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How Could You Have Done More

Updated on February 4, 2025
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

What could you have changed if you could have done more?

How often did you think you could have done more?

Could I have done more?

What could I have done to make things any different?

You could have done worse than good, right?

When you get a negative result, you wish you could have done more to see a healthy result.

The three Es are; Envision, Experience and Enliven.

Are you working on your three Es?

  • Life as you always know it is full of surprises.
  • If you take care of your health, you will see greater improvement or less improvement.
  • You can't change what happens in your life unless you are in control of the situation.
  • Any of the three possibilities affects you when you neglect to see it for yourself.
  • You do more for others than yourself.
  • What you do can turn out to be the opposite of what you want for yourself
  • So, you don't know what would have been, and how it will be effective unless it happens to you.
  • You can make the situation better, worse or outright on a downward spiral.

What could you have done more?

Maybe your pet would have lived longer if you paid attention to its health issues. You did not do more, so the results are bad.

These are the kind of thoughts that go through your head when something doesn't go your way. You can't always make it right or make it work for you.

No matter, how careful you are, or how perfect you think everything is around you. Something could go wrong and then you don't know how to fix it, or to make it better again.

What you can't prevent or fail to pay attention to can lead to a bad result and upset you. The unexpected moment makes you feel alone and angry with yourself.

Could you have done more for your pet?

Could you have done more to change the situation?

You could be doing everything right, and still, something would go wrong to cause you negative thoughts.

Your actions show weaknesses and sadness.

Negative actions show poor results. You couldn't have done to change what happened, but you feel that way due to the circumstances.

No sense in blaming others for what you couldn't do more for or seeing the bad in future events.

It happened and you must cope with it in your own way.

Everything happens for a reason that you don't see right from the start.

Whatever happens; be it a disaster or the death of a loved one, you can't control such experiences.

You didn't know when, where, and how to stop it.


You believe in something that might exist or happen in the future. It is something you focus on as in having a picture of that event.

For example:

You picture having a date with someone and hope it comes true.

An event that will happen.


To animate and to be cheerful.


You want to experience what you animate, and you want for yourself.

To get a reasonable answer about how you make a difference for yourself is to be able to handle what is coming toward you.

What could you have done more?

Could you have done better in your last job?

What could you have done more in your last relationship?

Could you have managed your emotions in a better way?

Could you have communicated more directly with your friend or partner?

How could you have saved your marriage?

Could you have done more to save someone else's life?

Do you regret not doing more for your family?

Change makes you see life differently and makes you a stronger person. If you feel that doing more could have changed the way others think of you, well, that is not how it works in the real world.

Look at life realistically what you see is what you get!

Everything is different for the first time. When you look at life in that way and each day, you tend to appreciate a lot more for yourself.

Dwelling on what you could have done, or you wish you could have done more won't make your life any easier, or harder than it already is.

Be the one to help yourself and focus on what makes you the happiest.

How happy are you with your life?

What more could you have done to make your life easier?

You have done a lot, and if only you could have done a bit more, that wouldn't have happened. I have heard that line many times.

He could have done better but ignored the faults. If only, he did that instead of this. You can write daily or write once a week. It depends on what you feel like doing each day.

Sometimes you can only do a little each day and continue to stay energetic.

You need to envision, experience, and enliven your opportunities to live the life you want for yourself.

How could you change what already is?

Interesting, boring, monotonous, and negativity in your life can make you a dull person. Y

ou don't know what is waiting for you around the corner until you get there.

Each step you take forward allows for another positive idea to grow in your mind to be that hopeful and happy person.

What you could have done is as good as a mile away from you.

Everything is part of what you do each day. Tragedies add negative issues to your lifestyle.

For example:

You wish you had done more to save yourself from drug addictions.

The bad experiences often make you wish you had done more.

What you don't realize is how life can be taken from you in a split of second.

Appreciate what you have and treasure those great memories.

It could have been worse.

You need to remain calm about your life and focus on enriching your ideas.

People grow and change all the time.

The path chosen allows you to see, the better you.

You could have done more if you listened carefully in some situations.

For example:

Her son had battled with drug addiction and married thinking he could stop the drug addiction and change for his wife.

The addiction worsened.

He died of a drug overdose and the family was devastated by this tragic incident.

The mother often says,'' She wished she could have done more.''

  • She tried and didn't fail in her attempts her son failed in what he was drawn to for many years.
  • People grow in their ways and share different tastes in what they do.
  • They are responsible for their actions.
  • The choices you make affect the rest of your life.
  • Wish you had done more allows for millions of thoughts that you can't change for better or for worse.
  • You tend to blame yourself for what went wrong, but not what went right.

Think positive!

What can make your life better and not so complicated?

  • You have to love and live your life.
  • Nobody can do that for you.
  • Think of what you can do for yourself and help others in need.
  • Remember, you can't do what you have no control over in your life.
  • Live in the moment and embrace each day.
  • Love what you do and focus on your best moments.

You want to do more for someone or yourself to make you or someone feel happier.

Be yourself


What could you have done more?

More or less what could you have done more?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2016 Devika Primić


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