Nightmare Near My Street
The house that Freddy built
Welcome to Elm st.
Let me tell you when a movie comes out with a street name that is a block away from yours, it leaves a lasting impression!
While I think Most will agree that part 2 of the Nightmare on Elm Street series was the worst and a cure for insomnia, the rest of the series (at least 1,3 & 4) was good. Oh and by series I mean all the original movies and not that horrible remake! (as the Rules in Scream say Don't F* with the original, well they really messed up with a couple parts that they didn't do like the original and to me that was F-ing with it!) In the original my fave part is with Johnny Depp and to me will always be the best in the series. My other favorite one of the series was part 3 (when they are in the Mental Hospital.) & Part 4 I think was another.
Honestly I have had my own nightmare from this movie but that was after watching it the 2nd time or more than that. I dreamt there were these Giant mice coming after me (like in Fantasia) with Pitchforks & Freddy nails!
That impression I was talking about earlier...Yeah that had to do with the 3 family house I grew up in. Our fuses would blow all the time (well I think mostly if the Air conditioner was on) and the fuses weren't a switch box, these were actual fuses that from what I remember looked like flat light bulbs, and had to be screwed in. There was a big huge heater or whatever it's called in the basement which was pretty cavernous (I swear it could have been used as a medival torture chamber) well I had to pass by this thing, and even though it was a few feet away I'd run past it to get to the fuse box. Though there were times I looked at it and wondered if I'd find Freddy's glove in there, but not I never had enough nerve back then to look!
Recently on Netflix I came across a Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy which (I think) was produced by the star of the original, Heather Langenkamp that played Nancy. It gives you a behind the scenes look of what went on, on set. Interviews with the cast, which I was happy to see the cast from the 3rd movie especially Rodney Eastman who played the silent Joey (I so had a crush on him when the 3rd & 4th movies came out). During the section on part 3 they say many people tell them it's their favorite of the series. Another Favorite of the series: is one of the deaths: The "Welcome to Prime Time B***" one (that's one of my favorte lines, but I guess would be in my top 5 deaths of the series). They explain how some of the scenes were done like Johnny Depp's charater's death but it doesn't ruin it at least not for me it didn't.
Welcome to my Nightmare
So what was My Nightmare 2 streets over from Elm? Well after the 2nd time I watched the movie I do't know if I ate some weird snack or what, but I dreamt that there were these large bi pedal (cartoon looking) rats (a foot or more tall) one hand with a freddy glove, the other with a pitchfork (think of the broom scene of Fantasia with them coming down the stairs) only it was a stair case like the boilerroom in the nightmare movies.
Another only NOT a nightmare... one of the teeny Bopper magazines put a pin-up of Freddy in the magazine, well I hated the lame wallpaper in my room so I basically wallpapered my wall with pinups & posters.
So Freddy was 2-3 rows up & about the middle -ish area of the wall. So one night I look up and it seems jsut perfectly the light from the street lamp was coming in just perfect & landing on the Freddy picture. Well I always say the only way I get scared is if I do it myself & that is the night I started that. You know how when you look at a picture too long your eyes play tricks on you? Well that light had me staring at the Freddy pin-up as I tried to fall asleep, didn't close my eyes but I had a 'waking' nightmare I guess you could call it. I saw a metal rail fly across in front of the pin-up with a metal 'ting'; then Freddy's hand slowly & creepily came out & Screeeeeeeeeched along the rail after that I freaked out literally HID under my covers & swore first thing in the morning I was taking the picture down.
There's an Elm st. everywhere
The first nightmare
was a scare
The best of the series & scariest with a sprinkle of gore thrown in.
There are quite a lot of memorable scenes, but none more so than Johnny Depp's.
Great cast and atmosphere.
Freddy's Revenge - more like insomnia cure
the sophomore slump strikes, Freddy is coming for the writer and director too!
Basically, the only 'good' thing about that 2010 remake (which I hated) was that they put the first 2 movies in one. as watching part 2 is just dreadful. But then I think there were some problems or something or because it was the first Craven had nothing to do with.
The first one was scary this was crap and the ones that followed were scary but campy and humorous as well. Part 2... needs to be burned! and that chick always reminded me of that Singer Tiffany for some reason.
pt 3 Dream Warrriors
3rd Times the Charm
This stars a young Patricia Arquette. The kids are in a mental hospital which their shrink (the woman one) I think basically thinks its their hormones. My fave part is the puppet one.
This had some serious memorable moments not to mention some good lines Welcome to Prime Time B*** and I had such a crush on Joey for some reason...
If any Nightmare movie gets a full remake in a sense I want it to be this one if ONLY to update the FX but a true 100% remake.
One of the great scenes of this sequel
The Dream Master
Four opens the door!
The last of the Elm street kids are doing what they can to get by. Alice ends up being the plug when the last 3 Joey, Kinkaid and Kirsten dream their last dream.
Kirsten tries to give Alice her dream power but gets twisted in a way.
And no one is 'safe'
Dream Child
Five and still alive
I forget how Freddy is getting to everyone in this.. Not sure if its when the baby is asleep or whatever the's not as memorable as some but I think the comic book bit is in this one.
Sleep or not Freddy IS going to get you!
Freddy's Dead -& 3-D 'cheese'
Back for a Fix
Now a cheesy Freddy is fun from the 3rd movie even the silly 'Fuel injection' of the last movie but this...just no!
The ONLY memorable scene for me at least, was Breckin Meyer's character (I think it was) and Freddy playing him like a video game. (Super Mario maybe?)
There's one other thing I remember from the movie but it's not very clear, so I'm guessing its something that you had the glasses on for. (I'm so glad movies have graduated from the blue and red glasses!)
New Nightmare
Meta seven!
Nightmare on Elm Street goes meta! Yes, it's a movie filming in a movie about the same movie! Nancy is back again, she has a son and tries to keep all the movie stuff away from him, but then again he is only PG age.
I love the part where they go under the covers and it turns into a tunnel
Oh and Wes Craven is actually in it as well!
Love Freddy
What's Your Favorite Nightmare
The Legacy
Classic Cuts
Nightmare on Elm St. 'Classic Cuts' post signature series.
This is my blog's signature series and I put a lot of work into them. I try to post one per month but sometimes may not find all the information I want, or may need to re-watch a series as Classic Cut's is not just about a movie or one season or episode of a tv series, but the whole franchise and run of the series!
in short I try to be sure it is a thorough look at the series. Individual reviews and such for each separate movie and aspect of the franchise (remember there were 2 tv series and I've heard a video game as well!) Sadly i don't think I ever played the game and I don't remember the series enough. (Honestly can't they put everything on DVD and Blu-ray as well as digital? Just leave the older stuff on the streaming sites for anyone looking for this or that (heck I have to look up stuff I watched as a kid sometimes)
so I hope you liked this article and will check out the Classic Cut's presentation of Nightmare on Elm Street!