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The Saddest Korean Movie & Drama

Updated on October 8, 2013

Saddest Movie & Drama

Recently shocked the world with the spread of girlband and boyband that the majority come from korean. By selling beauty and good looks and skill in dancing, girlband and boyband able to conquer a lot of fans around the world.

No less interesting, korean also present a variety of film and the melodrama associated with romance, funny, sad, and others.

Here I will describe some the saddest korean movie and drama

1. Endless Love

This drama series that tells the struggle of love that originally started from the fabric of the love the brothers. Follow another romance drama, serial drama Endless Love is a favorite in his native country. Serialize is very touching.

About Yun Joon Suh (Song Seung Hun) and Eun Suh (Song Hye Kyo) was raised as brother and sister for 14 years until the emergence of a surprising fact that their family. Apparently not the little sister Eun Suh Suh Joon biological children but other people are confused as a baby.

The incident occurred because of the little boy, Suh Joon inadvertently played a label name in the nursery at the hospital where Joon Suh's sister was born.

As a result Eun Suh is supposed to be in the family Choi, Yun be maintained by the family which is the family. While the original sister Joon Suh, Shin Ae (Han Chae Young) Choi maintained a poor family. The mistake was accidentally revealed when Eun Suh had an accident at the age of 14 years.

Once revealed, the life Eun Suh and Shin Ae changed. Shin Ae is finally returning to the embrace of family and Joon Yun Suh was brought by her mother and father to the United States. While Eun Suh left Korea was forced to slam his life to connect.

Although time and distance so that thousands of miles are not authorized to make Joon Suh and Eun Suh can not forget the affection between them. After nine years on, the Yun family eventually returned to Korea.

Suh Joon who had turned up and engaged to a fellow woman artist, Shin Yoo Mi (Han Na Na), accidentally met again with Eun Suh at a hotel. Eun Suh is now working on a hotel's best friend Joon Suh, Tae Hun Suhk (Won Bin).

Meeting Joon Suh and Eun Suh was brought trouble in the future. Because they finally realized that the love between them is no longer the love of brother and sister but has turned into a love between men and women.

But they also realize it is not easy to achieve because Joon Suh has a fiancée. Not only that, even loved Tae Eun Suh Suhk. Even the struggle of love between them became more complicated, it turns out Shin Ae Tae crazy to Suhk.

Characters and Players:

Yun Joon Suh

Played by a young actor named Song Seung Hun. Besides appearing in "Endless Love", the actor who was born on October 5, 1975 also appeared in the series "Law Firm", "Popcorn" and "Happy Together". He also won the Photogenic Award KBS Most Popular Actor and Actor for "Endless Love".

Eun Suh

Played by Song Hye Gyo young actress who also appeared in the popular Korean series "Hotelier". As with Song Seung Hun, Song Hye Kyo who was born on February 26, 1982 was also won KBS Most Popular Actress Award and Most Photogenic Actress.

Han Tae Suhk

Suh Eun-loving character was played by actor Won Bin whose real name Kim Do Jin. In addition to acquiring KBS Best Actor award, Won Bin who was born on 29 September 1977 was also starring in the series "Kokji".

Shin Ae

Younger brother Joon Suh character played by newcomer actress, Han Chae Young. From the series "Endless Love", the actress who was born on 13 September 1980 was awarded the KBS Most Popular Newcomer.

Shin Yoo Mi

Suh Joon fiancé is played by actress Han Na Na. Serial drama "Endless Love" is the debut actress was born in 1979.

2. Wedding Dress

Synopsis :

The story is about a mother who works as a designer wedding dress. He had a son named Sora. Sora told as children that are closed. He was intelligent but could not get along well with her peers. One day the mother was sentenced to suffer from gastric cancer. He was not told this to his son, Sora. In an instant, her mother changed. At first, Sora is a workaholic mother. He spent his time in office. Even Sora is often invited to his office. But after the verdict came out, her mother decided to spend more time with the children one of them. He knew that his age will not be long.

