Sam Worthington
The Wrath of the Man on a Ledge
Samuel Henry J. Worthington
Born on August 2, 1976
in Godalming, Surrey, England.
Father Ron is a power plant worker & Mother a homemaker who raised Sam & his sis. They moved to Perth, Western Australia during his childhood
Sam Spent his formative teen years in Warnbro a suburb of Rockingham; a West Australian Coastal surfing Town, but left home at 17 having dropped out of school, not knowing what he wanted to do with his life, he worked construction & odd jobs & traveled around Australia. Sam worked as a Brick layer before becoming an actor.
at the age of 12 he went to John Curtain Collage of the Arts a highly sought after place in the Gifted & Talented Drama Program. which is a high school in Fremantle near Perth; Which he would have been chosen from around 400 children.
Sam Spent his formative teen years in Warnbro a suburb of Rockingham; a West Australian Coastal surfing Town, but left home at 17 having dropped out of school, not knowing what he wanted to do with his life, he worked construction & odd jobs & traveled around Australia. Sam worked as a Brick layer before becoming an actor.
Sam went to NIDA (Australia's National Institute of Dramatic Art)age of 19, to support a friend but was pushed through and got through. His friend did not get into NIDA, breaking up with him at the end of that week. Sam graduated from NIDA in '98 winning a scholarship
(articles etc. are sketchy on what came first NIDA or John Curtain school)
After Graduating from NIDA, Worthy performed in a production of the David Hare play The Judas Kiss for the Company B @ Belvoir St. Theater.
He received critical acclaim for his portrayal as Arthur Wellesley in his first professional role
(directed by Neil Armfield).After graduating from Stage school, Sam went on to acting in Australian Tv shows & Theater productions, then went on to various minor roles in films.
Described as
"one of Australia's most likable young leading men" ( Sam has been building a strong career; working on the Australian television shows Water Rats (2000) and Backburner & Matter of Life. He won the Best Actor Award for his role in this film at the 2001 Tropfest Film festival. His break out role came in the form of highly acclaimed Australian movie "Bootmen", (in 2002) about a troop of `tap dogs'; the film also starred Adam Garcia as Sam's brother. as well as being nominated by the Australian Film Institute as Best Lead Actor. He landed leading roles in the comedy Gettin' Square in 2003, alongside David Wenham Jonathan Teplitzky the director originally tested actors who were up to 8 years older than the (then) 27 year old Worthington. The director wasn't sold that Sam "could convincingly play a tough guy & also have elements of a leading man about him", in the end Teplitzky decided Sam was "fantastic". Giving David the older, slightly more streetwise accomplice & proclaiming "it worked". He's best known for his roles in 2004's Somersault winning The AFI award for Best Lead Actor for the role. Sam was offered the role of Joe in the unique and greatly acclaimed Australian drama, written and directed by Cate Shortland, "Somersault" opposite Abbie Cornish. "Somersault" took 7 years to make, and Shortland wanted to cast the perfect actor in the role of Joe. Shortland did much preparation for the film, arranging for a 3-week rehearsal period prior to shooting, it all paid off. The film did amazingly well, making a clean sweep of the Australian Film Institute awards in 2004 to win in all 13 film categories - the first time this has ever occurred in the award's history. It beat the previous record of eight AFI awards shared by Lantana (2001) and Newsfront (1978).
The Australian 'M' (Macbeth), in which he plays an updated version of the famous Shakespeare character, Macbeth. as well as the acclaimed Australian TV series; Love My Way in the role of Howard playing the main love interest to the female lead. He's also been in The Great Raid (a small part, he's in a couple of scene but blink & you miss him) Hart's War, as well as Rogue about a territorial crocodile. (Think Lake Placid Outback style) Sam starred in another hailed Australian drama in 2002's Sam starred in another hailed Australian Dirty Deeds, which also starred Toni Collette and John Goodman, as well as a guest role in 2000 in 1 episode on the U.S. TV series JAG for the100th episode (Boomerang part 1)..
2004 Sam made his directorial debut on the short film, "Enzo",
Was in the same class as Matthew Newton. The son of TV personalities Bert and Patty Newton
Sam was one, of a handful of actors (1 in which was The Tudors' Henry Cavil) that was being considered to take over the James Bond role from Pierce Brosnan; for 2006's Casino Royale. However with 2 films lined up for 2009 Terminator Salvation opened to Worthington getting much Praise 'stealing' the movie from Christian Bale with his performance & Avatar (currently in Theaters) (which was filmed in New Zealand, Hawaii & U.S.) along with 2 Movies in March of 2010.The remake of The Clash of the Titans as Perseus & Last Night along with Kyra Knightly.
Sam will probably be one of the NEW STARS TO WATCH. Avatar has apparently made him "Hollywood's most sought after star" maybe even the next go-to action star.
(Clash of the Titans Trailer is included in his best movies & Characters)
He's won the 2009 GQ Australia Actor & Man of the Year Awards
2004 Sam got his big break. Having made his directorial debut on the short film, "Enzo",
Was in the same class as Matthew Newton. The son of TV personalities Bert and Patty Newton
However with 2 films in 2009 Terminator Salvation which opened to Worthington getting much Praise 'stealing' the movie from Christian Bale with his performance & Avatar (currently in Theaters) netting a $77 million opening weekend (& a gross of $213 million) then 2 Movies in March of 2010.
The remake of The Clash of the Titans as Perseus a remake of the 1981 low-tech film & in 2010 he'll be in The Debt playing Young David, Then although its complete but may be shelved.
See movie news @ the bottom of the page, there's an interview link)
Last Night along with Kira Knightly. Then There's The Candidate (which is Optioned property status)
What's beyond for the one of 2009's Break out stars?
