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6 Best Ways to Discipline Your Child

Updated on December 3, 2018
Faya Haynes profile image

Faya Haynes is a mother of three adorable kids. Over the years she learns alot what works for her family and what doesn't.


What is discipline

Discipline is about helping children learn which type of behaviour is acceptable and which type of behaviour is unacceptable. It guides children towards their behaviour at home, school or anywhere. It helps them to develop ability to get along well with others and express their feelings.

Discipline works best when you have a warm and loving relationship with your child. It is based on talking, listening and understanding your child. Children who have a strong emotional connection with their parents are easier to discipline. When children feel safe and loved they will understand easily.

Discipline doesn't mean punishments. It's all about helping children to behave well. It is a very effective tool if used appropriately.

Here are the 6 best ways to discipline your child.

Don't yell at them.

Yelling makes children more aggressive, physically and verbally. It's been known to have long term effects like anxiety, low self esteem and aggression. It scares children and makes them feel insecure. Control yourself before getting angry that you lose control and raise your voice. Yelling may quite the children and make them obedient for a short while. But it won't correct them towards their behaviour. Address them towards their bad behaviour calmly but firmly.

Give them a second chance.

Everyone deserves a second chance. If your child misbehaves in some way don't get harsh towards them, explain them politely that this kind of behaviour is not acceptable. Calmness is reassuring which makes children feel loved and accepted inspite of bad behaviour.

Don't hit your child.

Parents think that spanking is fastest and most effective way to change a child's behaviour. Don't spank your children, it only teaches more aggression and violence. You spank to get your child to act appropriately. If you get angry and out of control you want to slap your child, stop there and calm down and think for the other alternatives to get your child behave well. Instead of spanking you can place your child in a time out zone. Placing them in a time out zone is a better alternative which allows them to learn from their own mistakes.

Reward system works best.

Giving rewards for good behaviour can also help you to focus on the positives in your child's behaviour. It is a very powerful way. You can reward them with toys, stickers, favourite dishes etc. Rewarding with stickers works well for children aged 3-7 years. You can use reward chart when your child needs to work on changing his behaviour. He can collect stickers on the chart every time he behaves the way you want. Use praises to motivate him to keep earning stickers.

Making family rules

Make 4-5 family rules and stick onto them. You may make more rules but it is better to start with few basic rules like help each other, be thankful, respect one another, no hitting etc. Children sometimes break rules or misbehaves. If your child breaks a rule, you may simply remind your child of the rule and give them another chance. It can be a great way to avoid arguments and punishments.

Praise them for good behaviour

You can prevent behavioural problems by praising your child for being good. Whenever they do some good work praise them and appreciate them. Your praises and appreciation will make them to carry on their good work in future. For example : when he is playing nicely with his friends, point it out and say, " you are doing such a great job, I am proud of you for sharing your toys". It is really more effective than punishing a child who misbehaves.

Overall, you can use different ways and strategies to teach your child the basics of good behaviour. Be firm, give them attention, set rules and encourage their best behaviour.


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