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Banishing the Bitterness

Updated on May 29, 2020
Stella Kaye profile image

Stella has an avid interest in physical and mental health and fitness related issues and facts dealing with sound nutritional advice.

Keeping an Eye on Anger!


Let Go and Move on

Bitterness and harbouring bad intentions towards others who you feel have done you some harm is an obstacle to moving on and will damage your emotional health and well being.

If you dwell on a bad incident that someone else has caused which you have been affected by it is only adding to the negativity. When issues that can never be resolved are taking up your thoughts and your time, it prevents you from beginning anew.

When anger has abated, bitterness or resentment often creep in if there are still unresolved issues. If these emotions are allowed to build up, hatred can easily become the emotion that is paramount in your mind and you’ll blame those you perceive to have created your problems even if they are no longer part of your life. This is only reducing yourself to the level of those who offended you and is totally unproductive.

Why let the pain of the past be a blight on your chance of future happiness? Surely if you let the bitterness take root, then the people who caused you trouble have only succeeded in harming you even more - don’t let them have that satisfaction.

It’s never easy to forgive and forget but you won’t manage to consign bad occurrences to distant memory if bitterness has a chance to take root and your thoughts are constantly preoccupied with events best forgotten. Instead of using your time productively and moving on with your life you will be allowing thoughts of retaliation and revenge to weave their tendrils deep into your mind. Letting go and moving on is always the better option.

Life is not fair - so don’t expect it to be. There will always be something to be bitter about but you have to ‘pick yourself up and dust yourself down’ when someone has treated you unfairly. View bad events as a learning experience and try not to get in the same situation again rather than be eaten up with resentment and angry feelings towards the perpetrators of your misfortune.

Bitterness can compromise the positive aspects of your life if allowed to take hold so that you only see the negative and blame others for all that is wrong in your world.

Being embittered about something can cast a shadow on everything so to prevent bitterness from taking a stranglehold you need to re-evaluate the situation that caused the bitterness in the first place and try to let more positive thoughts replace the negative ones. Whatever happens in life there will always be good events that follow bad.

Letting go of bitterness and resentment is a step towards closure and time will heal the emotional wounds you’ve suffered much faster if you try to banish bitterness from your life. The solution is to prevent the bitterness you've felt towards certain people from destroying the love you're capable of feeling for others.

© 2015 Stella Kaye


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