Sam was originally slated to be in The Tourist with Angelina Jolie which is a remake of the 2005 French Thriller, but bowed out and Johnny Depp took his place. His & Jolie's roles were suppose to originally be occupied by Tom Cruise & Charlize Theron. Jolie plays the Interpol Agent & Sam was going to be the American Tourist. The Texas killing Fields is now out on DVD, it was originally shown at Film Festivals.
Sam will probably be one of the NEW STARS TO WATCH, maybe even the next go-to action star.
(Clash of the Titans Trailer is included in his best movies & Characters)
He's won the 2009 GQ Australia Actor & Man of the Year Awards over Russell Crowe & Eric Bana!!
On March 2, 2010 Sam was named Showest Male star of the Year
3 new Avatar films will be made in New Zealand
Avatar Sequals will be family Epic
New Zealand risks losing Avatar Sequels
"I read what people say, because they're my audience.
If you don't know how you're coming across, I think you're cutting yourself off a bit. "I always put acting to sport in the sense that if the fans are booing you, you know you've got to play better. We don't necessarily have the bounce of a theater, but we have the critics online, we have our critics in the newspaper, so I do take it all on-board in order to go, 'Well, they're the ones paying 12 bucks, I've got to step up my game.' Or 'Sam Worthington has to change this,' well f*** it, I'll change that... That to me, that then helps my profession and links what I think my job is, that's to entertain people"
& Upcoming Projects (confirmed or not)
Drift premiers in Australia sometime in 2013 & in Sweden June 5 will be the Dvd premire.
Avatar Sequels
James Cameron is currently writing what he calls the "Bible' & detailing work for the movie, from there THEN he can start writing the script
Sam Worthington's upcoming Projects
2013 Drift
a quote from Sam about the movie
"I'm a Western Australian boy at heart and to go back there and put something back into my home town is something I am really looking forward to. There's something pure and true about surfing, and there is something pure and true about this script."
Avatar 3 - Treatment/outline
whenever Cameron gets around to it. Cameron Insists he'll direct another movie before landing on Pandora again (see Quotes page for what Sam says he wants to do with the love story) it's in "the Quotable SAM Worthington' section
Vital Stats
& Career Highlights
Eye color: Blue
Height: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
Nickname(s): Wortho
Notable feature(s):
*his smile
*Freckle Face
*usually sporting a metal bands T-shirt
Education: NIDA
*Father-Ron a Power plant worker "like Homer Simpson"
*Mom - Home Engineer
Romances: stylist Natalie Mark
current: (as of January 2012) Crystal Humphries
Resides in:
*Australia & L.A. California
Personal interests/hobbies:
Music= Rock/Metal Band Manowar
Likes watching America's Top Model (Tyra)
soccer (was quite good at it, as a youngster)
Described as Engaging, down-to-earth, Self-depreciating,
& blessed with a sense of humor &
"This former bricklayer from Perth is 33, but he looks boyish"-Inquierer Entertainment
When he was young he loved acting & even had a 'Pommie Accent'
is represented by CAA & Industry
Hang outs- Mother's Milk (Melbourne Australia)
Career Highlights
Non-acting careers: Brick layer
Big break: 2009 Terminator Salvation & Avatar
Defining characters: Marcus Wright (Terminator Salvation)
Jake Sully (Avatar)
Joe Somersault
Best movies:
Terminator salvation
(being he stole it from bale in my opinion as well as Entertainment Weekly's 'The Bull's-eye' )
Macbeth (those outfits!),
Joe in "Somersault" (2004)
Best TV:
Stage credits:
Endorsements: He was in a commercial for the Call of Duty : Modern warfare 3 video game
Other notable appearances/credits:
Top awards:
Sam's most recent works - 2011-2012
+ 2 Movie
These are both the same movie jsut with a different title.
Sam trailers - Check out the vid game!
IN the U.S. Fink! is known as Pros & Excons (on Netflix)
I spent three weeks
at the Roosevelt Hotel standing on a 14 inch ledge that was 22 stories off the ground; that's over 200 feet above Madison Avenue and I don't deal with height very well.
-Sam on filming Man on a ledge
Name: Nick Cassidy
residence: Sing Sing
age/Occupation: mid 30s Cop/prisoner
Theater Release Date(s): January 27 2012
signature look: Orange prison jumpsuit / Professional business Attire
Character connections:
Mike Ackerman -Work force partner
Joey Cassidy-Brother
Angie- brother's Girlfriend
Lydia Mercer- Negotiator
David Englander- Rich realator that frames Nick
William Sadler-Bell Hop, bartender & something else I can't name cause it would ruin it
Character Quotes & Catchphrases
Interview clips - Coming soon
"With apologies to Mr. Bale;
the brooding Australian, was the BEST THING in Terminator Salvation."
- Entertainment weekly
Sam hits the big time
With all the videos I have tried to include ones where it gives you the option to order any of the formats, so just becaue it may show the blu-ray thumbnail, doesn't mean you can only order that.
Fave Sam Flicks
Here is just the movies he's so far starred in (or at least had a big role in)
What's your fave Sam Movie?
Worthy Facts - & awards
Sam Worthington: Hollywood's Latest Crush
favorite worn-in Blundstone boots.
is a self described 'Gypsy'
left home at 17 to travel around Australia, because 'he had no idea what to do with his life, no interests.
instead of Graduating NIDA he thought he'd get kicked out
performed his own stunts in Terminator Salvation
formative teenage years in the West Australian coastal town of Rockingham the keen surfer's mentor was his father, power plant worker Ron
What's on his MUST list?
Metal band MANOWAR,
Bob Marley's Legend
America's Next Top Model.."Tyra Rules!" -Entertainment weekly #1053/1054 June 26-July 3rd
Went along with a girlfriend to Australia's most prestigious drama school, & put his name down, he got in, she didn't & they broke up. He has no qualms telling directors how his part should be played Read more:
He lived in his car (which he bought for $2000) when he was 30
after his success in Australia, says he found he only had $2000 bucks to his name
is a voracious Reader of analysis and prognostications of his own online press clippings
Although Sam has blurred vision...he does not wear glasses. (of course big macho the heck doe she drive though?)
a 'keen' surfer
Lists his fave artists as Xavier Rudd & Bernard Fanning
Sam is Short Sighted
His Fave Arnold Schwarzenegger movie- Commando or Junior!
