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Bedwetting - Teach Your Child to Stay Dry

Updated on March 15, 2011

The Most Effective Bedwetting Treatment

Dear Parents,

Are soggy beds night after night getting you down? Feel like you have tried everything to get your child to stop wetting the bed? Is your child becoming embarrassed by the stigma of bedwetting? You are not alone! Millions of children wet the bed every night. And yes, there is a safe, effective bedwetting remedy. Bedwetting alarm therapy has been proven to be the most effective long term treatment for childhood bedwetting. The Cochrane Report on Nocturnal Enuresis states, "bedwetting alarm use is proven highly effective in ending bedwetting with extremely low recurrence rates." The alarm trains the child’s brain to react to the full bladder signal while sleeping. Read on to learn how to decide if it is time to try a bedwetting alarm to help your child stop bedwetting.

Glazener CMA, Evans JHC, Peto RE. Alarm interventions for nocturnal enuresis in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD002911. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD002911.pub2

Ready to Stop Bedwetting Using a Bedwetting Alarm?


All Children are different and although most children are ready to use a bedwetting alarm by the age of seven, consider the following factors when making your decision to help your child stop bedwetting by using a bedwetting alarm:


The ability to learn a new task is distinct for each child. Riding a bike is a good example. Few four-year-olds are ready to learn the numerous skills necessary to achieve balance, control and safety of a two-wheeled bike. By 6 or 7, a much greater number have the cognitive readiness to learn balance fairly easily. However, a portion of children do not achieve this feat until the age of eight or older. The vast majority will require a parent’s patient assistance to learn to ride a bike. Similarly, achieving night time dryness using an alarm is also a learned response. A highly motivated four or five-year-old may benefit from using an alarm, however most children this age are probably not developmentally ready to benefit from an alarm. The majority of children have the capabilities to learn to stay dry with the use of an alarm around the age of seven. A few will be ready younger and some may require waiting about a year. Remember, the child must learn a new response while sleeping, so it is imperative that parents participate in the alarm treatment process.


If a child wets the bed only once a week or less, then it is possible he or she will outgrow the bedwetting in the near future without intervention. However, a child who has wet every single night for six or seven years is less likely to become dry without intervention. In children age eight and older wetting several nights a week warrants treatment with an alarm. The odds that a child will simply grow out of the bedwetting are about 15% each year. The proper, consistent use of a bedwetting alarm at this age will result in 75-90% chance the child will learn to stay dry at night.


Most seven and eight-year-olds are cognitively ready to try alarm treatment. A highly motivated child of 5 or 6 years of age may also do well with the alarm process. On the other hand, strong reluctance in an older child can make the process more challenging. Children exhibiting major reluctance usually do so out of an inward fear of failure. This type of fear will cause some children to feign indifference or pessimism towards alarm use. Parents should keep a positive, encouraging attitude. Remind the child how they accomplished some other task, like: learning to read, improving at a sport or even winning a video game. Practice and perseverance can help them learn to stay dry while sleeping too. A great tool for parents is the children’s book, Prince Bravery and Grace-Attack of the Wet Knights. This clever children's story deals with bedwetting and alarms in a fun, child-friendly way. The story about a Prince and his golden dragon who ultimately defeat the "Wet Knights" encourages a sense of optimism and enthusiasm about alarm use. And an enthusiastic child typically sees prompt results, so parents should definitely get this book and read it with your child. If the initial enthusiasm begins to wane it is up to parents to stay upbeat and positive, and encourage their child to see the process through. One of the main reasons treatment does not work is giving up and quitting too soon.


Young children are often indifferent to the issue of bedwetting. As children grow older some begin to live in fear that their friends will find out or that there is something medically wrong with them. Many children also feel extremely isolated, believing they are the only one dealing with bedwetting at their age. This constant stress can have quite a negative effect on a child. Parents must assess the overall distress a child exhibits concerning the bedwetting. A six-year-old who appears unconcerned about the bedwetting may just require supportive measures. However, an older child who seems to be embarrassed and shows loss of self esteem should be treated with great empathy. The use of an alarm generally results in shortening the number of years a child will ultimately struggle with bedwetting.

Best bedwetting book for kids: Prince Bravery and Grace - Attack of the Wet Knights

Team with Your Child to End Bedwetting

Keeping a positive, understanding attitude about bedwetting is the most beneficial response a parent can exhibit. Next, take into consideration the child’s age and attitude toward the bedwetting. If the nightly bedwetting begins to lower your child’s self esteem, then it is time to introduce bedwetting alarms. A great resource for introducing bedwetting alarms in a child friendly way is the book, Prince Bravery and Grace - Attack of the Wet Knights. Children learn the bedwetting alarm trains the brain to react to the full bladder signal while sleeping. Bedwetting alarm therapy has been proven to be the most effective long term treatment for childhood bedwetting. The alarm trains the child’s brain to react to the full bladder signal while sleeping. Children will definitely need the assistance of their parents to awaken by the alarm in the first week or two. So it is important for children and parents to approach the use of an alarm treatment as a team effort. Remaining upbeat and providing positive reinforcement to each small success will allow parents and children to experience a huge sense of accomplishment as they team up to finally conquer bedwetting. The look of sheer joy on your child's face when he realizes he has learned to stay dry every night, is worth every single second of effort!

Bedwetting Alarm Basics


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