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Why Some People Are Critical of Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex

Updated on February 27, 2019
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Margaret Minnicks is an online writer who writes about the royal family.

Some people have been very critical of Meghan Markle since she began dating Prince Harry back in 2016. The criticisms continued through their engagement, marriage, and now that they are expecting a baby in late April or early May of this year.

It seems no matter what the 37-year-old expecting mother does, it is met with criticisms from the press, people on social media, and haters in general. She is constantly put under the microscope.

They criticize how she walks, how she talks, how she smiles, how she laughs, how she wears her hair, what she wears, how she constantly cradles her stomach and anything else that she does.

Did you know she was criticized for taking only one of her two rescue dogs to the United Kingdom with her? There were criticisms from animal lovers because she left Bogart behind, but she took Guy with her when she moved to London from Toronto, Canada after her engagement in 2017.

There has been an avalanche of hatred and criticisms from people in American and Great Britain. People from all walks of life seem to have something negative to say about someone they have never even met.

There is no shortage of criticisms from males, female, those who are married, and those who are single. Those people have no valid reason to throw stones at her.

When Meghan does something good, there are some haters who find fault with her. No subject is off limits when it comes to criticizing the Duchess of Sussex. It is unbelievable that people join groups on social media just so they have a platform to bash her instead of writing good comments.

There are some commenters who argue among themselves when it comes to how bad they can talk about Prince Harry's wife. Some of the negative topics fall into the following categories.

  • Her fashion choices
  • What she says
  • Where she goes
  • Her friends
  • What the other royals think about her
  • Breaking royal protocols
  • How she cradles her baby bump
  • And many other topics

Rude Twitter Posts

Rude Twitter posts show up every single day, and there are many of them. The followings are just a random sampling of criticisms and negative remarks about how often she cradles her growing belly.

One person tweeted: "Meghan Markle holding on to that bump like someone’s about to snatch it."

Another person tweeted: "When will Meghan "Duchess of Sussex" stop constantly cradling her bump! Like the whole bloody world doesn't know she is pregnant & it's not like she doesn't get enough attention she craves. Seriously, no pregnant woman poses for photos like that. Ever. She’s such an actress."

Some people think the Duchess of Sussex may be playing up her pregnancy for the cameras. They claim she is performing and it is her way to get more attention. They say it is overkill, especially when photos show her touching her stomach over and over.

Several women have even compared their pregnancies to Meghan's. One woman said she had five children and she did touch her belly with all five as much as Meghan is touching hers with one baby. She added, "It is so unnecessary. I am tired of seeing it. It makes me want to throw up."

The medical journal Plos One came to Meghan's defense by saying, "When mothers rub their bellies, babies have more arm, head, and mouth movements than if the woman does nothing."

Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex cradling her stomach
Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex cradling her stomach | Source

Why So Many Negative Comments?

Is it because Meghan is an American?
Americans are critical of Meghan for marrying a royal. The British people are critical of Prince Harry for marrying an American. Many people have accused Meghan of being a gold digger.

Is it because Meghan is biracial?
Meghan is biracial. Her mother Doria Ragland is African-American. Her father Thomas Markle is Caucasian. People should be over Meghan's race. There are many well-known biracial people among us.

President Barack Obama is biracial with a white mother and a black father. Academy Award-winning actress Halle Berry is biracial. Canadian rapper Drake is biracial. So is football star Colin Kaepernick. Meghan's race should not garner negative and derogatory comments, but it does.

Is it because Meghan has been married before?
Meghan has been married and divorced. This is Prince Harry's first marriage. Critics should remember that there are other royals who have divorced. Prince Charles divorced and married Camila, the Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Andrew and Princess Anne divorced. That means three of Queen Elizabeth's four children have been divorced. The youngest child Prince Edward is the only one who hasn't been divorced.

Is it because Meghan is three years older than her husband?
Age is not an issue with either one of them, and it shouldn't be an issue with anyone else.

Is it because Meghan was an actress?
Meghan worked her way up to becoming an actress after having taken smaller jobs along the way. She had a leading role in the legal drama Suits. When she became engaged to Prince Harry in November 2017, she gave up her acting career. Some still see her as an actress on the biggest stage of her life.

Is it because of her fashions, hairstyles, and beauty?
Some people have criticized the Duchess of Sussex for some of her fashion choices including her wedding gown and her maternity outfits. One person commented on social media that Meghan's wedding dress was hideous and something more fitting for a chambermaid. The person added that was the worse wedding dress she had ever seen.

Is it because Prince Harry and Meghan are happily married and happily pregnant?
Unfortunately, some people don't like to see others happy. They believe that they can elevate themselves by putting other people down.

Haters Like Rumors

The haters of Meghan Markle like rumors about her just so they can have something bad to say. There were rumors that Meghan was causing trouble with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and that was the reason she and Prince Harry are moving to Frogmore Castle.

There was a rumor that Meghan couldn't get along with her staffers and that was why several of them resigned.

From the very beginning, haters started rumors that Meghan gets away with breaking royal rules. They are quick to point out that she wore black nail polish and went without wearing stocking on some occasions.

Recent Criticisms

Meghan spent five days in New York with her friends who hosted a baby shower in her honor. There were criticisms about that and the expense the friends paid for the celebration.

They criticized her for taking almost a 7,000-mile round trip in her seventh month of pregnancy to celebrate with friends. They criticized her for the expense of the trip and the cost of the baby showers hosted by her friends. They spoke negatively about it as if the money came from their bank account.

Some critics have gone so far as to say Meghan isn't pregnant. They say her "lump" is too high and it is square. They also say that Meghan stoops down to talk to children and pregnant women can't stoop that low. They give no reason for saying Meghan is faking her pregnancy. What are they going to say when the baby is born in a couple of months?

Piers Morgan and Wendy Williams
Piers Morgan and Wendy Williams | Source

Celebrity Haters

Since the very beginning of Prince Harry and Meghan's relationship, people have spoken out against her. Even celebrities have spewed hateful comments. In Britain, it seems that journalist Piers Morgan is her number one hater. He criticizes almost everything she does. He criticized Meghan for choosing to have an organic lemon and elderflower cake on her wedding day instead of following royal tradition with a fruit cake.

He made derogatory remarks about her for writing positive messages on bananas for a group of women at a charity event.

In America, talk show host Wendy Williams criticized Meghan from the very being of her relationship with Prince Harry. Williams called Meghan a gold digger from the ghetto. She predicted that their marriage won't last because Meghan is only faking it until she makes it.

Morgan and Williams are not the only celebrities who have criticized Meghan Markle. The list also includes British media personality Katie Hopkins and Australian TV personality and author Chrissie Swan. New Zealand-based radio personality Kate Hawkesby has described the newest addition to the royal family as a fake and an opportunistic.

RuPaul Came to Meghan Markle's Defense

RuPaul and Meghan Markle
RuPaul and Meghan Markle | Source

RuPaul came to Meghan Markle defense during an appearance on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen. The television personality said the Duchess of Sussex's haters should just go away.

RuPaul turned the tables on the critics. He said, “And the truth is all these people spreading all these rumors about her, they’re the problem!"

Haters Should Relax

Many critics are upset because Meghan is a royal. They shouldn't be because it is unlikely that she will ever be Queen of England. That's because Harry is the sixth in line to the throne following Prince William and Duchess Kate's three children. Those in the line are in this order:

  • Prince Charles
  • Prince William
  • Prince George
  • Princess Charlotte
  • Prince Louis
  • Prince Harry
  • Baby Sussex

To be fair, there will be a companion article about those who have shown love and praise to Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex.


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