He prefers VB or Tooheys beer (in Australia) "Quite Simple tastes"
Has been called by Rockingham Mayor's office to accept keys to the city. However has not met him yet.
Believes in Extraterrestrials (see Quotes)
What he misses most in Australia? His Friends
Avatar has turned Sam into a 'overnight star' being sought after in the action as well as other movies. All because James Cameron took a risk on hiring him for the lead role
Loved acting in school as a young lad. (see pics)
In Grade 11, Sam Played betty -a man dressed as a woman in the play Cloud Nine (Caryl Churchill) and his teacher said "For a boy to play the role was quite challenging in a state school for that time. But Sam was quite happy to take on the challenge."
Former school friends said Sam wanted to be like other Australian stars like Mel Gibson & Russell Crowe (well i think he's got the Crowe deal down, let's just hope he doesn't start throwing his fists around )
Has won a Shakespeare award for acting (when he was in school)
was vice-president of the Student Representative Council
according to The Sun.. Has become good friends with Russell Crowe
wore a custom tailored black-pinstripe suit by Burberry to the 62nd (2010) Directors Guild of America Awards.
Sam made 15 films in a span of 10 years in Australia
5 Juicy Questions
The best Relationship advice he's received...."NEVER lie to a woman. Its not worth it and to deal with things like a man or they'll come back and kick you in the 'arse'"
(Finish the sentence) I could never be with a woman who....."Doesn't want to be with me. There's nothing worse than a relationship that becomes one-sided. Also with my work there's the nomadic existence factor that has to be dealt with "
What's his most Alpha quality? "I'm Australian! How much more alpha can you get? It's certainly never done me any harm; I'll put it that way."
What's his 'Girliest Quality'? " I cry alot (aww) and I have no problem with that, at all. Listening to your emotions is part of being alive"
How do you know when you're really into someone? "When she makes me laugh all the time. That's when you know for sure, I think- when there's that level of comfort and humor between you, and you just enjoy each other's company and mess about together"
some other tidbits... A woman looks hottest in..."Focus"
Cheating: Forgivable or deal breaker? "Deal breaker 100%"
Praise you get most frequently "Thanks for the drink"
Sam may play tough guys on the big screen but says he's really a 'Pantywaist wimp'
Sam is 'Team Peeta' of the Hunger Games
Sam Worthington's Awards & Honors
Year Award Category/Recipient(s) Result
2000 AFI Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for Bootmen (2000) Nominated
2001 Tropfest Film festival Best Actor Award Won
2002 Film Critics Circle of Australia Awards Best Supporting Actor - Male for Dirty Deeds (2002) Nominated
2004 Australian Film Institute Best Actor in a Leading Role for Somersault (2004) Won
2004 Film Critics Circle of Australia Awards Best Actor Male-Somersault Won
2004 IF Awards Best Actor Somersault Nominated 2009
Teen Choice Awards for Choice Male Fresh Face for Terminator Salvation Nominated
2009 GQ Man of the YEAR Won
2009 AIF Breakthrough Award Won
2009 Scream Awards Breakthrough Performance - Male Terminator Salvation (2009) Nominated
2010 ShoWest Male Star OF THE YEAR Won
2010 Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA Saturn Award category Best Actor for Avatar (2009 Nominated
2010 Empire Awards U.K. Best Actor for Avatar (2009 (saw listed as Nominated but I saw him in a pic with an award.)
2010 People's Choice Awards, USA Favorite Breakout Movie Actor Nominated
Two Twisted - & Blue Poles
a couple of 'shorts' for you
Sam's Earlier works - order here
Worthy Quotes
"I also care that the public are getting their 12 dollars' worth when they go to a movie, and that they're not coming out not wanting to ever see a movie with me in it again. I don't care what people think of me as a person, but I do care what people think of my work, and whether I'm investing enough into it." [Empire magazine, October 2006].
"I have an extraordinary job, so I try to live an ordinary life. I take out the garbage, I make sure my girl is happy, & that's it. But I do think that any Australian, or any other actor, is a risk taker. You have to be when you make a move & everyday is about jumping in. You put me in a situation, & I'll jump in FULL-TILT BOOGIE" June 29 2009 People Magazine "summer’s hottest Bachelor & 45 Sexy guys we love.
One morning I woke up and didn't like what I saw in the mirror, so I decided to sell the mirror - from Jay Leno show when he lived in his car when he was 30
. "I 've said to Jim, 'I want to be fat & up in the new home tree kicking it back, couple of kids coming around - typical family- telling Neytiri to get me a beer,' he laughed then goes on "Neytiri then shoots me with an arrow!" - on how to pick up the Love story in Avatar between Jake Sully & Neytiri
About being in Marvel's Captain America Film "I'm a fan, mate. That's what it really is, I'm a fan of comics, I'm a fan of Captain America" Worthington said when he arrived at a press junket with MTV for Avatar in a Captain America shirt when asked about the shirt "I know they're making the film - but this is my way of saying, 'Go on and make it then, hurry up!'" although he has not spoken with Marvel Sam expresses EXTREME interest in playing The Captain of the Starred Red white & Blue Shield "As I said, I think I'd be lynched if I played the role, but I'd kill to play it," he said. "There's a headline on the MTV blog: 'Sam Worthington Would Kill To Play Captain America.'" "I can read it now," he laughed, considering the response he expects to receive if he actively campaigned for the role. of what The movies fans might say... "'I don't think so, he can't hold an accent!' - but I can hold a shield, that's for sure! Go watch Perseus!" - & that's it in a nut shell the scoop straight from Worthington
movie phone UNSCRIPTED When asked Which of his fellow Aussie action stars (Eric Bana, Hugh Jackman or Russel Crowe) He would like to face-off with on the big screen- and says “he'd be the pussy cat of that bunch”
"A mate of mine told me recently, 'It's the first time I've seen you work, Worthington.' I thought that was quite funny, but he was right." [Empire magazine, October 2006
"If James Cameron takes you seriously; other people do, too"
I've still got those duffel bags, I'm worried that I'm spoiled. Not every movie is a James Cameron Movie"
I'm blind. I can't see. I'm short-sighted & i don't get distracted by anything on set. So It’s just basically me and the other person. People think that when I squint that I'm angry all the time. It's just that I can't F***king see."
