Are you a Twilight fan?
The love of Edward and Bella, could life get any more perfect?
The new movie Breaking Dawn Part 1 is coming out in 22 days. Are you as excited as I am???
I've been waiting for this wedding to come around. I've always had a facination with weddings and I'm really looking forward to seeing every detail about this one. The dress, the flowers, the whole party!
I'm a total Team Edward fan. Have been ever since I saw the first Twilight movie. There's just something about that whole dark and mysterious hunk that gets me all twiterpaited! LoL Jacob isn't bad, he's just too much of the typical male that every female wants.
I was looking at a bunch of stuff online about the Twilight Saga and found the following link that has basically everything. Cast, Writers, Directors, even how much the movies have made. Hard to believe that all three have grossed over a billion dollars just in theaters!!!
After reading the books, and looking forward to the movies, I have this huge question in my head how they are going to pull off the last part of the story. (I don't want to spoil it for those who have not read the books). I just know I'm super excited to FINALLY see Bella and Edward get married. They were meant for each other!
November 18th, will you be in line to see the next great movie of the saga? I know I will be!!!