see a flower blossom. By investing a little time on gardening, you can have many vegetables grown in your garden and with decorative plants your house gets livelier. If you have enough space, you can grow variety of vegetables, fruits, flowers and decorative plants. Even if you don’t have much space, many plants like coriander, fenugreek, green chilly plants can be grown in small pots. Just need to sow the seeds and water your plants properly.
These days if you have internet connection, you can get various tutorials related to cooking, gardening, crafts and many others. Learn from them, enhance and give time to your talent, do experiments and teach others. This way you can add value to your time without investing too much.