My Friends,You can be anywhere in the world & its home if you're mates are there"- when asked by Ralph magazine what he misses most about Australia
"Yes, I can't be ignorant & arrogant enough to believe we're the only things in the whole universe"- when asked if he believed in Extraterrestrials
(asked who looked better in a Gladiator 'skirt' him or Russell Crowe... "You've gotta say Russell, otherwise he'll come around here & beat me up"
The whole point o Vegemite is that it tastes like arse. That's why everyone around the world hates it - it tastes like shit, And you go..'Yeah I'm an Australian I can handle it' " -on Vegemite being less harsh
I think Jim may have smoked something. He Had to. You've seen the planet. When he first showed me the script, I said 'I don't know how you’re gonna do it. There's a legged armor plated horse with human hand and an anteater tounge. What HAVE you been eating; what's going on in your head?" - on if he smoked anything on the Avatar set
He treats baboons better, as far as I'm concerned, He hired me because I'm cheap & I'm Australian & because I put up with that shit!" -about Titan Director Louis Leterrier
From the Boys will be Boys file... You won't hear Sam glorifying his childhood stage dreams. “I’m not a great fan of people who say they put a sheet up in the backyard when they were 7 and entertained all the neighbors," said the 'Avatar hunk' "When I was 17, I thought I was a F---ing fire truck.' despite being the ripe old age of 35, (yeah that makes this ‘expert’ feel real good being I'm the same age lol) he's not quite grown up yet. "I'm still a very boisterous, young man," admits the Aussie "And I swear a bit more than I should." Apparently
not known forgoing to parties & says he has no interest in fame,
"When I'm not working, I go home, have a beer, do my washing. If you want fame, go on big brother"
when asked by a report when his career plan was at school, - "I didn't have one. Just Get through school without being thrown out" being he usually portrays himself as a rebel
"I'd go to the principal's office, they'd tell me I stunk. Improve this, improve that, you'll never work. I'm a golden boy now aren't I? That screwed them up." After the Golden Globes in January 2010 Sam told E! that he's discovering some of the perks of being in a movie that earns $1 billion: "I get through customs easier," he shared. "I don't get the rubber glove anymore." Who wouldn't want to run around in a Dress and Kill the Kraken (re: Clash of the Titans)
I read the script and was jumping up and down on the bed with a ruler! (& why was there a ruler in his hand?) My girlfriends was looking at me like I was nuts (that's ok Sam we'll still love you) she said "this is one you've gotta do" (I'm still wondering about that ruler lol) -about Clash of the Titans role I was a bricklayer I built houses, never wanted to act I was 19 I met a young girl who auditioned for the Premier drama school. I auditioned with her out of moral support, to cheer her along. I got in she didn't, ain't love grand? she dumped me a week later I didn't know what wings on a stage were. I thought Chekhov was on the Starship Enterprise"
I pick because of the director, and because you are working with him, my job is to facilitate his vision. And the second thing is 'Would I go see the movie' Why work on something for four to 13 months that you wouldn't go and see. That would be ridiculous (I think that's quite fair & a fine way to decide on parts).
If this happened when I was 22 it would be a bit overwhelming. but I'm 33, I kind of know who I am, so I just jet around, which is ok as long as it doesn't affect my work. IF I keep producing work of a certain quality, that keeps me in t he game, then I'm okay. As soon as it starts affecting what I can achieve and I feel that I've got nothing left to offer, I'll go back to bricklaying" - keeping things in perspective
"We were wearing nothing but a lace g-string...and a weird wig. "We were wearing nothing but a lace g-string and a weird wig, I thought Hawaii was going to be a holiday to be honest. I thought I'd take my surfboard and go surfing" -about shooting a few scenes in Hawaii for Avatar
"Acting is essentially just using your imagination to find the truth in imaginary circumstances. The special effects just take you back to the essence of what acting is."
"Excuse my language- f--king hell, I do," he replied, laughing. "I pinch myself every day, mate. But, you know, the pressure's on now. I have to challenge myself and keep working hard. I have to keep my nose to the grindstone." -what asked if he realizes how lucky he is having starred in the highest grossing movie ever)
on how director/Avatar changed his life..."Well, mate, let's divide $2.7 billion by 16 bucks a head," he answered. "Now, let's divide that by about two or three, because people are seeing the movie two or three times, so we have a rough figure of whatever we've got. That's how many people have seen my ugly head, so you get to know how many of them are recognizing me now."
'Ride the wave,'
"I don't like shopping. I find it boring. I had a heap of stuff around when I was 30. I sold it all. My mate and I bought a bicycle to get around LA quicker. It's a cruiser with a little basket on the front and a bell. I look like the 'Wizard of Oz' chick." -on if he splurged on something special
Who may have had the 'hardest' job on the Clash of the Titans set..Sam said: "Maybe the ladies who were putting on my tan; because every morning, I stand there with a paper thong. That was the hardest thing, I'll tell you, mate, with my Christmas hams, it ain't pretty being behind me."
