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Terror Tuesday: Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil (1991)

Updated on May 20, 2024
Partying in the limo, Jeff (Alle Ghadban) moons his classmates while Laura (Joy Tanner) and Mark (Alden Kane) find it funny and Meagan (Nikki de Boer) is shocked by his stunt.
Partying in the limo, Jeff (Alle Ghadban) moons his classmates while Laura (Joy Tanner) and Mark (Alden Kane) find it funny and Meagan (Nikki de Boer) is shocked by his stunt.

There's really only one reason why I watched this movie and that's because snippets kept popping up in my mind. Now that I've watched it, I can go on with my life.

This is a direct sequel to 1987's Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II but the cast thanks Jamie Lee Curtis for Prom Night as they're chauffeured to Mark's (Alden Kane) summer house on prom night.

But before this crop of horny teens makes their way an hour away from the city, the movie begins on the night of Hamilton High's 1957 prom. There's no mention of Mary Lou and she hasn't been crowned yet.

And while the kids are partying at prom, somewhere in the city, Father Jonas (Jimmy Carver) is praying at the altar for "the sluts and whores" to be saved. He then sets out toward the prom.

At the prom, a stag Brad (Phil Morrison) and Lisa (Krista Bulmer) head out to his car but run into Lisa's date, Larry (Colin Simpson) as he's coming back into the school with Louise (Thea Andrews). The couple doesn't seem to mind that they've dumped each other, so Brad and Lisa go on their merry way.

Lisa hears something outside the car and Brad hops out to investigate and watches as she's killed by Father Jonas. He's subsequently murdered, and the priest blows up the car.

Back at the monastery, Father Jaeger (Ken McGregor) finds Father Jonas self-inflicting himself with a cat-o'-nine tales. He's later taken to St. George Church and is tied up in the basement until 1991.

Outside the church, Jennifer (Deni Delroy) is saying goodbye to Father Colin (Brock Simpson) with hope that he'll give up being a priest so that the two can be together. It doesn't happen and they part ways.

He, on the other hand, is confused by Father Jaeger because he hasn't received his orders. Father Jaeger takes him down into the bowels of the church and tells him about Father Jonas.

Best friends Meagan (Nikki de Boer) and Laura (Joy Tanner) each get into trouble at their parochial school.

Studious Meagan gets in trouble when Mark comes to have lunch with her on school property and Laura had sex with her boyfriend, Jeff (Alle Ghadban) in the parking lot.

Back at the church, Father Colin goes against Father Jaeger's orders and doesn't give Father Jonas his sedative and then he starts to hear Jonas' voice in his head. He calls the cardinal (Bill Jay) and while on the phone is killed.

Before you know it, it's prom night at Hamilton High and the foursome has a plan to skip it and party at Mark's summer house. They plan on staying the weekend but make a pitstop at the school so that Jeff can moon their classmates and then it's off to the country.

But they don't know that Father Jonas has escaped and is also heading to Mark's summer home, since it was the former monastery.

Once the couples arrive, they notice that there's been a break in, but they don't call the police since no one is supposed to know that they're there. And after cleaning up, the girls fix them dinner before their individual fun begins.

While Meagan is confident about losing her virginity, she's skittish because she's cut her foot on a broken wine bottle in the wine cellar, and she has a feeling that she's being watch.

Meanwhile outside, she is correct about being watched as Mark's younger brother, Jonathan (Fab Fillipo) has made it out to the summer home and spies on Jeff and Laura.

Father Jonas doesn't like this and quickly sees to Jonathan's budding curiosity.

Later, Jeff thinks that Laura's locked him out of their room when he comes back with some wine and after asking Mark if there's another key to the room, he and Meagan come upstairs. This time the door's unlocked and Laura is missing.

They separate which leads Jeff to the attic and Mark and Meagan head down to the wine cellar, but she won't go in, due to her past experience.

Mark finds a staircase hidden behind a wall and then the two of them go outside to the woodshed. They find Jeff and Laura on crosses and are then their bodies burned.

After running back into the house, Meagan calls the police, but the phone is disconnected and now armed with a gun, Mark comes into the living room where Father Jonas is attacking Meagan.

He manages to chase him away and finds himself in the woodshed again.

Now alone, Meagan goes outside and sees Mark on the roof, as Father Jonas stabs him from below while she looks on.

While this movie really shouldn't be labeled as an entry to the franchise, it could have done better as a standalone. The only prom sequence is at the beginning to set up the connection to the movies.

And with a brief drive by outside the school, there's probably less than ten minutes centering around the dance.

What I like about the movie is the atmosphere.

Since I'm not sure when it was filmed, I get a cold Canadian winter night vibe since there's snow on the ground in some shots. I'm more of a cold weather person and maybe that's why I like it.

The only character that I liked was Laura because of her spunkiness. She seems to be the glue holding the group together.

I'm glad that there wasn't another after this since the ending was pretty bad and predictable, and now that I've watched all but the original, I can safely put this back on the shelf and wonder when I'll have the urge to watch it again.


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