Vikings: Predictions for The Second Half of Season 4
Vikings has had an interesting history. Having started in 2013 and continued since then on the History channel, the show has registered incresing success with modern audiences who fell in love with the show's depiction of Viking culture, it's people, and it's way of life. This is quite astonishing as Vikings isn't fictional. It's an historical drama, but the time period allows for the creators to take certain liberties and create heroes and villains in historical figures that might be inaccurate, but due to the presentation of the show itself, remain authentic.
Going into the second half of season 4, I'm as excited as I was in season 1. During the tenth episode of this season I was very surprised when, after the failed attack on Paris, we jumped in time several years, but then I remembered that this show was based on historical facts, and as such, it was moving towards the next chapter in Ragnar's story. His sons' legacies. While many historians still debate whether Ragnar actually existed, there is no such debate regarding Bjorn, or Ivar, or Ubba. And like it's said by the seer on the show, their fame somewhat eclipses that of their supposed father. I realised then that the show was moving to their feats, and I went into overdrive, thinking about what they would do and how they would do it.
I already saw the promo for the second half of the season so I will be combining some historical facts with what was hinted at in that trailer, and try to predict what the show will do with it's characters and plot, assuming it sticks losely with historical events.
1. First thing that came to my mind was the Great Heathen Army. The promo put a lot of emphasis on Ivar and his role in war. We were also shown scenes of battle between the English and the Vikings. This made me ask several questions: first of all, what is the motive behind this attack on England? It was revealed to the sons of Ragnar in episode 10 that the settlement in Wessex had been destroyed. This could very well be the main reason. I ask this question because following Ragnar's death at the hands of King Aelle, Ivar leads the Vikings in an assault on Britain, not to raid, but to conquer. It seems like that is what's depicted here but we get no hints of Ragnar's fate. Whether he dies before the invasion, during the invasion, or not at all is left for us to wonder. It would be bold for the show to go into it's fifth season without it's lead, but historically, it would be accurate. I still believe the show will have Ragnar die in the snake pit by King Aelle, as that was foreshadowed in the first season of the show. Regardless, conflict in England will return, and with our characters getting older, I wonder whether Alfred will take the leadership position he took in actual history, or if that role will be filled by Aethelwulf.
2. Second main question I left the trailer with was, what will be Bjorn's journey in the coming episodes? We get shots of him, within Viking armies, alongside his brothers in what I assume were battles with the English. However we were told in episode 10 that Bjorn's new goal was to travel to the Mediterranean sea, alongside Floki and Helga. Even after the news from the settlement in Wessex, he still goes to Floki with this same objective in mind. What will make him go to England, and to war, intrigues me. Especially because Bjorn's journey to the Mediterranean is the major reason behind his historical fame. And it was predicted in the show that one of Ragnar's sons would sail in a sea that has no tides. Perhaps the show manages to have the war on England happen during the next 10 episodes and in the end Bjorn will journey to the Mediterranean. What prevents him from going right away is the mystery, which is another thing that makes me wonder whether Ragnar is long for this world. His death would certainly drive Bjorn to a desire for vengeance, and perhaps, that is what will happen.
3. How will Rollo feature within all of this? With war being centered once again in England, Frankia is somewhat left by the wayside, yet we have shots of Rollo with Bjorn and Hvitserk. These shots show them bloody but there is no hint of a battle with the British. I don't see Rollo going to England in the coming episodes, no. I do however, ponder the possibility of him joining Bjorn on his journey. He says in the trailer, presumably to princess Gisla that part of him is still Viking, perhaps this is what drives him to go with Bjorn. With this, I can't rely much on history. Rollo does become the ruler of Normandy, and has no relations with Ragnar, so his story is largely created by the show, based on the skeleton of the historical information on him. The show can do more what they want with his character, so long as it remains believable, but I don't think they will put him in the war on England.
4. The final major conflict the trailer exposed was the war for power in Kattegat. Aslaug and Lagertha will apparently be fighting for the title of Queen, why, I don't know. Perhaps following the death of Ragnar, which is not certain, but I can see no other reason. Why would Lagertha fight for power now, if something had not changed? Something impactful has to happen in order for these two women to fight for the title of Queen. We get shots of Lagertha in the middle of battle but once again we don't see the oponent, so once again, we're left to wonder, also why she doesn't go to England. Perhaps the show will also do both in the span of 10 episodes.
These are all the main points I wanted to touch on, I probably will be wrong about most of this but regardless, leave your opinion down below, and thank you for reading.