"I made this movie for my nephew, Ridley, who is 9. I do a lot of movies for him. He's a good barometer. I played him in 'Avatar.' It was a logical step, because if, in 'Terminator,' the man was being born, in 'Avatar,' that's him in spirit. In this movie, this is the teenager becoming the man. In some weird and wacky design, I've made my trilogy"-on Clash of the Titans
"'Beowulf' is certainly different from 'Avatar,' in terms of where we took performance-capture. It all comes down to educating an industry-that, in performance-capture, it is 100 percent transferable performance from me, tangibly here, then it goes through all the bits and bytes into the computer to become a digitally rendered character. I believe that performance-capture will dominate the 21st century. Andy Serkis got an award recently where he gave a great speech talking about how the burden of a performance-capture actor is to get it out among the masses, to show people that it is acting, 100 percent. It's neither an animated version nor an enhanced performance."
I try to handle this roller-coaster ride with sensitivity and bite my tongue a lot.
If you notice, my language is more tempered, but that's a case of me understanding that you have a responsibility now to young kids and people. They look up to you."
More Quotes
on his looks-"The first time I saw myself and even now when I see myself on the screen, I marvel at the wonders of special effects, makeup and good lighting, because the person on the screen looks like a good-looking brother. I don't have a brother, but there's certainly one onscreen. He doesn't look like me or what I see in the mirror in the morning. They make you look good. I'm probably the most critical person of my work than any blogger, reporter, critic or kid. I'm hypercritical."
"Two of the most beautiful, talented women in the world with this ugly box head trying to seduce them. I know it's going to be awkward for all of us to watch, to be honest."- starring in Last night w/ Kiera Knightly & Eva Mendes
"There's a difference between having a career in Australia, a successful career there, and a successful career worldwide."
I'm lucky. I've already had a career. This is chapter two. Some people in my position would get nervous to say things like that. I did 15 movies in Australia, and they were movies that I would go to see. Now I'm on a bigger level. My whole big thing was, if you get to do these massive blockbuster movies that get out in the zeitgeist and the audiences are embracing them - I'm going to see 'Clash of the Titans' - so why not have the opportunity to actually be in them?
"I'm not going to spend six weeks on something I hate or a movie I would never go and see just for balance. I can't see why I should do that."
If it were done by a man it would be a lot more truthful (on Last Night
Clash of the Titans - Perseus
Director: Louis Leter
Date(s): April 2, 2010
Character back story: Click the Perseus link in Character name
"Born of a god but raised as a man, Perseus (Sam Worthington) is helpless to save his family from Hades (Ralph Fiennes), vengeful god of the underworld. With nothing left to lose, Perseus volunteers to lead a dangerous mission to defeat Hades before he can seize power from Zeus (Liam Neeson) and unleash hell on earth. Leading a daring band of warriors, Perseus sets off on a perilous journey deep into forbidden worlds. Battling unholy demons and fearsome beasts, he will only survive if he can accept his power as a god, defy his fate and create his own destiny.
Inspiration for character: Greek Mythology (see Perseus Link)
The 1981 Ray Harry Hausen stop-motion showcase Based on the Greek myth of Perseus & the Gorgon (Medusa)
Personality type: meaner, moodier & more determined (than original movie)
Signature look: Gladiator 'skirt' however
a togoa in the original was worn
Resides: Greece
Character connections: Zeus (father), Draco, Ixas, Io (a guardian type) Eusebios, Andromeda
Quotes about The movie & Playing Perseus (top 2 are my faves love that humor)
"I think the whole movie is about a bunch of good looking guys in dresses swinging swords & killing a bunch of monsters. & hopefully that's the appeal to women to see out fancy legs"
"Who wouldn't want to run around in a dress and kill the Kraken?"
I tried to make Perseus more modern with the shaven head, and it shows.
Andromeda is like the Soft Mirror images of Perseus,
Two weeks into filming I was more bruised and battered than I was on Terminator"
There's no Togas..well there's very little togas, Actually I don't wear a toga, sorry I told Louie I just couldn't do it
The most imposing between Liam Niesen & Medusa is Liam its the guy from Taken. He's a gentle soul a really gentle soul. Medusa's got baggage but he has a weight & gravity I love.
my fave 'story' Sam mentioned
'I hated that horse completely, I hate that horse. I think he hated me, I don't think I set out to hate him, I think he had some kind of beef with me. Horses can smell fear. He'd bite my head like a sugar cube, he's big he pushed me out the way, & kneeling on the back of him wasn't good, we didn't get a long." -on the Fresian (sp?) stallion aka Pegasus he rode in the movie
"Some movies you do because they're a hell of a lot of fun. That's what this one was; Me in a skirt with a rubber sword, killing monsters. It isn't that hard. That's a good day at the office."
Fun facts/trivia: budget is estimated at 70 mil (Empire)
Leterrier's Titan-Clash philosophy will certainly seem to be 'Bigger, Better More'
Leterrierre recalls "When casting, I said' I must warn you, this is a big movie, short schedule, visual effects a ton of practical effects, win rain, mud smoke, all that stuff. Its going to be miserable!"-about keeping the film location based
Worthington replied... "He treats baboons better, as far as I'm concerned" then goes on "He hired me because I'm cheap & I'm Australian and I put up with that shit!"
The cast & crews feelings towards the original, are mixed some say for the day, the Original was great, but got dated real quick. Others one of whose job was stamping the feathers on to the 'clockwork Owl' find it kind of funny Others haven't seen it however Perseus himself (Sam Worthington) "Its not in my top ten. Everyone seems to be asking me about it like its some heralded great classic! I reacquainted myself with it before I did this. Struggled through it to be honest" so therefore this is the PERFECT movie to remake, being in retrospect, everyone loves it but revealing through rediscovery of the original is flawed in its execution
Perseus the Prude (quote by Marni Weisz)
"Sam Worthington says he refused to wear a toga in director Louis Leterrier's Clash of the Titans. In so doing, he continues the trend toward a more bashful Perseus. In the past 200 years the Greek God has gone from flagrant exhibitionist in Antonio Canova's marble sculpture (circa 1800), to the toga-wearing nipple exposer played by Harry Hamlin in the 1981 Clash of the Titans, to Worthington's shy warrior - all covered up in knee-high sandals and body armor with an enormous shield, presumably to cover any other bits that might pop out during battle. For the 2020 re-remake we predict...a big, puffy snowsuit.
