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The Twilight Saga Series: Watching Sequence and Where to Watch

Updated on October 2, 2024
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Twilight Saga

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The Twilight Saga

The Twilight Saga is a series based on the romance fantasy novels of the books series of the same name written by Stephanie Meyer. The first series was released on 2008, followed by four others on 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 respectively.

Even after 11 years and counting, Twilight Saga fans, the Twilighters and Twi-Hards are still growing and the older fans are as dedicated as they were then. Of course in today's article we are going to tell you how to watch the Epic Saga in the right sequence and where to watch.

Twilight Saga Cast

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner. Image Credti: Getty Images.
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner. Image Credti: Getty Images. | Source

The Twilight Saga movies and release dates

The first Twilight movie was released on November 21, 2008. After this Twilight Saga: New Moon was released on November 20, 2009. Twilight Saga: Eclipse was released on June 30, 2010. Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 was released on November 18, 2011. Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 was released on Novemeber 16, 2012.

As for the business, each movie has had it's glory written in history. Here's a breakdown of them:

  • Twilight: The movie grossed a total of $35.7 million on it's opening day. And, till date it has grossed a total of $393.6 million worldwide.
  • Twilight Saga: New Moon: The biggest advance ticket-seller on Fandango. Biggest Midnight opening with an estimated $26.3 million.
  • Twilight Saga: Eclipse: The first Twilight movie to be released on IMAX. New record for the Biggest Midnight opening with an estimated $30 million. By scoring the Biggest Wednesday opening at $68,533,840, the movie broke the record of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen who had a record of $62 million. The movie is also holds the widest release ever by opening in 4,416 theater's.
  • Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1: The movie grossed a $712.2 million worldwide.
  • Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2: The movie grossed a total of $848.6 million worldwide becoming the highest Twilight Saga movie of the series.

Twilight (2008)

The movie revolves around a girl Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) who moves from Arizona to Forks to stay with her father, the town's police chief Charlie. On arriving she joins the local school and sees the Cullen siblings for the first time and gets intrigued by their mysterious presence. In particular of Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). After Edward stopped a van with his bare hand, Bella becomes curious about him. Jacob (Taylor Lautner) who is an old family friend acquaintance of Bella's father tells her about the long-lasting treaty between the Cullens and the Quileute's from which Bella comes to the conclusion, Edward is a vampire.

Eventually the pair fall in love and Edward takes Bella to meet his family. The meeting has memebers showing mixed feelings, as some of them are afraid of their secret being revealed. Just when the pair begins to relax, three nomadic vampires arrive in town harming the humans. James, one of the nomadic vamires takes an interest in Bella's blood and becomes obsessed to the extent he begins to hunt her down. James ends up biting Bella and infecting her with his venom, but Carlisle manages to remove his venom from Bella's wrist.

The End:

Bella is seen attending prom with Edward with an injured foot as Victoria, one of the nomadic vampires, is watching over her.

Twilight Offical Trailer

Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)

In Twilight, Edward declines Bella's request, in Twilight Saga: New Moon, Bella wakes up from a dream in which she sees herself as an old woman and Edward young as ever. As the Cullen's organize a birthday party for Bella, she gets a cut causing Jasper to freak out after smelling her blood. That's when Edward realizes he did wrong by bringing her among vampires and decides to break off. Soon the Cullen's move out as well. Bella, depressed isoloates herself in her room. She even takes a bike ride with a dangerous gang member and faces a near assult but Edward saves her.

Then as Bella tries to live a normal life, she goes to the movies with Jacob, where she gets left behind as Jacob gets stomachache. Later on she finds out Jacob has cut his long hairs and finds out he recently got his werewolf shapeshifter abilities. Now, Jacob tells her to stay away.

Alice, who gets visions of the future, sees Bella jumping off the cliff, telling Edward Bella has committed suicide. Edward heads over to the vampire council Volturi to give up his life. They refuse so he decides to expose himself to the humans. Bella arrives in the nick of time and stops him, and meets the volturi members amazing them.

Twilight Saga: New Moon

Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)

The movie begins with Victoria tranforming a human, Riley, into a vampire and nakes him part of her new human vampire army as she wants to take revenge on Edward. Bella contiunes to try to convince Edward to transform her into a vampire. When Edward proposes to Bella, she is not willing so Edward says if she says, 'Yes, he will transform her into a vampire. Bella agrees.

Then Alice gets a vision, Victoria staged an attack on Forks with her human vampire army. So, Edward and his family chase Victoria inthe woods, till she enters the werewolf territory causing tension between the vampire adn werewolves. Edward decides not to tell Bella, but Jacob tells, infuruating Bella that Edward kept it a secret from her. Seeing Victoria's army is coming soon, the Cullens and the werewolves decide to train together to deal with Victoria. After the war, Edward gives his mother's ring to Bella and she agrees to marry.

Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)

Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (2011)

Several months after Bella accpeted Edwards proposal, she tells Jacob, she and Edward plan to consumate on their honeymoon. Jacob becomes furious as he's well aware of the outcome. EVerything goes as planned. Bella gets transformed and after their marriage, they set of for their honeymoon and consumate. Thouhg Edward feels sorry, Bella says, 'She's fine. A week later she begin to vomit, thinking it may be an upset stomach, but remembers her date is late. she calls Edward's adoptive father Carlisle, who's a medical doctor, telling him she might be pregnant.

On finding out, Edward is distraught as he knows a human cannot bear giving birth to a vampire baby. Edward begs her to abort the baby. So, Bella takes help from Edward's sister Rosalie to become her bodyguard. When jacob comes back, he fins a pale Bella. He also begs Bella to abort the child, but she refuses. Jacon runs out furious to find out his pack is plannng to kill Bella as her half-vampire child can be a threat to everyone. Jacob refuses and fights with his pack members.

As the pregnency progress's, they find the baby needs more blood, so Carlisle starts to bring Bella human blood from the hospital. But va,pire babies grow faster than humans and this is taking it's toll on Bella. Edward who was holding resentment towards the baby, as he felt he could lose Bella, softens as he can listen to his daughter's mind. After a painful delivery Bella gives birth to a healthy baby, whom they name Renesmee (Combination of Bella and Edward's mother's name). But after the delivery, Bella's heart stops. Jacob performs CPR, but nothing happens. Furious at the baby for killing Bella, jacob goes over to kill her, but the monent he looks into the eyes of the baby, he ends up imprinting her. Which means, now no one can harm her. Over the enxt days, Bella's body heals on it's own indicating she's a vampire now. The Volturi get informed about Bella. The movie ends with Bella waking with red eyes.

Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (2011)

Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (2012)

On waking up, Edward trains her to be a vampire and then she meets her daughter Renesmee. During the whole time the Cullen's and Jacob stay nearby Bella. Then Bella noticies Jacob's possesive behavior and finds out he has imprinted her daughter. Infuriated, she confronts Jacob who trues to justify his doing as it was natural. Bella's father Charlie on the other hand is trying to contact the Cullen's as after her marraige he hasn't heard from her. In anger, Jacon comes and meets Charlie, and tells her she ahs transformed.

Charlie goes to the cullen's house and meets Bella and Renesmee. Though he doesn't know about her birth, he presumes they adopted her. Charlie goes back content. As the months go by, Carlise keeps a close eye on Renesmee;s growth as he is growing rapidly then normal babies. A vampire, Irina sees Renesmee and presumes she's an "Immortal Child", which means she's a threat as a child cannot be reasoned into not drinking human blood and neither can be trained. And as per the law, such children can not be allowed to live. Irina reports to the Volturi.

Alice gets a vision of the Volturi comming to kill Renesmee so she says to get as many witnesses as possible to prove she's a half-vampire, half-human child. Bella knws the Voltuir serves punishments regrdless of being ruthless. And, she recalls Edward could not read her mind when she was a human becasue she had a special ability. So, she trains and finds out she can use her ability to shield any vampire.

However, the Cullen's manage to prove to the Volturi, Renesmee is a mortal child. Plus, Alice also shows Aro, leader of the Volturi, a vision in which a war ensues causing the vampires. the Volturi and the werwolves to die in the war. Even thouhg Aro gets scared of this, he still does not give up on the fact, Renesmee could be a threat to them in the future.

Alice also shows Aro another half-vampire-half-human child who's not a threat to the vampires. Thouhg Aro agrees, he leaves reluctantly. Alice also lets Edward read her mind in whihc Edward sees Jacob is there to protect Renesmee, making Edward feel relived. Then Bella and Edward share a romantic moment.

Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (2012)

Where to watch?

  • Peacock is NBCUniversal's streaming site where you can watch all five Twilight movies.
  • You can watch the complete series on Prime Video as well. Twilight Saga: New Moon and Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 are available for individual viewing as well.
  • The Twilight Saga series is also availble Disney+.

All of the above platforms offer subscription and rent feature.

Any possibility of a sixth movie?

NO, the Twilight Saga ends with these five movies. But an animation currently under development. The animation is called Midnight Sun. The animation will retell the story from Edward Cullen's prepective. Netflix confirmed the news in September and is expected to relase by late 2025 or early 2026.

Stay tuned as I will be keeping track on the latest updares on the animation.


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