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The Film Innocence of Muslims, Flamed Islamic Passions

Updated on April 30, 2024
MG Singh profile image

The author is an air warrior, military historian and writer on warfare and military history


A movie made on Mohammed came on the screen sometime back. Titled Innocence of Muslims, the movie generally did not receive good comments. It is a movie on Islam that it shows in an unfavorable light. Before discussing anything further, it is worth enlightening the readers about Islam. Mohammed founded a great religion. The appeal of the religion bypassed frontiers and societies with the result it is the second largest religion in the world. These are facts and though one can at times fault the method of conversion which was the sword, the fact remains that millions converted to Islam.

The Islamic nations are spread in an arc from Africa to the Middle East and South East Asia and encompass diverse peoples and ethnic groups. The unifying force for all is Islam and the Koran which is believed to be the spoken word of the prophet

The film

With such a vast following it is a matter of surprise that a poorly made and silly film should have created so much turbulence. This obscure film has ignited a wave of violence against America in particular and the West, in general, that is hard to explain. It points to the fact that the religion is dominated by hard-line extremists, who have a different agenda. It is not the film that is in focus but its use as a ploy to further a nefarious agenda by the extremist Muslims for the imposition of a Wahhabi Form of extremist Islam on the people. The aim is to seize power and establish an Islamic caliphate.

The Wahhabis and the USA

In this battle for an Islamic caliphate, the main adversary as seen by the extremists is the USA and that is the reason the USA is targeted. The film is just incidental and a convenient ploy to channel the 'anger' of the people. Frankly, 99% of the world would have never heard of this movie "Innocence of Muslims" which is a shoddy and poorly made film. I would never have bothered about it, but this agitation and resultant rioting brought the movie into focus and now everybody knows about it and excerpts are available on YouTube, I suppose many would have seen them as well.


Many books have been written criticizing a core Catholic belief that Jesus Christ died on the cross. Some have opined that he did not die on the cross and died much later in Kashmir, but this has not resulted in any rioting or violent reaction. Similarly, I remember reading a book that Rama the Hindu God was a myth created to suppress the scheduled castes. There was no violent reaction. Thus one wonders how a silly film on Islam like 'Innocence of Muslims' can lead to such organized violence.

Organized violence resulted in the use of rockets and weapons to kill the US ambassador in Libya. One also wonders how such a film by an obscure man which hardly had any viewership can harm a great religion like Islam. Is Islam so weak as to be threatened by one silly film? When asked if they had seen the film, many agitators replied in the negative. So rioting and killing without seeing is again a dangerous pointer that the Wahabbi or ultra-conservative forces are gaining control over Islam and the plan to set up an Islamic caliphate all over the world is in full swing.

A Poor Film

Coming to the film 'Innocence of Muslims deserves to be consigned to the dustbin but unfortunately, the agitation has brought unnecessary coverage to a man who didn't deserve it. He should have been a nobody, but now everybody is talking and writing about him and his film

The agenda as I have pointed out is different. It is part of a grand design to set up an Islamic caliphate. This is the danger. Today it is the film, tomorrow it will be something else. The fact also remains that the sword spreads Islam and that is the instrument that dominates Islamic thought. Hence recourse to terrorism, wars, and talking of destruction of the "evil West " and Israel.

Last word

This is a critical period in world history. I do not for one moment envisage a war of religions. There are saner elements in Islamic-ruled states who realize the dangers of this war which could end in defeat for the Muslims. What we need is to encourage the moderate forces in Islam, but that is no easy task as the West is branded as Evil.

Sometimes a hard line is needed from the West but the American leadership is now caught with self-doubt. Starting with Obama who went to a Madrasa, a Muslim religious school for 2 years and now Biden the American leadership has nothing much to offer

© 2012 MG Singh


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