You can watch 10 clips from Clash'
Sam reprises his role as Perseus who's Father the God Zeus as puts him on a quest to help mortal kind. Remove the threat of the Titans including Kronos who is pretty much the fire and brimstone of hades and oozes and flings molten lava with every move. Human kind has stopped praying to the gods so all are weak or gone to the beyond. As far as we see Zeus, Ares the god of war and Hades are all that's left. Zeus gets trapped in Hades & the underworld and Persus has to make his way through a labyrinth to help save him.
Avatar (2009) - (Corporal) Jake Sully
The real theme is about respecting others' differences."
(writer & Director James Cameron)
Director: James Cameron
Date(s): Dec 18 2009
Box-office Budget:$237M (estimated) Opening Weekend:$77M (USA)
Gross:(*stats ref. on ImdbPro as of Feb 25) $2,472,904,794B* (Worldwide) $692,904,794M (US Domestic)
highest ## I've heard reported for the budget was 300-500mil
"An epic film born entirely of Cameron's imagination, Avatar uses tailor-made technology to create the most astonishing visual effects yet seen on screen and blends them seamlessly into a mythical sci-fi story about an ancient alien civilization fighting the encroaching human menace. It's an unprecedented marriage of technology and storytelling which is on the whole remarkably successful."
- Screen International
Inspiration for character:
The Jarhead lost his leg in a battle on earth
and is bound to a wheelchair. Jake is called in after the death of his
scientist twin brother Tommy to take over his brothers Avatar because
he has an identical genome. he's suppose to research the na'vi under
Dr. Grace Augastine (a botanist & fellow Avatar) but secretly feeds
info to military Col. (or was it Sargent) Miles Quartitch who has a large
scratch across the right side of his face done by some large animal
Age/Occupation: Military late 20s early 30s
Personality type: Thick headed
Signature look:
Army Olive green/ black shirt in a wheel chair
9 ft tall blue alien
Resides: in space ship & on Pandora
Character connections:
Dr. Grace Augustine Scientist & fellow Avatar
Colonel Miles Quaritch Bad Army Guy
Trudy Chacon -Scorpion Pilot
Norm Spellman - fellow avatar
the Na'vi 'aliens'
Neytiri - helps teach him their ways
Tsu'tey & others
Its official The TITANIC has sunk AGAIN!!
Jan. 27 2010 ( news)
Avatar HIGHEST grossing movie of All time.
The word came from Fox, on Monday 25th 2010(January) who declared Avatar the as the Highest Grossing movie all-time, & James Cameron beating his own movie Titanic that's held the slot since 1997 ($1.843) The movie has grossed 1.859 billion worldwide and after just six weeks in the theaters, it STILL holds the Number 1 spot. Not to mention in only 39 days. ( If I remember correctly, I believe I heard it Took Titanic 25 weeks (give or take) to accomplish the task it got to. NewsCorp insiders think Titanic could reach the 2 BILLION mark in WW revenue. (& with that I hope that would make it surpass Titanic if you'd account for inflation on it!)
& as of February 2010.. Avatar has beat out Titanic in Domestic sales (to all the 'Avatards' out there... this champagne Flue is for YOU!)
If the Box-office behemoth has been managing to beat the competition week in & out. The four day MLK Day (Jan Mon 18th 2010) weekend features yet another smack down Tag team style this time with quite a bit of Muscle; Getting in the ring this time...
Avatar our champion & the Challengers of The Book of Eli, & The Spy Next Door. For a RARE 5th week straight it will Top Domestic Rankings along with changing the history books in possibility of cruising past Titanic . (Which this week, I think it can do) If Avatar wins for the 5th consecutive week, it would be the first to top the ranks since the 6th Sense
Avatar won a Golden Globe For Best Picture
James Cameron won best Director for Avatar
(copy & paste for all awards)
Oscars (?)
Visual FX, art Direction & Cinamatography1 anonymous director let's us see what he/she has voted for
(a relative youngster, at least when it comes to academy voters w/ a sweet tooth for tent pole movies & has a mystery connection to at least one nominee - my guess is its Tarintino (?)
" I couldn't come up with 10 on my ballot. Avatar is just a force of nature and its transformative to the industry. That's why its going to win. Something that can be best appreciated in theater or in the spectacle of 3-D is going to be rewarded even if I thought the story was basically 'Dances with Aliens' "
Avatar Racist??
Bogle stopped short, however, of calling the movie racist... "It's a film with still a certain kind of distortion," he said. "It's a movie that hasn't yet freed itself of old Hollywood traditions, old formulas." Writer/director Cameron, who is white, said in an e-mail to The Associated Press that his film "asks us to open our eyes and truly see others, respecting them even though they are different, in the hope that we may find a way to prevent conflict and live more harmoniously on this world. I hardly think that is a racist message."
see what theme the movie is REALLY supposed to be & a couple other questions that you might ask & get an answer to
Is Cameron actually exposing the historical evils of white colonizers? Does the existence of an alien species expose the reality that all humans are actually one race?
"Can't people just enjoy movies anymore?" a person named Michelle wrote in to Essence magazine. & I personally agree (movies, books, etc were made for escapism, they are art & yes it gets critiqued. but stop trying to read into & analyze stuff so much. Sit back relax & stop taking life so darn seriously)
Quotes from & about the movie
skxawng! (pronunced as scoun)
They've sent us a message... that they can take whatever they want. Well we will send them a message. That this... this is our land!