Sora bit surprised with the changes experienced by the mother. Her mother is always asking what it wants Sora then buy everything she wants. As she played the game Sora jokingly said, "our TV ugly", she immediately instantly buy an LCD TV and throw away old TV. Not only that, video games, birthday parties, bikes and much more bought by his mother. When Sora's birthday he was told his mother to invite his school friends to a party at his house. Sora was initially willing to invite them and almost gave his birthday party invitations to her friends, but the intention that he did not. When he returned home, his house has been decorated with all the knick-knacks birthday party. Sora does not matter. He pointed to the room and do PRnya with birthday party hat. Her mother thought it was strange and said, "Do your friends are late?". Sora still. "Are they coming?". Sora replied, "they will not come". His mother also directs Sora faced him and said, "You should not be like this, who would be willing to live with you if you like it. She can not always there at your side to take care of you". His mother said this with tears in her eyes. Sora does not understand what her mother said.

But Sora smart kids, did not take long for he knew that his mother was seriously ill. Once out, he tried to grant all requests his mother without her mother knew that Sora actually know the mother of disease. Go les Ballets, comb his own hair, make friends with other people and all her mother's request he has been granted. Peak when he was in the hospital overnight. The situation is getting worse his mother, he got into the hospital bed and slept with her mother. His mother hugged him and asked, "Are you sleepy?". Sora replied, "No". His mother said, "But, before I saw you yawn". Sora argue, "No, I want to hear the first radio". And Sorapun fell asleep. Radio was still on and the announcer read out a greeting card that is sent to the radio. Apparently it's a greeting card from Sora to his mother. Content is: Mother, you are the person I love most in this world. Why are you sick? Mother had suffered enough. Let alone the pain Sora. Mother should be healthy. I love you Mom. Spontaneous heard his mother crying. And last night was the night Sora and her mother together in the world.

Sora woke up the next morning next to his mother. He said to His mother, who was asleep, "Today I did not go to school, yes, I want to be with you all day. Go to sleep, there is great rest". Then Sora out of bed and run to close the door of the hospital room. Outside, he tried hard not to cry. He knew that his mother was dead. At the same time, some doctors are around check on his patients. Suddenly the doctors had stopped in front of the room Mrs. Sora, they wanted to check on his mother Sora. But Sora is not allowed. "My mother was sleeping, he was sleeping. Do not disturb him." said Sora.Sora scream, he tried to dissuade the doctors that will go into her room. But already had, the doctor was in and knew her mother. Sora yelled "Do not take my mother, Do not take my mother!".

The scene closes with Sora came home from school. It's raining outside, Sora umbrella issue that has been prepared from the house. His mother died before he always forgot to bring an umbrella to school. Now, not anymore.

Before he died his mother had prepared a special design wedding dress for Sora. At the end of the film, Sora who had grown up wearing a wedding dress that has been designed for his mother.

3. One Litre of Tears

This is actually not a drama film from korea but because the story is less exciting to the Korean film so I put in the list


Pinocerebellar Degeneration Disease is a term that was left bitter memories in Shioka Ikeuchi. Unnoticed when opening a diary, his tears wetting one of the pages of the book. Her memories drifted into the past, where his family lives in Ikeuchi was at the peak of happiness. How could I not, in addition to familiar with each other, Ikeuchi Aya eldest daughter is also a step into a high school favorite. I was so ahead of time hunting about to undergo a test run in, Aya fell and knocked over a number of parked bicycles. One is owned by Haruto Asou, which was originally intended to run away from the admission exam. The basis of good-hearted, the young man actually deliver Aya to school just as heavy rain fell. Fortunately, the school was kind enough to let Aya and Asou supplementary exams. When I got home and wanted to thank you, Aya coldly astonished to see Asou. But not so with his family, who was shocked to hear the princess rode a bike with a young man.

