I Know A Dalai Mama
Today's Mama
Mama's, take a bow! You deserve praise and adoration for all the work you do. I see you driving the kids to school, dropping them off and putting on the final touches of your make-up on your way to work.
I call my daughter the COE (chief of everything). She has a huge calendar in her kitchen, and every single day is written in with appointments and activities, exception of a small space on Saturday evening and Sunday evening.
I think she actually takes a nap on Sunday afternoon. That must be a heavenly time.
Today’s mama is the result of an historic change in the expectation of their role. There are not many stay-at-home moms left, because of the financial demands required to raise a family. It has certainly put stress on the consciousness of a woman, who more than likely feels a tug at her heart strings toward family nurturing.
The demanding levels to do everything, be everything, becomes a juggle act. I was talking to my daughter once, and she didn't hear a word I said…her eyes stared straight through me, probably trying to figure out how to handle two appointments made at the same hour.
I try to help when I can, although she hesitates to ask me. I might pick up one of the kids after school, or stay with one not feeling well, until she gets home. Then there’s the homework, the cooking, the washing, the haircuts, the lessons. Whew! Just watching makes me nervous.
I can’t believe I once had all of those responsibilities. I am amazed, and I bow to all of you. You do it with such dedication, and you are satisfied to receive your joy in little encrements, at a dance recital, a two point score at a basketball game, a notice that one has made the honor roll. Just wait Dalai's, praises and roses will come frequent as they grow older. Ask any Grandmother.
The picture at top is my daughter. Doesn't she look beat?
P.S. This is Sunday afternoon. The daughter just called. She closed the door for the heavenly nap I mentioned. The two boys got in a fight. The daughter came in and whispered, thinking it wouldn't wake her and asked..."Can I go outside and play?" Then the dog hiding under the bed chewed on a cardboard box, then jumped up on the bed and vomited. So much for the Sunday afternoon nap.