Everything is backwards now, like out there is the true world and in here is the dream
There's no such thing as an Ex-Marine. You may be out, but you never lose the attitude.
One life ends, another begins.
Maybe I was sick of doctors telling me what I couldn't do.
Ha ha! yeah come on! Show what you've got baby. Oh yeah who's bad? That's right Yeah that's what I'm talking about bitch. That's right get your punk ass back to mommy. Yeah you've got nothing. You keep running. Why don't you bring some of your friends huh? -(turns and there a big angry Thanator)
Sooner or later you have to wake up
The way I had it figured, Toruk is the baddest cat in the sky. Nothing attacks him. So why would he ever look up?
she said all energy is only borrowed, one day you have to give it back.
So what do I do, dance with it?
Everything is backwards now, like out there is the true world and in here is the dream (about being in his human to avatar bodies)
"I read all what was said about the trailer. I can see their point, but as I said, it's not meant to be built for an Apple Mac or pc, it's built for IMAX, it's built for 3D, that's what he's designed it for. He's designed it to bring people back to the cinema. It's interesting that he's released that trailer, Jim's gone and done that, and the next day, he shows it on IMAX. It's one extreme to the other. We get the criticism and then we get the rave reviews of what it really looks like in its own formula. That's obviously going to get people to think and go, 'Damn right! I'm going to go and see this at the cinema.' Jim has always said to me that he wants to bring people back to the movies, and he's a smart enough man for that to be tactical."
about sequels
"We've always said it just comes down to the audience. If 'Avatar' bombed, we're not going to go and make a second one, are we?" Worthington said. "I think the deal was, if we make a billion, we'll consider the massive undertaking, the manpower. We made, what, close to three billion? We're screwed now, aren't we? We have to make two, three, four, five, six, because audiences have definitely found an affinity with it.
"But Jim isn't going to go make it just to make money. He doesn't need to do that. He's got to find the thing inside 'Avatar 2' that pushes him. I think I'm not talking out of school by saying that he'd say that he needs a challenge himself. So whatever he sets out to do, it's definitely going to be groundbreaking again."
Avatar Facts
(because it wouldn't all fit)
Fun Facts/Trivia
Cameron says that Sam Worthington is in every single Avatar scene.
Worthington was chosen out of hundreds of possible actors from a one line
audition tape where Sam says, "uh huh".
I'll do whatever you need me to do to sell your fucking movie, he told Cameron.
I'll call my first kid fucking "Avatar" if you want me to, if that helps you sell it.
While in Hawaii to shoot some reference scenes for the Film set on a distant moon, Director James Cameron grabbed a camcorder & tossed Sam a THONG! & said "Let's go into the bush." Sam nearly naked was surprised by a police officer who asked what he was doing. "making a movie, mate" was the Aussie's reply. "With Whom?" asked the officer. "Jim Cameron" Sam said while pointing to James w/ Camcorder in hand. "Wow" says the cop "he's sure come a long way down since Titanic"
Klingon Klingons beware....
James Cameron enlisted linguist Paul Frommer a Professor at the university of So. Cal. to construct a full-fledged language for the Na'vi (blue somewhat feline like creatures in the movie) even consisting of 'mellifluous vowel clusters, popping ejectives, & gramical system elaborate enough to make a polyglot blush" . The most exotic items in the Na'vi sound system are 3 ejectives..kx, px, & tx. they require explosive bursts of breath. Cast & Crew during production 'practiced' with the popular put down of skxawng! which loosely translated means moron.
James Cameron came up with the concept of Avatar 15 years ago.
(as a challenge for his fledgling digital effects company)
The inspiration for the Planet Pandora's Flora & Fauna along with the Na'vi people, came from Cameron's Deep seas diving expeditions
It took Cameron years to design the technology of a dual function special fx camera that filmed in both in Conventional (2-D) & 3-D formats The movie used performance capture technology on a stage called 'The Volume' with the actors.
The budget for avatar has been announced anywhere between 300 something million & 500 million. A big chunk of that money went to the computer graphics & Hundreds of people working on-the graphics alone!
Too James Cameron 2 years to figure out how to pull off the movies finale
the Avatars are 10 feet tall (& from the movie it look as if the Na'vi are another 2-3 feet taller)
Avatar's actors were not given the whole scripts, only a few select scenes
& weren't even told the title of the movie; from this, the secrecy wore on, Sam Worthington who's intensity almost cost him the gig! He stormed off during a reading with 'some choice words' Sam admits that "You could say i was a bit petulant" Cameron who had never had anyone storm out on him, was impressed. At the time he was looking for someone to embody
Rebellious Marine Jake Sully, Sam shortly after the confrontation was given the part. "I didn't worry about Worthington being up to the task of a 4½-year production; He's the Real Deal" said Cameron after the blow-up.
Terminator Salvation(2009) - Character name: Marcus Wright
Movie: Terminator Salvation
Date(s): May 21 2009
Character back story: Death row inmate that killed 3 people &
was given an offer for a 2nd chance.
Inspiration for character: "Wizard of Oz- Dorthy "
an article I found on line Sam Worthington noted how being that the
resistance coat was Blue like the skirt Dorthy wore in the Wizard of Oz.
How he wakes up & is not in 'Kansas anymore' well think of how you'd feel waking up in that mess of 2018. The metaphor works! (even Alice In Wonderland)
Age/Occupation: late 20s early 30s
Prisoner on Death Row
Personality type: Humanly hard to read
warm & cold at the same time
Signature look:
wears a resistance coat, sometimes metallic around the edges
Prison/Cryogenic freezer Skynet On the move
Character connections:
Kyle Reese, Star, Blair Williams, John Conner
Fun facts/trivia:
injured himself "every day" performing his own stunts
Got the Role after landing the role for avatar
Terminator behind the Scenes
I'm the only hope you've got
If you're going to point a gun, you'd better be ready to pull the trigger
I'm the only hope you've got
Quotes about Sam
Yesterday I participated in round table interviews with the cast of "Terminator Salvation". If you follow me on Twitter, you know I saw the movie last Thursday. While I can't say what I thought due to being under embargo, I can say Sam Worthington is going to be a movie star.