You can imagine how excited when Aya knew him admitted into SMU's after, which the former class during his junior brother who still likes Yuji Kawamoto also attend school there. Seeing the girl blushed when being congratulated by Kawamoto, his best friend endlessly teased.

At home, happiness continued at the dinner, one by one family member Ikeuchi Aya presents an item. When pouring wine for her father, a small accident that no one knew would be no fun for the family sign Ikeuchi.

As luck, Asou Aya return to the same class, even two of them designated as class representatives. Meanwhile, a worried look Shioka daughter fell and did carelessness often ask Aya to check into the hospital.

Luck seemed to always be with Aya, she was featured prominently in the classroom and sports, so most likely selected in the school basketball team. However, events in one morning changed everything. As he ran out of the house, the girl so hard that terjembab bloody chin. Predictably, Aya crying as the pain that his family panicked and took him to the hospital.

Anxious to see a number of unusual events experienced by her daughter, Shioka ventured to see the doctor a neurologist Hiroshi Mizuno. After doing some initial tests, he finally asks Aya to perform a thorough examination of the results will be known within a few days.

Continued to ponder since the conversation with your doctor about the condition of Aya, Shioka finally got a call from the hospital who asked him to come with her husband to hear an explanation of her condition. Come alone, her face instantly changed when she heard the doctor saying Mizuno.

According to the young doctor, Aya affected by a rare disease that would make one of his brain to shrink and do not move like a normal human activity and can lead to death. At the same time, the girl is trying to persuade his classmates to tell the story of his father who he admires.

4. My Sassy Girl

Film by director Kwak Jae-young in 2001 that purportedly based on a true story written berserial the internet by Kim Ho Sik, it tells the story of a student named Kyun Woo (Cha Tae Hyun) meets a beautiful girl (Jun Ji Hyun) is drunk in in the course of the underground railway (subway) late one night.

The meeting was an unexpected life changing Kyun Woo for this bore. Before passing out, drunk girls looked at Kyun-woo and called him "Honey (love)". The other passengers who heard it, Kyun-woo is also assumed the girl's boyfriend to take care of the young man demanded. Kyun Woo feel cornered and had to bear the mysterious girl up to several kilometers before being forced to leave in a motel because they do not know where the girl lived.

Kyun Woo turns out not to forget the strange girl whose name is not known, but it looks like the store a lot of anguish. On the next day Kyun Woo received an unexpected phone call from the girl who was mad at him and demanded an explanation "of what happened that night". Kyun Woo also met him and since then he was like a bull nose being helpless dicucuk command denied her peculiar nature. Her mood could change with the extreme of a sudden so good to be angry is not known.

Surprisingly Kyun Woo is so resigned to follow all her orders even strange as when the girl was so tired walking high heels force the switch to running shoes are comfortable Kyun Woo. Once again, Kyun Woo can not deny it because it would hit if not obedient. A lot of behavior that can be said to the girl's crazy like forcing him to read a quirky homemade scenario. Not to mention the act of the girl he had several times made him go to jail. Kyun Woo still survive because they want to heal the hearts of the strange girl who was injured because of abandoned lover who died. Moreover, Kyun Woo actually fell in love with her.

4. Windstruck

The story of this romantic comedy drama began when a police officer Yeo Kyung-jin (Ji-hyun Jun) met with Myung-woo Ko (Jang Hyuk) accidentally in a crime. He later learned that a responsible teacher is indeed a good person.

One night, a fight with a gang Kyungjin school. The result, he got into trouble when there was a shootout between drug dealers.

Seeing this, the Myungwoo trying to help him, but something different happened instead, which is a situation that forces them to stay together all day.

With these events, they become close and eventually close it makes Myungwoo can not deny his feelings. He fell in love with Kyungjin.

One day while chasing a criminal sadistic Kyungjin, Myungwoo help but unconsciously what happened on that day changed their relationship forever.

Where do you think the saddest part of all four films above

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