Who said/wrote it: Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub
Quote:"With apologies to Mr. Bale, the brooding Australian was the BEST THING in Terminator Salvation."
Who said/wrote it: Entertainment weekly #1053/1054 June 26-July 3rd
Quote: dubbed "the next Russell Crowe" according to GQ
Who said/wrote it: GQ Magazine
The other guy, the no-name, didn't just steal Bale's scenes - he stole the movie.
Who wrote it: Sept 2009 Esquire by the 'CRITICS'
Sam Worthington [Avatar] is very manly. There's something about Aussies. They're potent and intense but also very giving
Who said: Zoe Saldana /wrote it...
Quote: "I was Head Of Arts at the time and directed him. He wanted to be an actor from the moment he opened his mouth." & remembers Sam as a fearless actor in secondary school
Who said/wrote it: Helen Godecke Former coordinator at the John Curtain school
Read more:
Quote: "He was always applying for school or theatre arts roles. He even won a Shakespeare award for acting. "He was never the idiot in the class and he wasn't so much into the partying or drinking scene. "He had an English accent. I've heard he's worked hard to get rid of that."
who said/wrote it: Shelley Parsons (a school peer)
Quote:"He was always very friendly and up for a joke.
Who said it: Shelley Parsons
Character Sketch profiles
for past & upcoming movies
Texas Killing Fields
Plays Mike Souder a homicide detective searching for a serial Killer who leaves his victims in the Texas bayous
Jeffrey Dean Morgan plays Mike's partner Brian Heigh
Chloë Grace Moretz as Little Ann Sleiger a teen from rotten home
Last Night
Date(s): March 2010
signature look: Suit & tie, white Collar type
Resides: New York
Fun Facts/Trivia
Sam did the movie as a favor to the director.
Playing opposite Keira Knightley and Eva Mendes he felt like he 'Hit the jackpot"
His friends, wanting to meet the girls Rushed to Visit Worthington in NY while he was filming the movie. Sam says "All my mates, who weren't that bothered before, wanted to come out to NY & hang out with Keira & Eva. Strange That"
as Macbeth
Theater Release Date(s): September 21 2006
Inspiration/back story for character: Macbeth written by Shakespeare but loosely done. a modern version of the story. (think along the lines of Romeo & Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio)
Signature look: 'interesting' wardrobe
Resides: awesome mansion
Character connections: Lady Macbeth, The Witches,
Fun facts/trivia: Filmed in the Melbourne underworld
Character name: Neil Kelly
Appears in: a boat
Theater Release Date(s): November 8 2007 (Australia)
signature look: red baseball cap t-shirt jeans 'slacker clothes'
Resides: Australia
Character back story: had something going with Tour leader
Personality type: party boy kinda jerky at times
character connections: Tour Leader
Gettin' Square
Character name: Barry 'Wattsy' Wirth
beginning of the movie in a ski mask
Character back story: pulls a robbery for Chicka gets caught, Denied parole. Mother dies & is given parole to take care of his younger bro.
Signature look: Yellow Coveralls in prison
chef's shirt while working at restaurant
otherwise casual clothing
Character connections: Johnny Francis 'Spit' Spitieri, Darren 'Dabba' Barrington, Chicka Martin
Character name: Mitchell
Theater Release Date(s): October 5, 2000 (aus)
signature look: t-shirt & flanel (plaid overshirt)
Character Quotes & Catchphrases
Great!....You piss him off, then you piss off
Character name: Ronnie
Theater Release Date(s): May 20, 2004 (australia)
Character backstory: Plays in a garage band, The Band after an AC/DC concert make apack that whoever Dies first, the others will burry him next to the Deceased AC/DC band member in some cemetery.
Inspiration for character: AC/DC Fans
signature look Long hair & rocker type clothes to executive/Golf clothes
Character Connections:Sonny, Ben Lloyd & Sam
Dirty Deeds
Character name: Darcy
Theater Release Date(s): July 18, 2002 (aus)
Character backstory: Just out of the Army, Darcy is put up by his Uncle & given a job. That would pretty much be as Chauffeur
Character Connections: Ray, Tony, Barry Ryan, Sharon,
Last Days of American Crime
Character name: Kevin Cash
created and written the source material, and penning the script
also serve as either a co-producer or exec producer
In the not-too-distant future as a final response to terrorism and crime, the U.S. government plans in secret to broadcast a signal making it impossible for anyone to knowingly commit unlawful acts. To keep this from the public, the government creates a distraction, installing a new currency system using digital charge cards.
With the usual media leakage of material that should be confidential, the news gets out a week before the anti-crime signal go live. So career criminal Graham Brick intends to steal one of the charging stations with his team, who have just days to turn the crime of the century into the last crime in American history.
Character Back-story: a safe cracker
(remake of the Danish 'The Candidate' that opened up in the fall)
Character name:
Theater Release Date(s):
'The Candidate' a defense attorney is on the hunt for blackmailers when he finds himself suddenly accused for murder
a fantasia of nothing- is- what -it- seems is reminiscent of Fincher's 'The Game'
Fun Facts/Trivia summit has picked up the remake rights Written by Stefan Jaworski no American distributor at the moment (Jan 3rd)
A Fairytale of the City (if you can find it on you tube.. I'd appreciate the URL thanks)
this is a short movie (about 10 or 11 minutes)
Sam's ex-girlfriend Maeve Dermody.
Sam Plays an artist in it.